Service Matters • March 2022

Welcome to the March 2022 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

  1302 Hits

Service Matters • February 2022

Welcome to the February 2022 Issue of Service Matters! 

Welcome to the February 2022 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, "What's Up in GreySheet?" regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer. 

What Do You Love About Abstinence?

It's February and time to appreciate this glorious, terrifying, unknown, abundant and inviting world of GreySheet abstinence!! I asked some GreySheeters what they love most about abstinence, and here's what they told me:

CB: "Freedom of movement in my body."
JM: "My food!"
YA: "It keeps my head quiet, and I don't have to think about food."
MS: "I get to be a good role model for my kids."
EW: "I get to have a life in-between my meals."
KO: "Guilt-free eating."
VT: "Freedom from obsessions: of food, the scale, dieting/restricting..."
BL: "The integrity that comes from doing what I am certain is God's will for me."
JW: "The ability to make choices in every area of my life, to feel feelings, to be present, to respond and not react..."
JS: "Reclaiming my body."
CY: "Not having obsessive food thoughts every waking moment of my life."
MM: "It has given me freedom from bondage of self."
AT: "Peace around foods we don't eat and the supportive GS community."
DD: "Complete freedom from the obsession of food!"
LL: "Freedom from cravings and obsession – peace beyond my wildest dreams!"
EG: "I love that I'm no longer waiting for my life to begin."

What do you love most about abstinence? 

GreySheet Anonymous World Services 

Board of Trustees Safety Guidance Update

Zoom meetings have been a huge gift to our GSA community, both for connecting our members and for carrying the message to the compulsive eater still suffering.

Unfortunately, Zoom meetings have also given rise to an increase in personal safety issues and concerns. Electronic communication allows easy access to online predators and people whose intentions go beyond the scope of a 12-step meeting. Newcomers and members in fragile emotional states are common targets.

In order to protect our fellowship, especially our most vulnerable members, we remind sponsors and long timers to discuss the issue of personal safety with sponsees and newcomers. Ask sponsees about their experiences at meetings and with phone calls. Educate them that even in 12-step rooms they need to be aware of the potential for harm, including inappropriate sexual advances and the crossing of personal boundaries. Remind sponsees to reach out to a wide range of people to develop their personal support circle and never trust someone who claims to be able to "get them abstinent" and discourages the newcomer from speaking to others (yes, this has happened.) While our program is based on building trust in our fellows, none of us can be blind to the possibility of risk in sharing with strangers, whether in the world at large or in our rooms of recovery. Please remind newcomers to check in about exchanges or shares that make them feel even slightly uncomfortable. Anonymity need not be broken in order to discuss such concerns.

A word about the Zoom Chat Box: Occasionally, private chat messaging has been a vehicle for inappropriate conversation. As a result, certain meetings have opted to keep the Chat Box limited to public sharing only. Some members have also chosen not to post their contact information to everyone but to give it out to an individual through private messaging or through the moderator if private messaging is disabled.

Let's keep the Personal Safety conversation active. We have lost more than one newcomer to fallout from safety issues. It is tragic to consider that anyone would give up an opportunity to recover in our GreySheet rooms because they felt threatened by another member or someone posing as a member. We must be able to carry our GreySheet message to those who are still suffering. Please help maintain the strength of our fellowship and the integrity of our message by staying attuned to issues of Personal Safety.

No Matter What!

Laura L.

Board of Trustees, Vice-Chair

Personal Safety Committee, ChairEnter your text here ...

Register Your Meeting Before February 28!

Thanks to the many, many trusted servants of GSA Groups who have already registered their groups and listed their meetings for our exciting new Meeting Calendar coming March 1st.

All groups whether they hold their meetings in person, on Zoom, on Skype, or on a phone conference line, including the GSA Phone Bridge, need to complete a registration form. If your group has more than one meeting, you only need to fill out the group registration portion of the form once. If your group has more than four meetings, you download a spreadsheet to provide all the information once.

Registered Groups direct the work of their intergroup and of World Service by sending a representative to intergroup and conference meetings. Group members hear about proposals from their representative and have the chance to provide feedback. This is how we developed our Podcast, Service Matters newsletter, Living Abstinent book, Group Treasurer pamphlet, social media channels, and many other services.

Registered Groups list their meetings on The primary purpose of every group is to carry the message to the newcomer. Newcomers find our meetings through the website. To list your meeting so you can serve your group's primary purpose, register!

Click here to register:

Email with any questions. 

Start Up Sponsor Teams

GSRs: please read to your groups Are you a GSer who has been abstinent for a while but has not felt ready to sponsor someone on the GreySheet? Have you lost sponsees during the pandemic or has your life situation changed, making full time sponsoring difficult right now? If so, the Start Up Sponsor Team might be a great option for you in 2022.

One of the most exciting resolutions that received an overwhelming vote of confidence by the WSC in October was the creation of an official Start up Sponsor Team under the auspices of the Communication Committee. The group has been working for the past two years with people new to GSA who have found our solution on-line at our website or via YouTube videos and Zoom meetings. How do people get and stay abstinent with few (if any) face to face meetings to meet potential sponsors? This is the problem we face as our fellowship reaches more and more people, many of whom may not live anywhere near an active GreySheet community and made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Start up Sponsor Team is the solution we are creating, and with your help, we can grow this arm of service to help the compulsive eater who still suffers.

Start up Sponsors work with individuals one-on-one with individuals who are ready to start their GreySheet abstinence. Once you are part of the team, you attend a training for all new start up sponsors so that the information we give is the same. Using the Clarifications of GS Abstinence, you help the newcomer to know what is and is not abstinent on the GreySheet and help them plan the next 3 meals by phone. This initial contact takes about one hour. Then, you give the newcomer a list of ten eligible sponsors (people with 90 days of back-to-back GS abstinence) from the Phone List who are in their time zone and/or are the same gender with the instruction to call at least 3 people on the list every day until they find someone to sponsor them. You agree to take the newcomer's food for the first 24 hours, up to a few days until the newcomer finds someone to sponsor them. Start Up Sponsors do not commit to sponsoring a newcomer full time. Instead, they commit to being available to newcomers for a few days. Then once a newcomer has a sponsor, the SUS becomes available to help another newcomer. This is a one-year service commitment.

What's in it for the Newcomer?
1. They receive the time and loving attention of someone familiar with GS who can answer their questions.

2. They can start immediately and have an experience of GS abstinence instead of waiting days or even weeks until they meet 'the right someone.'

What's in it for the Start Up Sponsor?

1. They get the satisfaction of helping someone desperate enough to reach out via our GS website and make our solution possible and doable in those crucial early days.

2. They get experience helping people understand the GS. For a person just starting out as a sponsor, it's an opportunity to learn by teaching -- and build confidence to be a full-time sponsor. It's also a great way to meet more GSers.

3. They get to watch people grow who are new to GS.

4. They can ask for help from their own sponsor when they have questions that stump them.

5. They are part of a team that is doing some of the most important work in GSA by helping compulsive eaters who still suffer.

If you or someone you know or sponsor would like to get involved, here is the link to register: Start Up Sponsor Registration Please email any questions to: 

Contribute to Oral History Project

GSRs: please read to your groups 

All you need is 90 days back-to-back GreySheet abstinence and a smartphone to join in the joy of discovering and exploring GreySheet History. Do you know a GreySheeter who gives service or was around in the birth of the food plan or our organization? How about doing a recorded interview with them? Distance is no longer a problem - an interview can be conducted over Zoom. If you are interested, please email the archives committee at 

GreySheeters Anonymous World Services

Share the Vision Monthly Board of Trustees Liaison Report1

January 16, 2022

Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think of GreySheet.

Integrity of the GreySheet Program

  • The Board of Trustees will publish a second letter to the fellowship concerning members' personal safety in and between meetings.
  • The European Intergroup will print copies of the GreySheet in English for distribution in Europe.


  • The Board of Trustees approved the German translation of the GreySheet
  • The Literature Committee will send the Newcomers Frequently Asked Questions pamphlet to the Board of Trustees for review.

Public Information

  • The number of followers for GreySheeters Anonymous Instagram and Facebook public pages continues to increase.


The new searchable Meeting Calendar will launch March 1.

GreySheet Anonymous World Service
2022 Direct 7th Tradition Donations Target - $42,000

GreySheet Service Opportunities 

Board Secretary

Your Board of Trustees has an unexpected opening for the position of Secretary. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is a critical member of the board as she or he records the minutes of the monthly Board of Trustees meetings which provide a record of our decision making. We publish those minutes for full transparency to our fellowship: The Secretary is a trustee, i.e., the requirement is five years of back to back GreySheet abstinence and the term of office is three years. If you or anyone you know is qualified and interested, please contact Grainne, Chair - Board of Trustees at or Linda, Chair - Nominating Committee at We will be happy to answer your questions.

Note Taker

The Note Taker records attendance and main points of discussion at the monthly Committees Connecting World Service meeting. One year abstinence/one year term. 2 hours a month. If interested, please email Grainne, Chair – Board of Trustees at your text here ...

  1091 Hits

Service Matters • January 2022

Welcome to the January 2022 Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the January 2022 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

Share for the New Year

My experience with New Year’s resolutions never included starting a diet.  My obesity and compulsive eating started in my late 30s and by that time I had had some time as a PhD candidate in Nutrition and had learned the science (as we knew it in the 1990s) that fad diets may result in short term weight loss but that once off them, people tended to gain back all the weight and about 10 lbs. more.  So, knowing that, I didn’t diet. I wanted to lose weight for sure and saw the magazines in the grocery aisle, which made weight loss look so easy; yet I knew it could not be possible.  On the covers of those magazines were people advertised as having loss half their weight and getting them down to a healthy weight.  I’m grateful I never dieted, because inevitably there is the cheat day on a diet, sanctioned or otherwise, and having never made such exceptions, I do not have the habit of thinking I could get away with them.

For me, “no exceptions” is key to my abstinence, and I’ve been abstinent since committing my first weighed and measured meal on 12/20/2018. I lost about 95 lbs. the first year, an additional 34 lbs. the second year, and 29 lbs. in this past year. On December 1st, I weighed 155 pounds for a total of 153 pounds lost. GreySheet has saved my life—at 5’2”, my 308 lbs. were a lot to carry on my short body. I’d had a stroke 7 years before starting GS, considered and rejected my doctor’s recommendation for a gastric bypass, yet continued to eat compulsively. I was seeking weight loss, sure, when I came to GreySheet, but mostly I wanted to be able to not have crazy food thoughts because I knew that was my main problem.  I’ve lost over half my weight in 3 years, and without serious exercise.  A truly miraculous outcome!

Upcoming Meetings

All Interested GreySheeters Welcome!

Each of these meetings is an opportunity to expand your recovery by learning more about the framework that guides our work together. If you’re a delegate, you’ll want to clear your calendar and attend each of these meetings. This is how we get essential information and guidance for giving our best to the groups we serve.

- Concept 3 meeting ID: 791 453 380 on Sunday, January 16 at 1:00 PM ET
- Tradition 3 meeting ID: 791 453 380 on Sunday, January 23 at 1:00 PM ET
- Committees Connecting meeting ID: 663 470 166 on Sunday, January 9, Noon PM ET
- Town Hall meeting ID: 717 731 799 on January 30, 2022, 11:00 am ET

Sustaining our Vital Service Structure

Our primary purpose is to stay abstinent and help another compulsive eater achieve abstinence. All of the services that we expect from GSA to support our primary purpose, like literature, website, social media, meeting lists, phone lists, contact lists, and the actual GreySheet food plan itself, are provided by committees of the World Service Conference. These committees are composed of your Group Service Representatives (GSRs) working with Intergroup Service Representatives (ISRs) and Trustees. GSA does not have paid staff. Everything depends on your GSR joining a committee and contributing.

At the WSC2021, the delegates adopted a resolution called Sustaining World Service Conference Committees. That resolution outlined how we can be sure that each committee has the GSRs it needs to provide the services we want.

ISRs play a key role. Here’s what the resolution says:
Within one month of the prior World Service Conference, Intergroup Service Representatives (“ISRs”) shall inform the Recording Secretary of Greysheeters Anonymous World Services ( in writing of the top two committee choices of all the GSRs in their Intergroup Area. If a GSR is already on a committee and would like to stay on that committee, the ISR shall include that information.

For those groups that do not have a GSR, ISRs shall work with each group to elect a GSR. Once a GSR is elected, the GSR shall advise the Secretary directly of their top two committee choices within two weeks of their election.                                        
So all ISRs of our ten operational intergroups – Connecticut, European, Iceland, Israel, MidWest, New York Metro, NorthEast, Phone Bridge, Southern States, and Western States – will be getting in touch with all GSRs to confirm their committee choice. If you are a GSR, you can make your ISR’s job easier by emailing her or him yourself.
Together we don’t eat no matter what AND we carry the GSA message of hope to another compulsive eater.

