Welcome to the February 2021 Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the February 2021 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

As Valentine's Day approaches, many of us reflect on the nature of love. It is all too easy sometimes to get pulled into the marketing of love presented by advertising and the media. These can include being "completed" by a significant other or general fuzzy feelings towards the people in our lives. In the past, if we felt like we did not measure up, we may have tried to seek comfort from foods not on the GreySheet. This always led us back to powerlessness and unmanageability. We might have attempted to change this by using our own willpower, but we inevitably found ourselves pulled back into the cycle of the phenomenon of craving and the mental obsession that comes with taking the first compulsive bite. 

In GreySheet, we learn that love is a verb, and we begin to practice loving actions toward ourselves and others. We stay abstinent, we sponsor, and we are sponsored; we participate in fellowship and outreach; we protect anonymity, and we do service. Our dignity and self-respect are restored. Eventually we learn to not beat ourselves up with our character flaws, and instead to finally accept ourselves as human; to embrace the parts of us that are awesome; and to provide care and understanding to the parts of ourselves that are still growing and changing. We learn that a Higher Power can restore us to sanity and give us the strength to remain abstinent a day at a time, no matter what.

Upcoming Meetings

All interested GreySheeters are welcome!

Have you joined your GS sisters and brothers at one or more of these meetings? Each one is an opportunity to expand your recovery by learning more about the framework that guides our work together. If you’re a delegate, you’ll definitely want to clear your calendar and attend each of these meetings. This is how we get essential information and guidance for giving our best to the groups we serve.

1. Committees Connecting meeting ID: 663 470 166
    Sunday, February14, at 12:00 Noon ET
2. Concept 4 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    Sunday, February 21, at 1:00pm ET
3. Tradition 4 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    SundayFebruary 28, at 1:00 pm ET

Board of Trustees Column

Seventh Tradition Donations Report for 2020*

As a board, we set out to communicate to our fellowship the services provided – literature, website, public information, and the protection of the GreySheet program – and their costs. We planned to speak at GreySheet events around the world throughout the year, from the London Round Up in the Spring to the New York Round Up in the Fall. We believed that, if members of GSA knew what was needed to serve our primary purpose, they would donate to meet the need.
And then a global pandemic began. The board realized that the economic impact of the pandemic meant that many GreySheeters would not be able to donate as generously as they had in the past. We also realized that, with all of our in-person meetings suspended, it would be more difficult for groups to collect Seventh Tradition donations and contribute to their World Services. And, of course, all of the in-person events around the world were cancelled.
We are thrilled to report that, despite the pandemic, GreySheeters around the world donated $31,000 in 2020 and, with many planned expenses postponed to 2021, GreySheeters Anonymous World Services was “self-supporting through its own contributions.”
* For endless detail on donations and expenses, go to Treasurer’s Reports.
To donate directly to World Service, text NMW to 44321 or PayPal Treasurer@greysheet.org


GSA Special Events - Zoom Style

First Saturday Speaker Series - European Intergroup
Saturday, February 6, 2021, 2:30 PM ET
Zoom ID: 873 5002 0806
This is an Open meeting of GreySheeters Anonymous.
There will be two speakers. In between, we will celebrate GSA anniversaries with our very own Chip Lady!!!!
If people wish not to be seen, it is ok to turn your video off.
Groovy GreySheet Gatherings  - Western States Intergroup FUNdraisers
Monthly workshops to gather in fellowship, creativity and connection First Sunday of Each Month, 3:00 PM ET - GreySheet & Recovery Trivia!
Zoom ID: 968 3976 2598
When GreySheet is Your Valentine!  Northeast Intergroup Speaker Blast
Sunday, February 14, 2021, 3:00 PM
Meeting ID: 859 7998 2606

 Q & A

QuestionHow has GreySheet Abstinence made you a more loving person?

