GreySheeters Anonymous World Service Conference 2024 Delegate Training 1
Congratulations on being elected as a delegate to the World Service Conference!
The World Service Conference of GreySheeters Anonymous World Service is a business meeting where we make decisions for the future of our fellowship. All registered delegates attend two training sessions so they can participate effectively as delegates in the worldwide group conscience.
You will have two chances to attend each of the two trainings. The Sunday and Tuesday session of each training covers the same material.
The notes including Q&A will be published on with a link in Service Matters. Subscribe to Service Matters
The Conference Committee will register and check in delegates for the training. More information:
Zoom ID 899 6677 4190 Universal passcode
Delegate Training 1: How to Prepare for the World Service Conference Meeting
Sunday, June 2 from 10:00am ET to 11:30am ET
Tuesday, June 4 from 6:00pm ET to 7:30pm ET
Because we meet on Zoom, we can include delegates from the West Coast of the United States to Israel. To include delegates from the Pacific time zone to the Israeli time zone, we can only meet between 9:30am ET and 2:30am ET on a Sunday. To accomplish the essential business of the conference in just five hours, we move all questions and most of the debate to the six months prior to the conference meeting. This session covers how to participate in that information gathering and debate.
We will cover
- Reading the proposals and their supporting documents
- Sharing the proposals with my group or intergroup
- Answering my group’s questions about the proposals
- Finding out my group’s conscience on the proposals
- Meeting the Board of Trustees candidates
- Studying the Traditions and the Concepts for World Service for the conference
Delegate Training 2: How to Participate in the World Service Conference Meeting
Sunday October 6 from 10:00am ET to 11:30am ET
Tuesday October 8 from 6:00pm ET to 7:30pm ET
As a formal meeting of 30-50 delegates from all over the world, there are expectations and procedures to make everything run smoothly and fairly. This training will cover how the conference runs and the role each delegate is expected to play.
We will cover
- The Rules of the Conference
- How to use the agenda
- Participating in debate
- Expressing a minority opinion
- Asking a procedural question
- Dealing with technical issues
- How to vote using the Zoom polling feature
- Book of Previous Conference Resolutions
- Nominating trustees
Event Information
Event Date | 06-04-2024 |
Location | Zoom |
Categories | Service Events |