Archives: We are Living History

The purpose of the Archives Committee is to collect, organize, categorize, copy, preserve, and electronically store historically valued documents, digital materials, printed materials, and historical items of GreySheeters Anonymous World Services, Inc.  

Our goal is to make the Archives searchable, and consistent file naming will insure this ideal.  Remember, we are living history, and the future is curious.
All trusted servants are asked to keep a copy of their documents on the GSAWS website so they may be archived and ensure continuity of record keeping as positions rotate.  The Archives Committee Collection Policy provides more detail and is attached.  How do you ensure that file naming remains consistent as positions rotate?  Create a template that is passed to the next trusted servant.
Does your meeting host events, keep minutes or treasury reports?  Your documents and flyers can be stored on the GSAWS website under your Intergroup. Contact: for a link to your folder.
A file name has 3 parts: (Origin) (Document Name) (Date)
- Phone Bridge Meeting example:  PB Tues 10 Am ET MINUTES 2021 12 16
- Live Meeting example:  Winthrop Mineola Sat 0930 ET Treasury Report 2021 11 29
- Zoom Meeting example: WE Thurs Eur 2000 UK Z SPEAKER EVENT 2021 Oct 11
Recording our growth as a program will help us move forward as we reach out to the sick and suffering.

Start Up Sponsor Teams

GSRs: please read to your groups
Are you a GSer who has been abstinent for a while but has not felt ready to sponsor someone on the GreySheet? Have you lost sponsees during the pandemic or has your life situation changed, making full time sponsoring difficult right now? If so, the Start Up Sponsor Team might be a great option for you in 2022.
One of the most exciting resolutions that received an overwhelming vote of confidence by the WSC in October was the creation of an official Start up Sponsor Team under the auspices of the Communication Committee. The group has been working for the past two years with people new to GSA who have found our solution on-line at our website or via YouTube videos and Zoom meetings. How do people get and stay abstinent with few (if any) face to face meetings to meet potential sponsors? This is the problem we face as our fellowship reaches more and more people, many of whom may not live anywhere near an active GreySheet community and made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic.  The Start up Sponsor Team is the solution we are creating, and with your help, we can grow this arm of service to help the compulsive eater who still suffers.
Start up Sponsors work with individuals one-on-one with individuals who are ready to start their GreySheet abstinence.  Once you are part of the team, you attend a training for all new start up sponsors so that the information we give is the same. Using the Clarifications of GS Abstinence, you help the newcomer to know what is and is not abstinent on the GreySheet and help them plan the next 3 meals by phone. This initial contact takes about one hour. Then, you give the newcomer a list of ten eligible sponsors (people with 90 days of back-to-back GS abstinence) from the Phone List who are in their time zone and/or are the same gender with the instruction to call at least 3 people on the list every day until they find someone to sponsor them.  You agree to take the newcomer's food for the first 24 hours, up to a few days until the newcomer finds someone to sponsor them. Start Up Sponsors do not commit to sponsoring a newcomer full time.  Instead, they commit to being available to newcomers for a few days. Then once a newcomer has a sponsor, the SUS becomes available to help another newcomer. This is a one-year service commitment.
What's in it for the Newcomer?
1. They receive the time and loving attention of someone familiar with GS who can answer their questions. 
2. They can start immediately and have an experience of GS abstinence instead of waiting days or even weeks until they meet 'the right someone.'
What's in it for the Start Up Sponsor?
1. They get the satisfaction of helping someone desperate enough to reach out via our GS website and make our solution possible and doable in those crucial early days.
2. They get experience helping people understand the GS. For a person just starting out as a sponsor, it's an opportunity to learn by teaching -- and build confidence to be a full-time sponsor. It's also a great way to meet more GSers.
3. They get to watch people grow who are new to GS.
4. They can ask for help from their own sponsor when they have questions that stump them. 
5. They are part of a team that is doing some of the most important work in GSA by helping compulsive eaters who still suffer.
If you or someone you know or sponsor (with a minimum of 90 days of back to back abstinence) would like to get involved, please send an email with your name, location, phone number and time zone as well as your abstinence date to:

GreySheeters Anonymous World Services

Share the Vision Monthly Board of Trustees Liaison Report1 December 19th, 2021

Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think of GreySheet.

1. WSC2021 Minutes and Transcripts Corrections Deadline December 31st 2021
   a. Minutes on / World Service / WSC2021
   b. Delegates received link to the transcript
   c. Send corrections to

2. Registering GSA Groups (and Listing Their Meetings) January-February 2022
   a. New registration form will launch on January 1st.
         i. Link in Service Matters and on website:
         ii. Email to currently listed Trusted Servants
   b. Groups will have until February 28th to register their groups and provide updated  information for their meetings. 
    c. Only those groups which register and update their meetings will be listed on the GSA  website and eligible to register a WSC2022 delegate. 
   d. Groups may register later. The online meeting list will be updated approximately  monthly until the new website launches. 

3. GSR Orientation January 16 and 18th, 2022
     a. Sunday January 16th 10 AM ET 896 6591 9622 
     b. Tuesday January 18th at 6 PM ET 838 9475 2685 
     c. Notes with Q&A will be published on / World Service / GSR Orientation. 
     d. We had a request for ISR Orientation, too. Stay tuned.

4. Quarterly Town Hall January 30th at 11 am ET GSA Passcode
     a. Your chance to raise questions, concerns, and suggestions about World Service. 
     b. What you need to do to implement resolutions adopted by WSC2021. 
     c. What’s unique and wonderful about the Western States and MidWest Intergroup.

5. World Service Opportunities
     a. Secretary: Abstinence: 5 years; Term: 3 years. Records the minutes of the decision making meetings of World Service, i.e., Chairs/ISRs, Board of Trustees, and World  Service Conference.
     b. Note Taker: Abstinence 1 year; Term 1 year. Records attendance and main points of  presentations and discussions at non-decision-making Committees Connecting meeting.  

1 For Board of Trustees Liaisons to share with intergroups; ISRs to share with their GSRs; and GSRs to  share with their groups. Committee Chairs may also choose to share this report with their committee  members.

Online Meetings List

We have our first GSAWS Group Registrar! This new World Service position supports the GSAWS Secretary by maintaining a complete record of all registered GSA Groups and their meetings. The Registrar receives all updates to groups and their meetings, updates GSAWS records, and submits to the Webservant for the online meeting list. Email to make any changes to your group’s meeting information on the website.

FYI: The online meeting list will only list Meeting Contact People and their email addresses, i.e., people who have committed to respond to email inquiries about the meeting within 24 hours. We will no longer list other trusted servants online (although we need this information in our offline records).

Coming soon: New online Group Registration form to list your meeting on our NEW website! Stay tuned.
More information: or

Conference Committee News

The Conference Committee of the World Service Conference will be holding its 7th World Service Conference meeting on Sunday October 23, 2022 via Zoom.

GreySheet Service Opportunities

Board Secretary
Your Board of Trustees has an unexpected opening for the position of Secretary. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is a critical member of the board as she or he records the minutes of the monthly Board of Trustees meetings which provide a record of our decision making. We publish those minutes for full transparency to our fellowship: The Secretary is a trustee, i.e., the requirement is five years of back to back GreySheet abstinence and the term of office is three years. If you or anyone you know is qualified and interested, please contact Grainne, Chair - Board of Trustees at or Linda, Chair - Nominating Committee at We will be happy to answer your questions.

Note Taker
The Note Taker records attendance and main points of discussion at the monthly Committees Connecting World Service meeting. One year abstinence/one year term. 2 hours a month. If interested, please email Grainne, Chair – Board of Trustees at
To my fellow GreySheeters,
I am a compulsive eater. Abstinent and Grateful One Day at a Time.
Are you a doer? Do you like making things happen? Are you a passionate compulsive eater? Are you a social media junkie? If any of these questions resonate with you, come join us. We are forming a taskforce to look at what recommendations we can come up with for the Board of Trustees to form an  Internal GSAWS Facebook account. The GSAWS Facebook Taskforce will consist of a temporary unit of passionate GreySheeters that will meet monthly for three months to provide recommendations (not a decision-making body) on the structures of developing an Internal Facebook account. 
Please indicate your interest by emailing me at  We are planning to meet every second Sunday of the month for three months via zoom from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m EST.
Joey M
Board Member

GreySheet Anonymous World Service

2021 Direct 7th Tradition Donations Target - $42,000
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  1180 Hits

Service Matters • December 2021

Welcome to the December 2021 Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the December 2021 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?”

regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

‘Tis the season of gratitude and what better way to express our gratitude toward GreySheet and our abstinence than to give back by helping to implement the newly passed resolutions!
Each committee needs new members with creative ideas and fresh energy to move forward.  We ask all ISR's, GSR's and members to help GSA achieve our goals and resolutions.  If you or someone you sponsor would like to get involved and participate, please email the committee you're interested in:

Public Information

Start up Sponsor Teams

GSR's: please read to your groups
Are you a GSer who has been abstinent for a while but has not felt ready to sponsor someone on the GreySheet? Have you lost sponsees during the pandemic or has your life situation changed, making full time sponsoring difficult right now? If so, the Start Up Sponsor Team might be a great option for you in 2022.
One of the most exciting resolutions that received an overwhelming vote of confidence by the WSC in October was the creation of an official Start up Sponsor Team under the auspices of the Communication Committee. The group has been working for the past two years with people new to GSA who have found our solution on-line at our website or via YouTube videos and Zoom meetings. How do people get and stay abstinent with few (if any) face to face meetings to meet potential sponsors? This is the problem we face as our fellowship reaches more and more people, many of whom may not live anywhere near an active GreySheet community and made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic.  The Start up Sponsor Team is the solution we are creating, and with your help, we can grow this arm of service to help the compulsive eater who still suffers.
Start up Sponsors work with individuals one-on-one with individuals who are ready to start their GreySheet abstinence.  Once you are part of the team, you attend a training for all new start up sponsors so that the information we give is the same. Using the Clarifications of GS Abstinence, you help the newcomer to know what is and is not abstinent on the GreySheet and help them plan the next 3 meals by phone. This initial contact takes about one hour. Then, you give the newcomer a list of ten eligible sponsors (people with 90 days of back to back GS abstinence) from the Phone List who are in their time zone and/or are the same gender with the instruction to call at least 3 people on the list every day until they find someone to sponsor them.  You agree to take the newcomer's food for the first 24 hours, up to a few days until the newcomer finds someone to sponsor them. Start Up Sponsors do not commit to sponsoring a newcomer full time.  Instead, they commit to being available to newcomers for a few days. Then once a newcomer has a sponsor, the SUS becomes available to help another newcomer. This is a one year service commitment.
What's in it for the Newcomer?
1. They receive the time and loving attention of someone familiar with GS who can answer their questions. 

2. They can start immediately and have an experience of GS abstinence instead of waiting days or even weeks until they meet 'the right someone.'
What's in it for the Start Up Sponsor?
1. They get the satisfaction of helping someone desperate enough to reach out via our GS website and make our solution possible and doable in those crucial early days.
2. They get experience helping people understand the GS. For a person just starting out as a sponsor, it's an opportunity to learn by teaching -- and build confidence to be a full-time sponsor. It's also a great way to meet more GSers.
3. They get to watch people grow who are new to GS.
4. They can ask for help from their own sponsor when they have questions that stump them. 
5. They are part of a team that is doing some of the most important work in GSA by helping compulsive eaters who still suffer.
If you or someone you know or sponsor (with a minimum of 90 days of back to back abstinence) would like to get involved, please send an email with your name, location, phone number and time zone as well as your abstinence date to:

Upcoming Meetings

All Interested GreySheeters Welcome!

Each of these meetings is an opportunity to expand your recovery by learning more about the framework that guides our work together. If you’re a delegate, you’ll want to clear your calendar and attend each of these meetings. This is how we get essential information and guidance for giving our best to the groups we serve.

- Concept 2 meeting ID: 791 453 380 on Sunday, December 19 at 1:00 PM ET
- Tradition 2 meeting ID: 791 453 380 on Sunday, December 26 at 1:00 PM ET
- Committees Connecting meeting ID: 663 470 166 on Sunday, December 12, Noon PM ET
- Town Hall meeting ID: 717 731 799 on January 23, 2022, 11:00 am PT

GreySheeters Anonymous World Services

Share the Vision Monthly Board of Trustees Liaison Report1 , November 21st, 2021

Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think of GreySheet.

Progress Report on Four Core Functions to achieve our vision. Please share with your group!