M: Having worked the steps in AWOLs over the years, I have certainly lost my self-centeredness which definitely makes me a more loving person in all my relationships.
R: Before I entered the GreySheet rooms, I resented everyone who was not suffering from the addiction that was overpowering me.  I resented anyone who was still suffering but was so foolish as to think they had a solution that worked.  My resentment made me look down on such people.  It kept me from truly loving them.
M: GSA abstinence has made me a more loving person in 3 distinct ways: 
1. As a result of putting my GS abstinence FIRST in my life, I have learned to love myself. After 4 decades of self-hate, this is nothing short of a miracle!
2. I can love others. Now that I put the oxygen mask on myself FIRST, I have an abundance of love to give to those around me. "It works, it really does!"
3. I even have love for ALL humankind, including those who may have hurt me or those with whom I disagree. Praying and meditating on the St. Francis Prayer has afforded me the opportunity to "seek to understand, rather than be understood." I never felt such incredible outward love for all living beings, as I do since I have had time in GS.
M: "My partner, who I have lived with for years, still asks me if I can have a certain starchy vegetable. Now, after 30 years of abstinence, I don't kill him. I just smile and say, "No."  I even do it kindly most of the time. I feel that this is an important way that GS abstinence has made me a more loving person."
H: GS Abstinence has made me a more loving person to myself. I ask God’s help, I put my food on my scale three times a day. Self-care.  Self-love. Learning how to feel my feelings and eat my three weighed and measured meals a day NMW, one day at a time.
E: Abstinence requires that I act, every day, many times each day, proving to myself that I really mean it. It has taught me how to tell the truth about who I am, how to show up when I say I will, how to be true to my word, all the very things I was not able to do in the food, that help me love my husband, my sponsor, my sponsees, my neighbors, my family.
A: Weighing and measuring my food has made me more loving as I am learning one day at a time to love myself. As I put my food on my scale, I make my concentration zone into what I am doing, then I can be present and loving to my family.
L: When I was eating, I smiled and tried to help you by telling you what you should do.  The longer I stay abstinent, the more I can 1) be honest, 2) be open and vulnerable, 3) realize “it’s not all about ME”, 4) be willing to make amends, 5) listen instead of talk first, 6) be willing to transform and change MYSELF 7) let others take credit, 8) be patient, 9) be willing to step up and make hard decisions even if they aren’t comfortable to me, and 10) accept difficult situations without a “poor me” attitude.

February 2021 - Monthly Board of Trustees
Liaison Report Highlights

Share the Vision!
January 17, 2021

Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think if GreySheet.
1. World Service Conference Committees
We have two new World Service Conference committee chairs – Ann R. from CT for PUBLIC INFORMATION Committee and Theda S. from NY for WEBSITE Committee. Email PIC@greysheet.org or Website@greysheet.org if you are interested in helping.

2. Committees Connecting
Dottie R. presented an inspirational and aspirational vision for GSA Archives – a searchable, virtual library/museum of documents and artifacts capturing our history. Submit photos of your meeting locations or other illustrations of your group’s history to Archives@greysheet.org; COMMUNICATION: Carla B. presented the exciting news that the Communication Committee is planning a GSA Podcast and an every-other-month Global Speaker Series called We Are One in 2021 which started January 16th. Email Communication@greysheet.org if you want to help.

Next Committees Connecting: Conference and Finance Sunday February 14th, 12 pm ET.

3. Intergroups
NorthEast Intergroup reformed and now meets first Thursdays, 7:30 pm ET.
  • Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York State, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Quebec, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington DC.
  • First Speaker Blast February 14th, 3 pm ET.
Phone Bridge Intergroup Needs a new Intergroup Service Representative, greysheet@greysheet.org for more information.

GreySheet WANT ADS 

The Literature Committee has spaces for two more voting members.

If you like to write, care about the future literature of GSA and are a GSR or ISR, please write to: literature@greysheet.org for more information.

Links to Notes of Meetings 

If you missed attending these meetings, never fear. Click on these links to see notes from these meetings:
Notes from January Committees Connecting meeting: http://bit.ly/3r8UGLD
Notes from January Concepts meeting: http://bit.ly/2MEH8J4
Notes from January Traditions meeting: http://bit.ly/3ajkCgN