GreySheeters Anonymous World Service Vision
“When anyone anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think of GreySheet.”
This is the primary purpose of World Service – to make sure that everyone suffering with a food problem has the opportunity to try the GreySheet solution.
How do we accomplish this vision? We have four core functions.
1. Maintaining the Integrity of the GreySheet Program
- The original GreySheet document and definition of GreySheet abstinence remains available to current and future members so that they may attain and maintain GreySheet abstinence. (See "Why We Don't Change the GreySheet.")
- GreySheeters Anonymous Groups and Intergroups follow the Cambridge GreySheet tradition, the Twelve Traditions, and the Twelve Concepts for World Service.
2. The Website
- is on the first page of search results when anyone anywhere searches online for a solution to their food problem.
- provides the most frequently sought answers for those suffering and those seeking to help them.
- makes it easy for someone to get started on their GreySheet abstinence.
3. GreySheeters Anonymous Literature
- GreySheeters Anonymous books and pamphlets provide experience, strength, and hope on attaining and maintaining GreySheet abstinence and working the Twelve Steps of GreySheeters Anonymous.
- GreySheeters Anonymous literature is readily available online and at GreySheeters Anonymous meetings and events.
4. Public Information Activity
- Using material such as pamphlets and flyers, GreySheeters Anonymous Intergroups, Groups, and Individuals inform those suffering, and those seeking to help them, about the GreySheet solution and the GreySheeters Anonymous program.
- GreySheeters Anonymous Intergroups, Groups, and Individuals have easy access to this material online and at GreySheeters Anonymous meetings and events.