1. Integrity of the GSA Program

   a. The WSC2021 approved two resolutions that will protect the integrity of the  GreySheet food plan and our use of the Steps, Traditions, Concepts, Preamble,  promises and other A.A. copyright material. BOT Resolutions
         i. GreySheet Distribution and Disclaimer, Page 35
         ii. GSA Use of A.A. Intellectual Property, Page 40

   b. We have a new Group Registrar, Susanne W. at! Group  registration ensures that all meetings listed on carry the GSA  message.

    c. We have three new Note Takers. Joey M., Amy C., and Karen J., will record what  occurs at Town Halls, Committees Connecting, and Concepts for World Service  meetings. This ensures full transparency and accountability to our fellowship.

2. Literature
   a. The WSC2021 adopted all five resolutions proposed by the Literature  Committee, including the procedure to translate GSA literature and that all A.A.  Conference Approved Literature is now GSA Conference Approved Literature.  Literature Committee Resolutions
         i. Translation Procedure of the CAL Process, Page 159
         ii. Traditional Literature, Page 53

3. Public Information
     a. The Public Information Committee launched public pages on Facebook,  Instagram, and Twitter to carry the message to the public.

4. Website
     a. Check out our under-construction website

1 For Board of Trustees Liaisons to share with intergroups; ISRs to share with their GSRs; and GSRs to  share with their groups. Committee Chairs may also choose to share this report with their committee  members.

GSAWS Monthly Recurring Donations

a.k.a. Club 164

There’s a really easy way for any GreySheeter who is able, to make a monthly recurring donation via PayPal or Text to Donate.  Just go to and look for the “donations” tab.  From that page, the gold donate button will automatically direct you to the GSAWS donation page in PayPal.   Check the box “make this a recurring payment”  and you’re all set.  If you prefer text to donate (USA only), you can text NMW to 443-21.  You will be directed to a page where you choose the amount to donate and whether to donate monthly or one-time.   If you choose to sign up, a donation will automatically come out of your checking account or credit card each month.

Some GreySheeters have been doing this since 2015 when the practice of monthly recurring donations was first encouraged.  These donations were tracked and called “Club 164”, named after the first 164 pages of the Big Book.  In 2015 and 2016, approximately $8,500 was collected from monthly recurring donations.

Below is a pie chart where you can see the amount of donations that GSAWS has received as of August 31, 2021.  In August, 37 GreySheeters contributed $528 bringing the total year-to-date amount contributed from monthly recurring donations to $3,881 this year.  If you are able, please consider setting up a monthly, recurring donation.  Thank you and NMW!

db21a7ea 398a 0cd4 b745 a7771a068cfe
GSR Orientation

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to serve your group as a Group Service Representative? Have you ever wondered what your current GSR is supposed to be doing? Want to learn more?

Come to our first ever GSR Orientation. We will offer this one-hour session twice in December. Come to either (or both!):

Sunday December 12 at 10 AM ET
Zoom ID 871 0320 6001                               
GSA Passcode

Tuesday December 14th at 6 PM ET
Zoom ID 872 0871 3325                               
GSA Passcode

Registration requested but not required. We will send out some information to those who register at: All are welcome whether currently serving as a GSR, thinking about volunteering, or wanting to support your GSR.
Questions? or 832 856 1058

Online Meeting List

We have our first GSAWS Group Registrar! This new World Service position supports the GSAWS Secretary by maintaining a complete record of all registered GSA Groups and their meetings. The Registrar receives all updates to groups and their meetings, updates GSAWS records, and submits to the Webservant for the online meeting list. Email to make any changes to your group’s meeting information on the website.

FYI: The online meeting list will only list Meeting Contact People and their email addresses, i.e., people who have committed to respond to email inquiries about the meeting within 24 hours. We will no longer list other trusted servants online (although we need this information in our offline records).

Coming soon: New online Group Registration form to list your meeting on our NEW website! Stay tuned.

More information: or

GreySheet Opportunities

Board Secretary
Your Board of Trustees has an unexpected opening for the position of Secretary. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is a critical member of the board as she or he records the minutes of the monthly Board of Trustees meetings which provide a record of our decision making. We publish those minutes for full transparency to our fellowship: The Secretary is a trustee, i.e., the requirement is five years of back to back GreySheet abstinence and the term of office is three years. If you or anyone you know is qualified and interested, please contact Grainne, Chair - Board of Trustees at or Linda, Chair - Nominating Committee at We will be happy to answer your questions.

Note Taker
The Note Taker records attendance and main points of discussion at the monthly Committees Connecting World Service meeting. One year abstinence/one year term. 2 hours a month. If interested, please email Grainne, Chair – Board of Trustees at

GreySheet Anonymous World Service


2021 Direct 7th Tradition Donations Target - $42,000
067a19d1 84a9 1fc4 c677 d5c030ab51ec
  1240 Hits

Service Matters • November 2021

Welcome to the November 2021 Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the November 2021 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?”

regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

Upcoming Meetings

All Interested GreySheeters Welcome!

Each of these meetings is an opportunity to expand your recovery by learning more about the framework that guides our work together. If you’re a delegate, you’ll want to clear your calendar and attend each of these meetings. This is how we get essential information and guidance for giving our best to the groups we serve.

- Concept 1 meeting ID: 791 453 380 on Sunday, November 21 at 1:00 PM ET
- Tradition 1 meeting ID: 791 453 380 on Sunday, November 28 at 1:00 PM ET
- Committees Connecting meeting ID: 663 470 166 on Sunday, November 14, Noon PM ET

2021 World Service Conference Reflection

The 2021 World Service Conference was a beautiful GreySheet success!  After months of hard work by the committees, GSRs, ISRs, volunteers and trusted servants in our community, we gathered on October 17,th for over 5 hours to decide on the 16 resolutions that were presented for consideration.  Committees had worked diligently crafting their resolutions, presenting them to our membership and making revisions with the feedback received.  Unlike previous conferences that were held in person, thanks to the pandemic, this year we met via Zoom.  The social connectedness that is always such a wonderful benefit of in-person conferences was certainly missed.  But in its place was an opportunity for strong group representation from around the globe and an efficiency in group process.

62 delegates attended, supported by a contingent of volunteer moderators who managed the technical end of Zoom conferencing (no simple feat!) and timers who kept us weighed and measured in our presentations.  Returning from our previous conference were our trusted parliamentarian who helped us navigate all procedural questions and our transcriptionist who took down every word – and there were a lot of them!

Each resolution was presented by a member of the sponsoring committee speaking on behalf of the proposal.  Two members speaking against the resolution followed and an additional member speaking in favor of the resolution concluded.  In order to pass, resolutions were required to have approval by a minimum of 2/3rds of the delegates.  A representative from the minority opinion was given time to speak after the vote was taken and an opportunity to reconsider the motion was offered up.   Ultimately, all but one of the resolutions passed – some with little opposition, others with greater.  The one resolution that failed (#4) addressed the parameters for World Service Conference delegate participation.  There was significant concern about members with less than a year of back-to-back GreySheet abstinence taking on the position of GSR that ultimately leads to serving as a WSC delegate.  Clearly service is a crucial piece of staying abstinent. But in looking out for newer members, the opinion fell in favor of offering other service opportunities which would not include the responsibility and possible stress that can accompany the role of GSR/WSC delegate.

My personal takeaway from the conference was a feeling of awe at our amazing GreySheet community.  So many people committing hours, days, months in preparation.  So much care was taken in conducting a fair and transparent conference.  People remained open to hearing differing opinions and considering opposing viewpoints.  Sometimes minds were changed; always respect was shown.  The bottom line, that our primary purpose is to stay abstinent and to help another compulsive eater to achieve abstinence, was our guide throughout the process. I believe that the work that was done at the conference, along with the direction voted upon for future action, will continue to strengthen our program and our community, ensuring that GSA will remain a solid answer for people looking for a solution to their problem with food. 

A huge thank you to all who participated!!!!

Laura L.
BOT Vice-Chair

31st Annual NYC GreySheet Roundup via Zoom

Sunday November 14, 2021 
Celebrating RoundUps, Fellowship and Love!


Time: 1:00pm - 4:15pm ET 
Zoom information: Meeting ID: 853 6312 0160
Passcode: Universal
Suggested donation is $5 to NY Metro Intergroup. 
12:45pm ET - log in to see a friend!
1:00pm - 4:15pm ET
Noon - 3:00pm CT
11:00am - 2:00pm MT
10:00am - 1:00pm PT
6:00pm - 9:00pm London, Iceland
7:00pm - 10:00pm Paris
8:00pm - 11:00pm Israel
1:00pm - 2:00pm   PANEL: It Works If You Work It
2:00pm - 3:00pm   Breakout session #1 The Steps We Take
3:00pm - 4:00pm   Breakout session #2 Living Abstinent
We would love to see you on video, if possible. Please keep your laptop, phone and background still!

GSR Orientation

Saturday December 12th at 10 am ET and Tuesday December 14th at 6 pm ET

  • If you want to become involved in the exciting work of World Service, now is your chance!
  • GSRs CREATE on a World Service Conference committee throughout the year and DECIDE as a delegate at the meeting in the Fall.
  • GSRs serve a two-year term starting the month after the annual conference meeting, i.e., GSRs who have served two years rotate in November this year. (There is no maximum number of terms so groups may re-elect their current GSR.)
  • You need one year of back-to-back GreySheet abstinence.
  • GSAWS offers GSR Orientation in December.
  • Registration will open in November.
  • Newly elected and current GSRs are welcome as is anyone considering this vital service position.
  • We will offer Orientations quarterly so if December doesn’t work, stay tuned!

Questions? or 832 856 1058
GSAWS Monthly Recurring Donations

a.k.a. Club 164
There’s a really easy way for any GreySheeter who is able, to make a monthly recurring donation via PayPal or Text to Donate.  Just go to and look for the “donations” tab.  From that page, the gold donate button will automatically direct you to the GSAWS donation page in PayPal.   Check the box “make this a recurring payment”  and you’re all set.  If you prefer text to donate (USA only), you can text NMW to 443-21.  You will be directed to a page where you choose the amount to donate and whether to donate monthly or one-time.   If you choose to sign up, a donation will automatically come out of your checking account or credit card each month.

Some GreySheeters have been doing this since 2015 when the practice of monthly recurring donations was first encouraged.  These donations were tracked and called “Club 164”, named after the first 164 pages of the Big Book.  In 2015 and 2016, approximately $8,500 was collected from monthly recurring donations.

Below is a pie chart where you can see the amount of donations that GSAWS has received as of August 31, 2021.  In August, 37 GreySheeters contributed $528 bringing the total year-to-date amount contributed from monthly recurring donations to $3,881 this year.  If you are able, please consider setting up a monthly, recurring donation.  Thank you and NMW!
db21a7ea 398a 0cd4 b745 a7771a068cfe
GreySheet Opportunities
Board Secretary
Your Board of Trustees has an unexpected opening for the position of Secretary. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is a critical member of the board as she or he records the minutes of the monthly Board of Trustees meetings which provide a record of our decision making. We publish those minutes for full transparency to our fellowship: The Secretary is a trustee, i.e., the requirement is five years of back to back GreySheet abstinence and the term of office is three years. If you or anyone you know is qualified and interested, please contact Grainne, Chair - Board of Trustees at or Linda, Chair - Nominating Committee at We will be happy to answer your questions.

Website Committee
Your Website Committee has many opportunities for willing volunteers to help with the many non-technical tasks that it takes to keep the current website up and running and get the new website ready to launch. If you are an elected GSR, you can join the committee as a voting member if you want to help make decisions about the website or you can assist the committee with time-limited tasks as a non-voting volunteer. There’s lots to be done that doesn’t require web development or programming skills. Our website is the public face of GreySheeters Anonymous – the first thing that many newcomers see when they look for a solution online. Help us make it serve our primary purpose. Contact Linda, chair Nominating Committee at

GreySheet Anonymous World Service

2021 Direct 7th Tradition Donations Target - $42,000
78eefccf 88d0 9d70 7943 eeb1ac228a0a

Links to Notes of Meetings 
If you missed attending these meetings, never fear. Click on these links to see notes from these meetings; Notes are also available at
Notes from September Committees Connecting meeting:
Notes from September Concepts meeting
Notes from September Traditions meeting:
  988 Hits

Service Matters • October 2021

Welcome to the October 2021 Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the October 2021 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?”

regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.


