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To attend a video meeting, email the meeting contact for the GSA Universal Passcode. To attend a meeting on the Phone Bridge (PBIG), email the meeting contact for the PBIG PIN.

Weigh 2 Freedom

Meeting Name:

Day: Sunday
Start Time: 10:30am
End Time: 11:30am
Time Zone: PST

Who may attend: Closed Meeting – Attendance is limited to people who may have a problem with food.

Meeting Type: Video

Zoom ID: 519853984
Zoom Link:
Passcode: Universal
Video Optional or Required: Video Required

Hybrid Meeting: No

Meeting Format: Rotating
Special Focus: 

Language: English

Meeting Description: EMAIL FOR ZOOM LINK.This meeting begins with a short reading from GSA or AA Conference approved literature, followed by 5 minutes of meditation and then discussion on the topic of the reading. No multitasking, video required. It is one hour long and focuses on positive pitches for GreySheet abstinence.

Contact NameKaren M
Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.