Dear Fellow GreySheeters,
We will hold our 2021 World Service Conference on Sunday, October 17 from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm ET. This will be our first virtual conference. As we learn from our fellowship the meaning of a “WE” program, its success depends on how we actively participate in the process. We encourage everyone to understand the Standing Rules of the Conference. This will facilitate a smooth flow of our work on the resolutions and most of all, an enjoyable experience.
In preparation for the conference, we stress the following Standing Rules:

  1. Let’s talk about our food. There is a 30-minute break during the second session to eat a meal. At this time, we may turn off our video (but not log off from Zoom.) We encourage you to prepare your food before the start of the conference, so you have time to enjoy your delicious meal.
  2. Let’s talk about questions. Raise your digital hand ONLY to ask questions on the application of Robert’s Rules of Order or the Standing Rules of the Conference. No questions on the CONTENT of the resolutions or (this is new) anything said in DEBATE.
  3. Ensure your video is always ON except during the 15 and 30-minute breaks. The moderator will send us a chat if we turn off video and, if we do not respond within 30 seconds, she will remove us from the session.
  4. Roll Call at the start of Session 2. After the 15-minute break, we must respond to the roll call at the start of session two with our video on or be excluded from the entire second session.
  5. What is a Minority Opinion? After the vote on a resolution, the Chair will ask if anyone in the minority (those who voted against the motion if it passed; those who voted for the motion if it failed) would like to speak for the minority. Then the chair will ask if anyone in the MAJORITY would like to make and second a motion to reconsider the first vote. Only those who voted in the majority may make and second a motion to reconsider. We rely on your integrity.

The updated materials for the conference are available for download using this link:
Wishing all delegates of the 2021 World Service Conference a wonderful experience as we Trudge the Road of Happy Destiny!!!
Yours in Service,
Joey M, 
Board Member

A Message for the Delegates:

7th GreySheeters Anonymous World Service Conference Mtg
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Arrival Time: 8:45 AM – 9:15 AM ET
Zoom ID:  818 7770 0569
Password: Universal

The Conference Committee of the World Service Conference would like to reiterate some of the Zoom guidelines for our World Service Conference meeting to be held on Sunday October 17, 2021.
Please remember to sign in with the name you used to register, or you will not be recognized and we will not be able to admit you from the waiting room. 
For the conference, please remember to arrive between 08:45am - 9:15am ET. The Zoom meeting room will be locked at 09:30 AM ET. If you arrive after 9:30am, you will be unable to join the first session and will remain in the waiting room until the second session begins at 11:10am ET. 
FYI: We have 3 non-delegate GSers who will moderate the conference.
Your video must remain on during the entire conference, except for breaks and lunch. Please keep your device still. Please use a laptop or desktop only.
Make sure your internet connection is STRONG. If you lose internet connection, unfortunately you will not be able to come back into the conference (Stated in Standing Rules of the Conference) until the next session.
Please remember:

  • To keep your space free of all distractions such as family, pets or deliveries etc.
  • Please stay muted at all times and remember no multitasking
  • No eating - abstinent gum and drinks are acceptable
  • Turn off ceiling fans visible on camera, as the movement can be very distracting

For more details on the Conference’s Standing Rules, please visit
We look forward to a productive GreySheet World Service Conference meeting!

31st Annual NYC GreySheet Roundup via Zoom

Sunday November 14, 2021 
Celebrating RoundUps, Fellowship and Love!


Time: 1:00pm - 4:15pm ET 
Zoom information: Meeting ID: 853 6312 0160
Passcode: Universal
Suggested donation is $5 to NY Metro Intergroup. 
12:45pm ET - log in to see a friend!
1:00pm - 4:15pm ET
Noon - 3:00pm CT
11:00am - 2:00pm MT
10:00am - 1:00pm PT
6:00pm - 9:00pm London, Iceland
7:00pm - 10:00pm Paris
8:00pm - 11:00pm Israel
1:00pm - 2:00pm   PANEL: It Works If You Work It
2:00pm - 3:00pm   Breakout session #1 The Steps We Take
3:00pm - 4:00pm   Breakout session #2 Living Abstinent
We would love to see you on video, if possible. Please keep your laptop, phone and background still!

Upcoming Meetings
All Interested GreySheeters Welcome!

Each of these meetings is an opportunity to expand your recovery by learning more about the framework that guides our work together. If you’re a delegate, you’ll want to clear your calendar and attend each of these meetings. This is how we get essential information and guidance for giving our best to the groups we serve.
  • Committees Connecting mtg. ID: 663 470 166 on Sunday, October 10 Noon PM ET
  • GSA World Service Conference mtg., ID: 818 7770 0569 on Sunday, October 17, Arrival Time: 8:45 AM – 9:15 AM ET

GreySheet Anonymous World Service

2021 Direct 7th Tradition Donations Target - $42,000


Board of Trustees' Column

My name is Joey M. and I’m a grateful compulsive eater. Today, I take responsibility for my actions. That means I weigh and measure my food, I write it down, I call and commit to my sponsor on time and I don’t eat No Matter What. My primary purpose is to stay abstinent so I can help the next compulsive eater.
I am your trusted servant, a Board of Trustees member, 7th Tradition sub-committee, and Assistant Treasurer since 2019. It’s been an amazing journey as a board member. The idea of a service position at a World Service level was such a foreign language for me when I started. As I learn the Traditions and Concepts, I am able to provide the level of service that I can be proud of as a member of the GreySheet community. I learned to be open and humble, that there is wisdom in accepting that I may not be able to know all the answers, and how to trust that I can be guided by a Higher Power in all of my affairs. And with these attitudes I am provided an opportunity to be the person that I can be and not the person that I thought I needed to be.
We currently have openings for service positions: Trustee/Secretary, European Board member, Registrar, European ISR, Website committee members/volunteers. If you are interested in joining and doing service at a World Service level, you can contact the Chair of the Nominating committee-Linda GS or click on this link.

And if you are as energized as I am, I encourage you to join me as we trek this amazing journey to happy destiny. My name is Joey M and I am Abstinent and Grateful.

GreySheet Opportunities

Board Secretary
Your Board of Trustees has an unexpected opening for the position of Secretary. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is a critical member of the board as she or he records the minutes of the monthly Board of Trustees meetings which provide a record of our decision making. We publish those minutes for full transparency to our fellowship: The Secretary is a trustee, i.e., the requirement is five years of back to back GreySheet abstinence and the term of office is three years. If you or anyone you know is qualified and interested, please contact Grainne, Chair - Board of Trustees at or Linda, Chair - Nominating Committee at We will be happy to answer your questions.

Website Committee
Your Website Committee has many opportunities for willing volunteers to help with the many non-technical tasks that it takes to keep the current website up and running and get the new website ready to launch. If you are an elected GSR, you can join the committee as a voting member if you want to help make decisions about the website or you can assist the committee with time-limited tasks as a non-voting volunteer. There’s lots to be done that doesn’t require web development or programming skills. Our website is the public face of GreySheeters Anonymous – the first thing that many newcomers see when they look for a solution online. Help us make it serve our primary purpose. Contact Linda, chair Nominating Committee at

Links to Notes of Meetings 

If you missed attending these meetings, never fear. Click on these links to see notes from these meetings; Notes are also available at
Notes from September Committees Connecting meeting:
Notes from August Concepts meeting:
Notes from August Traditions meeting:

  988 Hits

Service Matters • September 2021

Welcome to the September 2021 Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the September 2021 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.


Hello dear community of fellow GSers:

We, in the Literature Committee, are so excited and grateful that you love the book Living Abstinent. Your feedback to us via your meetings is encouraging us to keep producing more literature for you.

One of the goals of the Literature Committee is to have literature that is available to Everyone, especially those still suffering who need to know about our wonderful solution. Putting reviews up on Amazon, and Goodreads and wherever else you can tell the world about our solution and our book, is one of the best services you can do to get the word out there. 

Please consider writing a short review and posting it. That way, other CE and food addicts can see how it has helped others.

Thank you so much,
In gratitude,
Sara S. in Paris
Chair, Literature Committee of GSA

Upcoming Meetings

All interested GreySheeters are welcome!
Each of these meetings is an opportunity to expand your recovery by learning more about the framework that guides our work together. If you’re a delegate, you’ll want to clear your calendar and attend each of these meetings. This is how we get essential information and guidance for giving our best to the groups we serve.

1. Committees Connecting meeting ID: 663 470 166
    Sunday, September 12, at Noon ET


2. Concept 11 and 12 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    Sunday, September 19, at 1:00pm ET*
3. Tradition 11 and 12 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    SundaySeptember 26, at 1:00 pm ET*

*Each meeting will be one (1) hour long.

GreySheet Anonymous World Service

2021 Direct 7th Tradition Donations Target - $42,000
72287405 7b9c 3cc2 2006 1b7e2bafcd83

GreySheet Opportunities

Board Secretary
Your Board of Trustees has an unexpected opening for the position of Secretary. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is a critical member of the board as she or he records the minutes of the monthly Board of Trustees meetings which provide a record of our decision making. We publish those minutes for full transparency to our fellowship: The Secretary is a trustee, i.e., the requirement is five years of back to back GreySheet abstinence and the term of office is three years. If you or anyone you know is qualified and interested, please contact Grainne, Chair - Board of Trustees at or Linda, Chair - Nominating Committee at We will be happy to answer your questions.

Website Committee
Your Website Committee has many opportunities for willing volunteers to help with the many non-technical tasks that it takes to keep the current website up and running and get the new website ready to launch. If you are an elected GSR, you can join the committee as a voting member if you want to help make decisions about the website or you can assist the committee with time-limited tasks as a non-voting volunteer. There’s lots to be done that doesn’t require web development or programming skills. Our website is the public face of GreySheeters Anonymous – the first thing that many newcomers see when they look for a solution online. Help us make it serve our primary purpose. Contact Linda, chair Nominating Committee at

Links to Notes of Meetings 

If you missed attending these meetings, never fear. Click on these links to see notes from these meetings; Notes are also available at
Notes from June Committees Connecting meeting:
Notes from July Concepts meeting:
Notes from July Traditions meeting:
  1037 Hits

Service Matters • August 2021

Welcome to the August 2021 Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the August 2021 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.   

Attention GSRs:
Upcoming Committees Connecting Resolutions - August 8th, at 12:00 Noon ET

This month, the Conference, Finance and Website Committees will be presenting their resolutions. They include one resolution that will be debated and voted on and two that will be included in the consent agenda on October 17.
The Conference Committee’s resolution to be discussed concerns the next GSA World Service Conference, which is to be held in the fall. It has not yet been decided whether we will schedule an in-person or a virtual meeting next year, so the resolution stipulates that this decision will be made by the Conference Committee in consultation with the Board of Trustees in a reasonably timely manner.
The Finance Committee has two resolutions that will be included in the consent agenda:
1. Adoption of GSA Finance Policies and Procedures that include accounting policies, sales tax policy, operating reserve policy, internal controls policies and procedures, budget procedures, internal financial review, and public disclosure policy.
2. Adoption of the newly revised brochure called, “The GSA Group Treasurer: A Guide to Service.” 
The Website Committee resolution in the consent agenda is about defining roles and responsibilities in the website committee so that GSA members will know whom to contact.
Please read the working resolutions and supporting documents before the Committees Connecting meeting on August 8th.

Upcoming Meetings
All interested GreySheeters are welcome!

Each of these meetings is an opportunity to expand your recovery by learning more about the framework that guides our work together. If you’re a delegate, you’ll want to clear your calendar and attend each of these meetings. This is how we get essential information and guidance for giving our best to the groups we serve.
1. Committees Connecting meeting ID: 663 470 166
    Sunday, August 8, at Noon ET

2. Concept 10 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    Sunday, August 22, at 1:00pm ET
3. Tradition 10 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    SundayAugust 29, at 1:00 pm ET

July 2021 - Monthly Board of Trustees

Liaison Report Highlights 

Share the Vision!
July 10, 2021
Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think if GreySheet.

Progress Report on Four Core Functions to achieve our vision
Please share with your group!
1. Quarterly Town Hall - July 25, 11am ET GSA Passcode
      a. Your chance to raise questions, concerns, and suggestions about World Service.
   b. Board of Trustees and Structure Committee will present their resolutions revised with your feedback from Committees Connecting meetings. 

     c.  What’s unique and wonderful about the Phone Bridge Intergroup.

2. New World Service Conference Material
     a. Book of Past Conference Resolutions
           Everything the conference has decided since 2013.

      b. 2021 Committee Members 
         Elected delegates making decisions in 2021.

3. Two new GreySheeters Anonymous Groups Registered
     a. NMW! Staying Abstinent Despite Family Challenges, NEIG Zoom Literature, Tuesdays 8 PM ET

     b. There is a Solution, SSIG In-Person La Plata Maryland Qualification, Saturdays 11 AM ET

4. Website launch postponed until 2022 - need more volunteers

GreySheet Anonymous World Service

 2021 Direct 7th Tradition Donations Target - $42,000

Board of Trustees Column

Greetings GreySheet Community,

 My name is Dan, and I am your non-abstinent Board of Trustees member.

As you know, this program borrows a lot of its operations and traditions from other 12 Step programs, especially AA.

Bill W., a co-founder of AA, realized that he could no longer be the elder statesman, and that some form of long-term management was going to have to be set up if the program was to outlive him. He had set up various management boards to get literature published and sold, clubs run etc. Mostly they were operated by “Friends of AA” as drunks were not to be trusted. From a business standpoint this made sense. But Bill and the early members realized that no group of drunks in Omaha or Toledo was going to listen to a board from New York. So, the idea of adding AA members to the board, along with “Friends of AA,” came about.  The final solution was to put the members in charge with the purpose of the board being to serve the members. So, they set up an “upside down” management style with the individual members as the “Owners” and “Directors” of the organization. If you have an idea on a new book or want a change in a pamphlet, bring it up at a business meeting.

If your group likes the idea, it goes to the intergroup level where the idea is shared among all groups in GSA. If all the groups like the idea, they pass the idea back to the groups to vote on the idea. Then you get to vote on the final approval and implementation of the Idea. The Board of Trustees’ job is to help you get this done.

I helped start a group on a Caribbean Island. It was decided that we needed to get more organized. I was tasked with calling “the board of trustees” to see the “right” way to run our meeting. I was told we could run our meeting any way we wanted to. When you do set up your meeting, please let us know so we can share that information. There are just too many ways meetings are run for us to direct you.  I asked, are you telling me that if we wanted to run a meeting where only green people could attend, that would be OK? She replied “Yes. But I might advise that attendance would likely be poor.”

In 2019 I was asked by a friend who was a member of the GreySheet Board of Trustees, if I might like to apply for the position of non-abstinent Trustee. The Board of Trustees consists of mostly abstinent and one or two non- abstinent members. I accepted the position and am currently your only non- abstinent Trustee. I am at your service.

GreySheet Opportunities

Your Board of Trustees has an unexpected opening for the position of Secretary. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is a critical member of the board as she or he records the minutes of the monthly Board of Trustees meetings which provide a record of our decision making. We publish those minutes for full transparency to our fellowship: The Secretary is a trustee, i.e., the requirement is five years of back to back GreySheet abstinence and the term of office is three years. If you or anyone you know is qualified and interested, please contact Grainne, Chair - Board of Trustees at or Linda, Chair - Nominating Committee at We will be happy to answer your questions.
Website Committee
Your Website Committee has many opportunities for willing volunteers to help with the many non-technical tasks that it takes to keep the current website up and running and get the new website ready to launch. If you are an elected GSR, you can join the committee as a voting member if you want to help make decisions about the website or you can assist the committee with time-limited tasks as a non-voting volunteer. There’s lots to be done that doesn’t require web development or programming skills. Our website is the public face of GreySheeters Anonymous – the first thing that many newcomers see when they look for a solution online. Help us make it serve our primary purpose. Contact Linda, chair Nominating Committee at

Links to Notes of Meetings 

If you missed attending these meetings, never fear. Click on these links to see notes from these meetings; Notes are also available at
Notes from June Committees Connecting meeting:
Notes from June Concepts meeting:
Notes from June Traditions meeting:
  1225 Hits

Service Matters • July 2021

Welcome to the July 2021 Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the July 2021 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

Attention GSRs:
Upcoming Committees Connecting Resolutions - July 11th, at 12:00 Noon ET

This month, the Public Information and Communication Committees will be presenting their resolutions. They include three resolutions that will be debated and voted on and two that will be included in the consent agenda. These resolutions to be discussed concern GSA’s participation in social media, the adoption of a GSA podcast, the adoption of the GSA Start-up Sponsor Team, which has been working for the last year and a half. The two in the consent agenda are about automatically subscribing new trusted servants to Service Matters and the suggested participation of all trusted servants in the monthly Traditions and Concepts meetings. Please read the working resolutions and supporting documents before the Committees Connecting meeting on July 11.
It is important to note that while it is exciting to ponder the creation of a GSA Podcast, and while there has been much enthusiasm for the project, what we really need to move forward are GSers with editing skills and the technological ability and interest to make this happen. While it is a relatively simple thing to record a voice memo on one’s smart phone, to get a quality recording, someone is needed who can do the editing and knows about eliminating background noises, etc. so it isn’t an annoying experience for the listener. Our main purpose is to carry the message to the compulsive eater who still this effort as in all of our efforts.
If you are interested in participating in the podcast project, or in the ongoing work of our website, please contact the chairs of the Communication, Website or Public Information Committees and volunteer your expertise. Our entire fellowship thanks you!!
Go the website to get information on how to buy it or go to, click Bookstore, type in Living Abstinent in the search box. GSA gets the most royalties when the book is purchased through the publisher. Can also use which supports independent bookstores.
If you live outside of US and Canada, go to your independent bookstore or use Amazon in your country.

Upcoming Meetings
All interested GreySheetrs are welcome!

Each of these meetings is an opportunity to expand your recovery by learning more about the framework that guides our work together. If you’re a delegate, you’ll want to clear your calendar and attend each of these meetings. This is how we get essential information and guidance for giving our best to the groups we serve.

1. Committees Connecting meeting ID: 663 470 166
    Sunday, July 11, at Noon ET

2. Concept 9 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    Sunday, July 18, at 1:00pm ET
3. Tradition 9 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    SundayJuly 25, at 1:00 pm ET


June 2021 - Monthly Board of Trustees
Liaison Report Highlights

Share the Vision

Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think if GreySheet.

Progress Report on Four Core Functions to achieve our vision
Please share with your group!
ntegrity of the GSA Program
     a. Board of Trustees revised proposals to the World Service Conference regarding the distribution of the GreySheet while strengthening our liability and copyright protection. Committees Connecting notes with new Resolution

     a. Proud to announce the publication of Living Abstinent

     b. Plan to publish the History of GSA within the year

Public Information
     a. The Public Information Committee has created a three-month bank of content to ensure several posts every week on our three new social media channels.

     a. Added purchase information for our new book, Living Abstinent.

     b. Still planning to launch new website September. Check it out:


Israeli Community Hosts an International Community Event 

The Israeli GSA community is proud to invite you all to meet the international community in the Holy Land on July 1, and July 15, 2021
2 qualifications in English - one from Israel, the second from the US.  
The qualifications will be held in English with a short summary in Hebrew.
Shares will be in any language the GreySheeter chooses.
Join us on Zoom: July 15, 2021, Thursday 20:30 Jerusalem (13:30 EST)
We are waiting to see you all in the Regular Zoom link of the Israeli
community: Password: Regular. 
If you need the password please send a WhatsApp message to Ofer + 972-544400600.

Board of Trustees Column

Hi GreySheet Community!

My name is Eunice M.  I am the newest member on the GSAWS Board of Trustees (BOT).  I was nominated and elected to the BOT in November 2020. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio.  My GreySheet abstinence date is March 18, 2004, and I am very, very grateful for my abstinence and the GreySheet program.  For the seventeen plus years that I have been a member of GreySheeters Anonymous, I have done service in several areas, including GSR for my home group, Phone Bridge PM Marathon Coordinator and Liaison, meeting leader, booker, timer, and reader.  I am happy to be a GSAWS BOT member. There is a lot of work that goes on at this level and I am still learning.

When I was elected to the BOT, the book, LIVING ABSTINENT, was in its final revision.  As I began to read the manuscript, I was amazed at the topics that were covered.  There are six categories and 27 chapters.  The six categories are as follows: Beginning Our GSA Journey; Nuts and Bolts of GreySheet Abstinence; GSA Recovery and the People in Our Lives; Protecting Our Abstinence; Slogans to Live by; and Life in GSA Recovery.  The chapters of the book cover topics of abstinence, getting through withdrawal, what is backup, dealing with friends who don’t support us, anger, and resentment, without exception, no matter what, and letting go of self-pity.  There is even a chapter that describes how GreySheeters are living through the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

The book, LIVING ABSTINENT, contains all the information that I want to pass on to a sponsee, but may forget.  I encourage everyone to get your copy today and maybe get additional copies for future sponsees.

In order to get your copy, please go to the publisher,  GSAWS gets more royalties when the book is ordered from the publisher.  The book can also be obtained through Amazon.

For more information about the LIVING ABSTINENT book, please contact:

Wishing you yummy abstinent weighed and measured meals, ODAAT,

Eunice M


Links to Notes of Meetings

If you missed attending these meetings, never fear. Click on these links to see notes from these meetings; Notes are also available at
Notes from June Committees Connecting meeting:
Notes from May Concepts meeting:
Notes from May Traditions meeting:
  1492 Hits

Service Matters • June 2021

Welcome to the June 2021 Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the June 2021 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

Breaking News!

The Board of Trustees has revised two of their resolutions based on your input at May’s Committees Connecting meeting. Click here: for all the Q&A from May’s Committees Connecting and the revised resolution. The revised Supporting Document will be published along with all other additional and revised resolutions in September.

Attention GSRs:

Upcoming Committees Connecting Resolutions - June 13th at 12:00 Noon ET

This month, the Structure Committee will be presenting their resolutions. They include:
   1. Registering Groups (including criteria to be a GSA Group)
   2. Creating Intergroups (including criteria to be a GSA Intergroup)
   3. How WSC Approves Policies and Procedures
   4. WSC Delegates
   5. Sustaining Committees
   15S. WSC Committee Chair Role Description/Role of GSR?
The first five resolutions will be debated and voted on separately on October 17. The final one listed will be included in the Consent Agenda with several other resolutions from the various committees.
Delegates need to read the resolutions and the supporting documents before discussing them at the Committees Connecting meeting on June 13th.  Download resolutions and supporting documents  at this link: The Structure Committee will be available to answer questions, listen to suggestions, and explain what is unclear to delegates in that one-hour meeting. If your group has a Group Conscience meeting before June 13, please go over the resolutions with them and solicit their input. There is time between now and the conference to have an impact on the final wording of resolutions, but it would be best to mention ideas now or be in contact with Staci L, chair of the Structure Committee.
Many people have questions about whether the Clarifications of GS Abstinence document is part of these resolutions, and the answer is no. The document was submitted and accepted by the Board of Trustees at the last GSAWS Conference, but there has been no action taken to incorporate these guidelines into whether groups are registered or not.
One important note: In the last two years, GSA has been putting many of these policies into effect. Resolution 3, “How WSC Approves Policies and Procedures” outlines clearly how committees have submitted policies, gotten approval from voting members of their own committees, and then brought them to the attention of Intergroup Chairs and Committee Chairs and the Board of Trustees, all of whom sign off on them. Once all these people sign off, the policies are considered official on an interim basis until the next World Service Conference, which is happening on October 17th! It is an inclusive, transparent process that allows for questions, explanations, and input as we grow and change as a fellowship.
It would be incorrect to assume that these resolutions are the result of a top-down management style. They are the works in progress of ongoing, deliberate and painstaking service, month after month, that is freely given by the people who step up and get involved.  And any interested GreySheeter is welcome to join the process!!

Upcoming Meetings

All interested GreySheeters are welcome!

Have you joined your GS sisters and brothers at one or more of these meetings? Each one is an opportunity to expand your recovery by learning more about the framework that guides our work together. If you’re a delegate, you’ll definitely want to clear your calendar and attend each of these meetings. This is how we get essential information and guidance for giving our best to the groups we serve.

1. Committees Connecting meeting ID: 663 470 166
    Sunday, June 13, at Noon ET

2. Concept 8 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    Sunday, June 20, at 1:00pm ET
3. Tradition 8 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    SundayJune 27, at 1:00 pm ET
Go the website to get information on how to buy it or go to, click Bookstore, type in Living Abstinent in the search box. GSA gets the most royalties when the book is purchased through the publisher. Can also use which supports independent bookstores.
If you live outside of US and Canada, go to your independent bookstore or use Amazon in your country.

May 2021 - Monthly Board of Trustees
Liaison Report Highlights 

Share the Vision!
May 8, 2021
Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think if GreySheet.

General World Service News

1. World Service Conference - Sunday, October 17, 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM ET

The group conscience of the worldwide fellowship

a. 73 delegates registered (1 GSR delegate will not attend)
  I. 12 of 13 Trustees (One just had a baby!)
  II. 10 ISRs of the 11 intergroups (Africa, Australia, Asia Intergroup has not yet formed)
  III. 51 GSRs of the 147 groups (35%)
  1.  Three Connecticut of 5 (60%)
  2.  Six Europe of 13 (46%)
  3. Zero Iceland of 7
  4. One Israeli of 35
  5. Three MidWest of 5 (60%)
  6. Three NorthEast of 6 (50%)
  7. Twelve New York Metro of 23 (52%)
  8. Seven Phone Bridge of 27 (26%)
  9. Seven Southern States of 18 (39%)
  10. Nine Western States of 15 (60%)
b. Delegate Training #1 How to Prepare - April 27 and May 2
    58 of the 72 attending delegates attended (81%)
  I. Trustees 10 of 12
  II. ISRs 7 of 10
  III. GSRs 41 of 50

c. Materials now available for download on conference webpage
  I. Agenda
  II. Standing Rules of Conference 
  III. Resolutions
  IV. Supporting documents
  V. Committees Connecting Presentation Schedule
  VI. Delegate training notes

d. Quarterly Town HallEvery second Sunday 12 PM ET May – October
    Come learn about the 30+ resolutions!
  I. Delegates expected to attend to ask questions and make suggestions
  II. Every GSA member is encouraged to participate

2. Quarterly Town Hall - April 25, 11:00 AM ET

a. Announced publication of the “Clarifications of the Clarifications!” i.e., FAQs about the 2020 report, GreySheet Abstinence: Clarifications and Sponsor Guidelines. Get a copy from your GSR.

b. Announced the Seventh Birthday of the YouTube Channel of the Southern States Intergroup.
Listen to the oral history
Celebrate with a $7 donation via PayPal

c. Announced the publication of Living Abstinent

Board of Trustees Column

Hello Fellow GreySheeters,

Writing this column for Service Matters, it gives me time to reflect on my gratitude for GreySheet abstinence, the GreySheet fellowship and for the opportunity to give back what I’ve been given by doing service as the treasurer of GreySheeters Anonymous World Services, Inc. (GSAWS).  It’s an exciting time to be part of GSAWS.  We have a World Service Conference in October where delegates from registered groups will gather to vote on matters that will help us move into the future.  Conference committees will present resolutions for projects and policies that we have worked on since the last World Service Conference.  All these things will serve to carry out our primary purpose to reach the next compulsive eater with the solution that works, the GreySheet food program.  (You can read all about the working resolutions at under the World Service Conference 2021 tab.)

GSAWS committees have been busy with updating the website, publishing literature, establishing ways to reach out to the public by using social media, developing a podcast, archiving historical documents to maintain our history for posterity and for future members, formalizing our structure and processes to ensure the continuity of our vital fellowship, and meeting with an attorney to protect the GreySheet itself.  In many ways, I see parallels to the growth that AA underwent as their fellowship matured.

As Treasurer of GSAWS, I am charged with the responsibility of creating a budget to ensure that the fellowship has the means to move forward on their projects.  The GSAWS Board receives the budget proposal, decides whether we can fund all the good work that needs to get done, or only part of it, and approves or asks for revisions.  We can estimate and manage the costs involved in these areas, but our ability to carry the message and have the means to do so is totally dependent on the generosity of our members.  And you have come through!  We have recently accumulated bank balances that are higher than they’ve ever been before due to your commitment and passion to carry the message.  Thank you!  We have received donations from intergroups, groups, and individuals.  Some groups and intergroups have made one-time donations of funds that were being saved to send a delegate to an in-person conference.  Since our conference is on zoom this year, these groups and intergroups were able to send in larger donations than usual. 

Some of you may ask why GSAWS keeps asking for more donations, especially considering the tradition to remain “poor”.  Along those lines, we believe that our operating expenses are quite minimal to support the fellowship.  We keep a prudent reserve of 50% of our annual operating expenses.  The prudent reserve is not a large amount.  However, to accomplish the projects that have already been voted on at past World Service Conferences, and to have funds for anticipated growth, the Board has established additional reserves that are set aside for specific purposes and won’t be used anywhere else.  These are noted as a footnote on our Statement of Financial Position that is published each month at and labeled “board designated restrictions”.

Here’s a projection of our cash balances for the rest of 2021:
Bank Balances, 5/18/2021     86,000
  Change in Net Assets 2021 (7 months remaining, revenue less expenses) 9,000  
Current Board Designated Restrictions: 50% Prudent Reserve 2021 (7 months remaining) 5,000  
  Style Guide 1,000  
  Website Rebuild 2,500  
  Literature 10,000  
  Podcast Microphone 2,000  
      Total Board Designated Restrictions 29,500 29,500
Projected Bank Balance, 12/31/2021     56,500

At this point, as you can see above, thanks to your generosity, we think we will still have extremely healthy bank balances for the start of the next fiscal year.  Let’s, all of us, DREAM BIG.  This will allow us to hold an in-person World Service Conference in 2022.  The cost to GreySheeters Anonymous World Services of an in-person World Service Conference is around $15,000.  We’re all enjoying the gift of the newly published book, Living Abstinent.  Let’s move forward with the other literature projects that have been proposed, a daily reflection book (conference approved in 2019), a history book (conference approved in 2016), and maybe even a second edition of our 12 x 12.  Each book will cost around $2,000 to publish.  Let’s move forward with additional enhancements to the website which could cost as much as $10,000.  Let’s provide more than a new microphone for our podcast.  What other things can YOU think of to reach the next compulsive eater?

GSA Special Events - Zoom Style 

FIRST SATURDAY Speaker Meeting
This is an OPEN meeting of GSA, meaning that anyone who would like to learn more about the GreySheet solution is invited to attend. There are two speakers, and in-between the speakers we celebrate anniversaries - years, months, and a day - with virtual chips!! So if you have an anniversary between May 1 and June 1, come get your virtual chip and let us celebrate your abstinence.
Saturday, June 5th
Start time is 7:30pm UK time; 2:30pm ET
Zoom ID: 873 5002 0806

No password, there is a waiting room

Groovy GreySheet Gatherings  - Western States Intergroup FUNdraisers
Monthly workshops to gather in fellowship, creativity and connection
First Sunday of Each Month, 3:00 PM ET 
Sunday, June 6, 2021, 3:00 PM ET

Games and GreySheet Trivia
Hosts:  Carla B. & Friends
Zoom ID: 968 3976 2598
PW: Universal

Audio Link for Zoom October NYC Roundup

The audio recording of the 2020 NYC GreySheet Roundup is now available for your listening pleasure

Links to Notes of Meetings 

If you missed attending these meetings, never fear. Click on these links to see notes from these meetings; Notes are also available at
Notes from March Committees Connecting meeting:
Notes from April Concepts meeting:
Notes from April Traditions meeting:
When anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food,
I want them to think of the GreySheet solution,
for that I am responsible.
  1189 Hits

Service Matters • May 2021

Welcome to the May 2021 Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the May 2021 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

Attention GSRs: Preparing for the World Service Conference 2021

Q: How does a GSR inform his/her group about resolutions for the World Service Conference October 2021? I know it’s my job to inform, explain and listen to my group members/ ideas, but how does that actually work?

A: Each group can decide how to do this between now and October. One group may hold a special monthly group conscience meeting from May – October 30 minutes before their regular meeting begins so that any members who want to discuss the resolutions can have their voices heard. Other groups spend their business meeting/group conscience (15-20 minutes at the beginning or end of a meeting once a month). Some groups spend 5 minutes at each meeting discussing 1-2 resolutions at a time.
Some resolutions are more important to members and groups than others. The Finance Committee’s policies and procedures, for example, may not garner as much interest as the Structure Committee’s criteria to be registered as a GS group. Nevertheless, as a GSR, you want to do your best to let people know what will be voted on at the conference and give them a chance to discuss it.
GSR’s need to become familiar with the resolutions that will be voted on at the WSC. You can find each one, with back-up information, on the website using this link:
Download, print and read all of them. It’s a good idea to follow the same schedule as the Committees Connecting meetings. So, at the May 9 Committees Connecting meeting, the following 9 resolutions will be discussed by the Board of Trustees:

  1.  Distribution of GreySheets
  2. GSA and AA Intellectual Property
  3.  World Service Vision and Four Core Functions
  4. Website Privacy and Terms of Use
  5. Board of Trustees Functioning (Contractor and Trustee Travel Expense, Meeting Attendance, Rules of Order, and Standing Rules, Role of Liaison)
  6. WSC Minutes and Transcript Correction Processes
  7. Plan to Improve Seventh Tradition Donations
  8. Personal Safety Guidance
  9. Interim Style Guide

While all of these are important, resolutions 31-35 will be brought to a vote together in the Consent Agenda. Only #27-30 in this group will be discussed and voted on separately at the conference. By all means, make sure you discuss this topic and get your group’s questions and concerns about it, so that you can bring them to the Committees Connecting meeting on May 9.
At the June 13th CCing meeting, the following 6 resolutions will be presented by the Structure Committee. #26 will be part of the Consent Agenda. #21 – 25 will be discussed and voted on separately. Start with the resolutions in bold.

   21. Registering Groups (including criteria to be a GSA Group)
   22. Creating Intergroups (including criteria to be a GSA Intergroup)
   23. WSC Approves Policies and Procedures
   24. WSC Delegate Requirements
   25. Sustaining Committees
   26. Committee Chair Role Description
If your group’s questions and concerns are not addressed at the Committees Connecting meetings, GSR’s are encouraged to contact the committee chairs by Email to let them know how your members feel and perhaps make suggestions about how the resolutions can be modified. Revisions to resolutions will be discussed at the October 10 Committees Connecting meeting, the final one before the conference on the 17th.

Upcoming Meetings

All interested GreySheeters are welcome!

Have you joined your GS sisters and brothers at one or more of these meetings? Each one is an opportunity to expand your recovery by learning more about the framework that guides our work together. If you’re a delegate, you’ll definitely want to clear your calendar and attend each of these meetings. This is how we get essential information and guidance for giving our best to the groups we serve.

1. Committees Connecting meeting ID: 663 470 166
    Sunday, May 9, at Noon ET

2. Concept 8 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    Sunday, May 16, at 1:00pm ET
3. Tradition 8 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    SundayMay 23, at 1:00 pm ET

Board of Trustees Column

My name is Lee, I’m a compulsive eater, and my abstinence date is March 23, 2000.  I joined the BOT as Assistant Secretary in September, 2019.  One of the things I love about GSA is that while we are worldwide, we are also still small enough that we can be part of the process of helping it grow at the World Service level.  Though I had never thought of myself as the “type” to do this kind of service, I was asked, and felt guided to step up my service.  It has been an honor and a pleasure.
It has been very exciting to watch our GreySheet community grow worldwide.  As Liaison to the Literature Committee, I took on the “special project” of overseeing the process of getting our literature translated into other languages.  We currently have translations of the GreySheet into Spanish (Latin American), Dutch, Polish, Hebrew and Icelandic.  Also in process are translations into Castilian Spanish, French, German and Bulgarian. 
About a year ago, we developed a more formal approach to approving translations. There are two main reasons for this.  1) We want to make sure that whatever is translated is equivalent to the English version 2) We were told by our legal expert that we have to protect our copyright.  While anyone is welcome (and encouraged) to propose a translation, there is a short and simple application which must be approved by both the Literature Committee and the Board.  The translator needs to share his/her qualifications, and there also needs to be a reviewer.  Once approved, an Agreement is signed stating that the copyright remains with GSA.  Finally, there needs to be a plan for distribution, usually through the associated Intergroup.  The process is the same for any piece of GreySheet literature being translated.
It should be noted that while this Translation Approval Policy has been a working policy since 2020, it has not yet been voted on at the World Service Conference.  That is one of the Resolutions to be voted on at WSC in October 2021.  For more information, you can read the full description here under Working Resolution R.
I read recently that AA’s Big Book has been translated into 67 languages.  While we are not anywhere near that in scope, it is inspiring to observe the energy and enthusiasm of our members working to carry the message to as many compulsive eaters as possible, in whatever language they speak.

GSA Special Events - Zoom Style 

FIRST SATURDAY Speaker Meeting
This is an OPEN meeting of GSA, meaning that anyone who would like to learn more about the GreySheet solution is invited to attend. There are two speakers, and in-between the speakers we celebrate anniversaries - years, months, and a day - with virtual chips!! So if you have an anniversary between March 1 and April 3, come get your virtual chip and let us celebrate your abstinence.
Saturday, May 1st
Start time is 7:30pm UK time; 2:30pm ET
Zoom ID: 873 5002 0806
No password, there is a waiting room

Groovy GreySheet Gatherings  - Western States Intergroup FUNdraisers
Monthly workshops to gather in fellowship, creativity and connection
First Sunday of Each Month, 3:00 PM ET 
Sunday, May 2, 2021, 3:00 PM ET
Discover your Sacred Path through Native American Teachings 
Hosts:  Rose D. & Annette T. 
Supplies suggested:  Pen & paper for notes
Zoom ID: 968 3976 2598
PW: Universal

WE ARE ONE IN 2021 – Belonging to a Home Group
3 – 10-minute speakers from 3 countries
Date and time: Saturday, May 15, 12 noon ET 
Zoom ID:  846 8518 1548


April 2021 - Monthly Board of trustees Liaison Report

Share the Vision!
April 10, 2021

Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think if GreySheet.

Update on Four Core Functions

1. Integrity of GSA Program

The Board of Trustees has approved authorizing the Intergroup Service Representative of the European Intergroup to duplicate and distribute the GreySheet food plan in English in Europe. This will eliminate the need for the EIG to pay to ship GreySheets from the USA while ensuring that GSA members in Europe follow Distribution of the GreySheet, i.e., only distributing the GreySheet in hard copy from sponsor to sponsee.

2. Literature

The Board of Trustees approved the book Living Abstinent. The Literature Committee is working with the publishers on the design.

3. Website

The launch date for the new website has been set for September. The Website Committee is removing duplicate content and enhancing

4. Public Information

The Chairs and ISRs and the Board of Trustees approved the proposal for GSA Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter accounts to carry the GreySheet message to the next compulsive eater. The PIC is gathering material for the planned six-month bank to ensure regular postings.
Audio Link for Zoom October 2020 NYC Roundup
The audio recording of the 2020 NYC GreySheet Roundup is now available for your listening pleasure
Links to Notes of Meetings
If you missed attending these meetings, never fear. Click on these links to see notes from these meetings:
Notes from March Committees Connecting meeting:
Notes from March Concepts meeting:
Notes from March Traditions meeting:
  994 Hits

Service Matters • April 2021

Welcome to the April 2021 Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the April 2021 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

Question and Answer - World Service Conference

How do we go from a 3-day in person World Service Conference to a one-day Zoom conference?

The simple answer is we do only those things that are absolutely critical and required by the by-laws. We do without the time that was spent in years past debating motions, asking questions of the committees making the motions, and condensing many of the proposals that do not require debate into a consent agenda. We also depend on the preparation and commitment of delegates that far exceeds any  needed prior to this year.

In order to do this preparation, a few things are essential:

1. Delegates need to attend Committees Connecting meetings once a month on the second Sunday between May and October in order to be well-versed in changes and proposals that come to be voted on. Two committees per month will present their proposals. Delegates will have the chance to ask questions, make suggestions to improve the motions, and report back to their groups for input.

2. Come to the monthly, ongoing Concepts and Traditions meetings on the third and fourth Sundays of the month, respectively, to understand how our program works. If you have never heard of ‘minority opinion’ or ‘substantial unanimity,’ for example, going to these meetings will help you to understand significant differences between twelve step practices and regular corporate or business practices.

3. Attend two pre-conference Zoom trainings: one either on April 27 or May 2 (you can choose which is more convenient for you), and the second closer to the date of the conference, held on Sunday October 3rd at 1:00 PM ET or Tuesday, October 5,th, at 6:00 PM ET. Delegates need to attend both trainings.

4. Familiarize yourself with the proposals that will be submitted in the “Consent Agenda,” A number of proposals that are considered non-controversial will be included in this item, all of which will be voted on in one fell swoop. Seven to nine proposals which do warrant debate and discussion will get time during the conference, but this is the most consequential change from the three-day conference to having one Zoom meeting that lasts about five hours. Delegates need to read all the proposals, of course, and be prepared to vote on them on October 17.

The upside of having a virtual World Service Conference is that it allows more delegates to attend, particularly those who, in the past, have been unable to raise money to send a GSR when the budget was closer to $1000 per delegate, accounting for travel and accommodations. We hope more groups are represented and we have input from as many members as possible in our global community. If you have questions, please ask the Conference Committee at

Delegate Training 1
Tuesday April 27 at 6 PM ET
Sunday May 2 at 1:00 PM ET

Zoom Meeting ID: 568 843 9877
GSA Passcode

Upcoming Meetings

All interested GreySheeters are welcome!

Have you joined your GS sisters and brothers at one or more of these meetings? Each one is an opportunity to expand your recovery by learning more about the framework that guides our work together. If you’re a delegate, you’ll definitely want to clear your calendar and attend each of these meetings. This is how we get essential information and guidance for giving our best to the groups we serve.

1. Concept 6 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    Sunday, April 18, at 1:00pm ET
2. Tradition 6 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    SundayApril 25, at 1:00 pm ET
Board of Trustees Column

As a newcomer, my sponsor always told me to do service. Back then it was simple. I was told to weigh and measure my food, DENMW, show up at meetings and identify myself as a compulsive eater. As I reflect back on her instructions, I never took them for granted. She had what I wanted!  It helped me build a solid foundation for my recovery and simply taught me to show up. Over the thirty-five years I have been abstinent my life has gone through several evolutions and gotten very full and busy. Perfectionist that I am, I often beat myself up for not being or doing enough. Every time I turn around it seems like I have more on my plate. Thankfully, living as a GreySheeter I have learned to prioritize the order in which I get things done. I don't have to freak out, throw my hands up in the air and turn to the food when feeling overwhelmed. I can make a phone call (service) and know that if I weigh and measure my food (service) that the blessings of my life have the potential to continue to unfold. I know when I do service for our fellowship, I feel grateful. Sometimes it isn't easy to "show-up”, but I know when I "flex my abstinent muscles" I feel Grace and calm. Serving on the Board of Trustees has been an honor and a service position that I would never have thought I would qualify for. I have to admit that I got confused about the deadline for my commitment to write this column for the April edition of Service Matters. I am grateful that I was reminded of it because it gave me the opportunity to share a little about myself while doing service and admit to being "perfectly imperfect".

-Anne G.

GSA Special Events - Zoom Style 

FIRST SATURDAY Speaker Meeting
This is an OPEN meeting of GSA, meaning that anyone who would like to learn more about the GreySheet solution is invited to attend. There are two speakers, and in-between the speakers we celebrate anniversaries - years, months, and a day - with virtual chips!! So if you have an anniversary between March 1 and April 3, come get your virtual chip and let us celebrate your abstinence.

Saturday, April 3rd
Saturday, May 1st
Start time is 7:30pm UK time; 2:30pm ET
Zoom ID: 873 5002 0806

No password, there is a waiting room

Groovy GreySheet Gatherings  - Western States Intergroup FUNdraisers
Monthly workshops to gather in fellowship, creativity and connection.
First Sunday of Each Month, 3:00 PM ET. 
Sunday, April 4, 2021, 3:00 PM ET Bring Your Pet to Zoom Day
What to Bring:
  • Your Pet(s)
  • Pet Photos
  • Pet NMW Stories
Zoom ID: 968 3976 2598, PW: Universal

March 2021 - Monthly Board of Trustees
Liaison Report Highlights 

Share the Vision!
March 13, 2021
Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think if GreySheet.

1. World Service Conference

  • Registration deadline - March 15th
  • Motions and Agenda will be published on Service/World  Service Conference/World Service Conference 2021 - April 30th
  • Delegate Training #1 - April 27th or May 2nd
  • Committees Connecting every second Sunday 12 PM ET May – October to ask questions about motions (no questions at conference) and express opinions to shape the final motions.

2. Quarterly Town Hall - April 25th 11 am ET (

  • What makes the Israeli and NorthEast intergroups unique?
  • Personal Safety Committee report and recommendations.

Audio Link for Zoom October NYC Roundup

The audio recording of the 2020 NYC GreySheet Roundup is now available for your listening pleasure

Board of Trustees Town Hall Meeting

Sunday, April 25, 2021, 11:00 AM ET
Opportunity to Ask Questions!
If you have questions you’d like to ask the Board of Trustees, please email them to before April 20, 2021 ‑ Questions will be answered during the BOT Town Hall at the end of April.

GreySheet WANT ADS

The Literature Committee has spaces for two more voting members.

If you like to write, care about the future literature of GSA and are a GSR or ISR, please write to: for more information.

YouTube Qualifications

Wanted: Someone to announce new YouTube qualifications on Facebook and GreyNet after the videos have been launched on the YouTube channel. Approximate service time per month: About 5 minutes each to post the link on FB and GN. We launch about 10 videos per month.

Contact Kathy P.,

Links to Notes of Meetings 

If you missed attending these meetings, never fear. Click on these links to see notes from these meetings:
Notes from February Committees Connecting meeting:
Notes from February Concepts meeting:
Notes from February Traditions meeting:
  963 Hits

Service Matters • March 2021

Welcome to the March 2021 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question “What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

Keeping it Green During COVID-19

As we approach the month of March, we may reflect on the beginning of the pandemic a year ago. Frightening and stressful for a myriad of reasons, the impact of the coronavirus continues to this day and beyond. Some of us came into GSA as a result of where the disease of compulsive eating took us when we were suddenly faced with lockdown. Despite the stress, there were surprising benefits. Zoom meetings became more abundant. We created or strengthened relationships with our fellows via the video screen. We were able to connect with others through outreach calls to check in and lean on one another for support. Maybe we had more time to read (or write!) literature, or to do service. We prepared delicious meals at home. Leaning on the program provided a way for us to maintain balance and structure while finding our footing in the "new normal." Some of us found that this breathed new life into our recovery.

A slogan heard in the 12-step rooms implores us to "keep it green." This brings with it thoughts of springtime and is a reminder to focus on keeping the program fresh and growing in our lives. We do this by working our tools, living by the principles of the 12 steps, and giving the program away. Even as daily life continues to shift and change, we gain relief from our Higher Power and grow one day at a time in physical, emotional, and spiritual health through working the program of GreySheeters Anonymous.

Upcoming Meetings

All interested GreySheeters are welcome!
Have you joined your GS sisters and brothers at one or more of these meetings? Each one is an opportunity to expand your recovery by learning more about the framework that guides our work together. If you’re a delegate, you’ll definitely want to clear your calendar and attend each of these meetings. This is how we get essential information and guidance for giving our best to the groups we serve.
1. Committees Connecting meeting ID: 663 470 166
    Sunday, March 14, at 12:00 Noon ET
2. Concept 5 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    Sunday, March 21, at 1:00pm ET
3. Tradition 5 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    SundayFebruary 28, at 1:00 pm ET
3. Board of Trustees Town Hall 
    Sunday, April 25, 11:00 am ET

Board of Trustees Column

Why GreySheets Only Come with a Sponsor
Upfront apology - the title of this article is misleading.  I don’t actually know the official reasons that this practice was adopted.  But what I do know is that there are many benefits of this guideline and I wanted to share some of them here.

I got abstinent on the GreySheet on April 16, 1982 in Cambridge, MA.  My first GreySheet meeting was in January of that year.  Like many of us, I walked into that room with very mixed emotions.  I was desperate for relief from the way I managed (or couldn’t manage) food.  I had no more diets in me.  I woke up every day determined to follow some plan and by 10am I had already broken my own promise.  I was in a loop of bingeing, sneaking, vomiting, controlling, self-hate and obsession.  I was exhausted from trying to figure out this food thing on my own.

The first thing I learned in GreySheet was that I am a food addict.  In some people, sugar, starch, grains and carbohydrates set up a craving that is irresistible and insatiable. Along with the physical compulsion in the body is a matching obsession in the mind.  All that made good sense to me.  I heard people share about their personal experiences eating compulsively and I was told to identify with the feelings.  That was easy to do.  Like other members, much of my eating was done in hiding, in the dark, on the streets, in my car, alone.  This secrecy filled me with shame.  It told me I was weak, disgusting, worthless.  Addiction is liar and a powerful isolator.  It convinces us that we’re different, we’re bad, and that “one more can’t hurt; you can start tomorrow.” It never gets better and leaves us trapped and hopeless.

So here’s the thing.  A diet will never cure addiction.  No matter how many diets any of us have tried, no matter what our body size, no matter how much therapy we have or how connected we are to a Higher Power, no diet cures a physical, mental and spiritual malady.  If it did, we never would have ended up here!  With that in mind, it would seem preposterous to advocate giving out a grey piece of paper with a food list to newcomers saying, “Here’s the food plan.  Now you can be cured!”

The first step toward recovery from any addiction is to admit that we have a problem and ask for help.  Speaking with a sponsor allows us to break our isolation and learn what and how to eat with safety.  Being a person who has always preferred to say, “I’m fine, I can handle this…”, having to reach out to a sponsor to get started on the GreySheet made me feel unbearably vulnerable. And yet taking that risk is what opened the door to finding a way out of my food hell.

My first calorie counting book was called “Lose 10 Pounds, FAST!” Perfect title for an addict.  I just wanted the answer, I wanted it now and I didn’t want to talk to anyone.  They say in 12 Step Programs, “If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.” That pretty much sums it up. I binged on the same things all the time and none of it ever hit the spot.  It never got better, it never got different.  It only got more miserable. To experience recovery, I had to surrender to someone else’s way. That was, of course, the good news and the bad news.  However, once we take that leap, there is real recovery from food addiction and the GreySheet community is filled with amazing examples of that fact.

Now a word about the food plan itself.  When I first saw that piece of paper, it looked like pure, unadulterated deprivation.  Don’t tell me that a person can survive on a lousy list of vegetables and proteins!  And if they can survive, what a sad and sorry existence that must be.  Well, I would have agreed had I not connected with a sponsor.  The GreySheet itself is not self-explanatory.  Over the years our community has developed an interpretation that is abundant and scrumptious within the context of the plan.  If I did not have a sponsor, I would never know how bountiful my food could be.  I would also never know the freedom of turning over all food decisions to someone else so that my obsessions can remain at bay. 

So, as odd as it may seem in the beginning, a GreySheet comes with a sponsor because we are addressing the three-fold nature of food addiction:  physical, mental and spiritual.  Standing alone, the GreySheet basically looks like a low-carbohydrate food plan, and not an exciting one at that.  But with the guidance of a sponsor and the support of the community and the program, the GreySheet can offer the keys to freedom from the insanity of compulsive eating.  It is a delicious and amazing journey that is not to be missed!
Laura L.
Connecticut, USA

GSA Special Events - Zoom Style 

Groovy GreySheet Gatherings  - Western States Intergroup FUNdraisers
Monthly workshops to gather in fellowship, creativity and connection.
First Sunday of Each Month, 3:00 PM ET. 
Sunday, March 7, 2021, 3:00 PM ET GreySheet Affirmation Signs
Zoom ID: 968 3976 2598
The Communication Committee Presents: 
We Are One in 2021
A Global Speaker Series Fundraiser to Support GSA World Services
Part 2: Connecting through Sponsorship in GreySheet
Saturday March 20, 12:00-1:30pm ET
3 speakers followed by shares and fellowship
Zoom Meeting ID: 818 4756 677

Board of Trustees- SAVE THE DATE 
Sunday, April 25, 2021, 11:00 AM ET
Zoom ID: 717 773 1799

March 2021 - Monthly Board of Trustees
Liaison Report Highlights 

Share the Vision!
February 21, 2021
Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think of GreySheet.
1. Integrity of the GreySheet Program
Board of Trustees is finalizing Frequently Asked Questions about the August 2020 report, GreySheet Abstinence: Clarifications and Sponsor Guidelines. These will be emailed to all ISRs for distribution to all GSRs." target="_blank" rel="alternate noopener noreferrer" data-mce-href="mailto:mail to:">

2. Literature
The Board of Trustees will review the new book Living Abstinent book in February to vote on publication and printing." target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-mce-href="mailto:mail to:">

3. Public Information 
The Chairs/ISRs approved the proposal for a social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The proposal goes next to the Board of Trustees." target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-mce-href="mailto:mail to:">

4. Website
Website Committee is finalizing the new online Group registration form so that all GSA groups can submit their updated information to GSA and for the meeting list on the website. Committee is also finalizing the online WSC2021 Conference Delegate registration form so that all groups and intergroups can register their delegates to attend the World Service Conference meeting in October." target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-mce-href="mailto:mail">
Board of Trustees Town Hall Meeting
SAVE THE DATE – Sunday, April 25, 2021, 11:00 AM ET
If you have questions you’d like to ask the Board of Trustees, please email them to" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-mce-href="mailto:mail">  ‑ Questions will be answered during the BOT Town Hall at the end of April.
GreySheet WANT ADS 
The Literature Committee has spaces for two more voting members.

If you like to write, care about the future literature of GSA and are a GSR or ISR, please write to:" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-mce-href="mailto:mail"> for more information.
Celebrate Our 23rd Anniversary!

GSA was created as a new Twelve Step food fellowship on April 6th, 1998. We are turning 23!

  • We want to celebrate and we need you to invent a virtual celebration the whole fellowship will enjoy.
  • Have some innovative ideas about a way we can celebrate? Fancy yourself a party planner?
  • Email" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-mce-href="mailto:mail"> to volunteer to invent, plan, and implement our 23rd birthday celebration.

Links to Notes of Meetings 

If you missed attending these meetings, never fear. Click on these links to see notes from these meetings:
Notes from February Committees Connecting meeting:
Notes from February Concepts meeting:
Notes from February Traditions meeting:
  1022 Hits

Service Matters • February 2021

Welcome to the February 2021 Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the February 2021 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

As Valentine's Day approaches, many of us reflect on the nature of love. It is all too easy sometimes to get pulled into the marketing of love presented by advertising and the media. These can include being "completed" by a significant other or general fuzzy feelings towards the people in our lives. In the past, if we felt like we did not measure up, we may have tried to seek comfort from foods not on the GreySheet. This always led us back to powerlessness and unmanageability. We might have attempted to change this by using our own willpower, but we inevitably found ourselves pulled back into the cycle of the phenomenon of craving and the mental obsession that comes with taking the first compulsive bite. 

In GreySheet, we learn that love is a verb, and we begin to practice loving actions toward ourselves and others. We stay abstinent, we sponsor, and we are sponsored; we participate in fellowship and outreach; we protect anonymity, and we do service. Our dignity and self-respect are restored. Eventually we learn to not beat ourselves up with our character flaws, and instead to finally accept ourselves as human; to embrace the parts of us that are awesome; and to provide care and understanding to the parts of ourselves that are still growing and changing. We learn that a Higher Power can restore us to sanity and give us the strength to remain abstinent a day at a time, no matter what.

Upcoming Meetings

All interested GreySheeters are welcome!

Have you joined your GS sisters and brothers at one or more of these meetings? Each one is an opportunity to expand your recovery by learning more about the framework that guides our work together. If you’re a delegate, you’ll definitely want to clear your calendar and attend each of these meetings. This is how we get essential information and guidance for giving our best to the groups we serve.

1. Committees Connecting meeting ID: 663 470 166
    Sunday, February14, at 12:00 Noon ET
2. Concept 4 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    Sunday, February 21, at 1:00pm ET
3. Tradition 4 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    SundayFebruary 28, at 1:00 pm ET

Board of Trustees Column

Seventh Tradition Donations Report for 2020*

As a board, we set out to communicate to our fellowship the services provided – literature, website, public information, and the protection of the GreySheet program – and their costs. We planned to speak at GreySheet events around the world throughout the year, from the London Round Up in the Spring to the New York Round Up in the Fall. We believed that, if members of GSA knew what was needed to serve our primary purpose, they would donate to meet the need.
And then a global pandemic began. The board realized that the economic impact of the pandemic meant that many GreySheeters would not be able to donate as generously as they had in the past. We also realized that, with all of our in-person meetings suspended, it would be more difficult for groups to collect Seventh Tradition donations and contribute to their World Services. And, of course, all of the in-person events around the world were cancelled.
We are thrilled to report that, despite the pandemic, GreySheeters around the world donated $31,000 in 2020 and, with many planned expenses postponed to 2021, GreySheeters Anonymous World Services was “self-supporting through its own contributions.”
* For endless detail on donations and expenses, go to Treasurer’s Reports.
To donate directly to World Service, text NMW to 44321 or PayPal


GSA Special Events - Zoom Style

First Saturday Speaker Series - European Intergroup
Saturday, February 6, 2021, 2:30 PM ET
Zoom ID: 873 5002 0806
This is an Open meeting of GreySheeters Anonymous.
There will be two speakers. In between, we will celebrate GSA anniversaries with our very own Chip Lady!!!!
If people wish not to be seen, it is ok to turn your video off.
Groovy GreySheet Gatherings  - Western States Intergroup FUNdraisers
Monthly workshops to gather in fellowship, creativity and connection First Sunday of Each Month, 3:00 PM ET - GreySheet & Recovery Trivia!
Zoom ID: 968 3976 2598
When GreySheet is Your Valentine!  Northeast Intergroup Speaker Blast
Sunday, February 14, 2021, 3:00 PM
Meeting ID: 859 7998 2606

 Q & A

QuestionHow has GreySheet Abstinence made you a more loving person?

M: Having worked the steps in AWOLs over the years, I have certainly lost my self-centeredness which definitely makes me a more loving person in all my relationships.
R: Before I entered the GreySheet rooms, I resented everyone who was not suffering from the addiction that was overpowering me.  I resented anyone who was still suffering but was so foolish as to think they had a solution that worked.  My resentment made me look down on such people.  It kept me from truly loving them.
M: GSA abstinence has made me a more loving person in 3 distinct ways: 
1. As a result of putting my GS abstinence FIRST in my life, I have learned to love myself. After 4 decades of self-hate, this is nothing short of a miracle!
2. I can love others. Now that I put the oxygen mask on myself FIRST, I have an abundance of love to give to those around me. "It works, it really does!"
3. I even have love for ALL humankind, including those who may have hurt me or those with whom I disagree. Praying and meditating on the St. Francis Prayer has afforded me the opportunity to "seek to understand, rather than be understood." I never felt such incredible outward love for all living beings, as I do since I have had time in GS.
M: "My partner, who I have lived with for years, still asks me if I can have a certain starchy vegetable. Now, after 30 years of abstinence, I don't kill him. I just smile and say, "No."  I even do it kindly most of the time. I feel that this is an important way that GS abstinence has made me a more loving person."
H: GS Abstinence has made me a more loving person to myself. I ask God’s help, I put my food on my scale three times a day. Self-care.  Self-love. Learning how to feel my feelings and eat my three weighed and measured meals a day NMW, one day at a time.
E: Abstinence requires that I act, every day, many times each day, proving to myself that I really mean it. It has taught me how to tell the truth about who I am, how to show up when I say I will, how to be true to my word, all the very things I was not able to do in the food, that help me love my husband, my sponsor, my sponsees, my neighbors, my family.
A: Weighing and measuring my food has made me more loving as I am learning one day at a time to love myself. As I put my food on my scale, I make my concentration zone into what I am doing, then I can be present and loving to my family.
L: When I was eating, I smiled and tried to help you by telling you what you should do.  The longer I stay abstinent, the more I can 1) be honest, 2) be open and vulnerable, 3) realize “it’s not all about ME”, 4) be willing to make amends, 5) listen instead of talk first, 6) be willing to transform and change MYSELF 7) let others take credit, 8) be patient, 9) be willing to step up and make hard decisions even if they aren’t comfortable to me, and 10) accept difficult situations without a “poor me” attitude.

February 2021 - Monthly Board of Trustees
Liaison Report Highlights

Share the Vision!
January 17, 2021

Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think if GreySheet.
1. World Service Conference Committees
We have two new World Service Conference committee chairs – Ann R. from CT for PUBLIC INFORMATION Committee and Theda S. from NY for WEBSITE Committee. Email or if you are interested in helping.

2. Committees Connecting
Dottie R. presented an inspirational and aspirational vision for GSA Archives – a searchable, virtual library/museum of documents and artifacts capturing our history. Submit photos of your meeting locations or other illustrations of your group’s history to; COMMUNICATION: Carla B. presented the exciting news that the Communication Committee is planning a GSA Podcast and an every-other-month Global Speaker Series called We Are One in 2021 which started January 16th. Email if you want to help.

Next Committees Connecting: Conference and Finance Sunday February 14th, 12 pm ET.

3. Intergroups
NorthEast Intergroup reformed and now meets first Thursdays, 7:30 pm ET.
  • Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York State, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Quebec, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington DC.
  • First Speaker Blast February 14th, 3 pm ET.
Phone Bridge Intergroup Needs a new Intergroup Service Representative, for more information.

GreySheet WANT ADS 

The Literature Committee has spaces for two more voting members.

If you like to write, care about the future literature of GSA and are a GSR or ISR, please write to: for more information.

Links to Notes of Meetings 

If you missed attending these meetings, never fear. Click on these links to see notes from these meetings:
Notes from January Committees Connecting meeting:
Notes from January Concepts meeting:
Notes from January Traditions meeting:
  1428 Hits

Service Matters • January 2021

Welcome to the January 2021 Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the January 2021 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

donate now

This past year has been hard for many of us, and may have been full of illness, financial hardship, and separation from friends and loved ones.  However, 2020 has been enlightening in other ways, helping us realize how important our connections are in our lives, and in the world around us. We can hope that 2021 will be better. Perhaps the pandemic will lose its hold on the planet in 2021.  Perhaps we will learn to value each other across the globe and across racial divides. If so, we can truly become one in 2021. 

Videoconferencing has helped connect us in this socially distanced time, and we GreySheeters are practiced at using the phone and video to connect across the world. Exciting things are planned for 2021. The GSA Communication Committee is launching a Podcast! Many GSA intergroups across the world are doing exciting work and Service Matters hopes to focus on those Intergroups.  We can join one another in carrying the message, sharing recordings of speakers, putting on virtual conferences, and learning to juggle time zones.  As a young 12-step group, we are still learning to function on the world stage and be less USA-centric.  The Communication Committee will be hosting a Global Speaker Series every other month this year, featuring speakers from all over the world. Unity is the first GSA tradition for a reason. Unity is foundational.

Upcoming Meetings

All interested GreySheeters are welcome!
1. Committees Connecting meeting ID: 663 470 166
    Sunday, January 10, at 12:00 Noon ET

2. Concept 3 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    Sunday, January 17, at 1:00pm ET
3. Tradition 3 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    SundayJanuary 24, at 1:00 pm ET

4. Board of Trustees Town Hall meeting ID: 717 731 799 
    SundayJanuary 31, at 11:00 am ET

Board of Trustees Column

Hello GreySheeters,

My name is Tara, I am a compulsive over-eater.  I weigh and measure three meals a day off the Cambridge GreySheet, commit them to my sponsor and don't eat in between those meals no matter what.  I have been doing this back-to-back since March 14, 2015 and my abstinence gives me a kick ass life today.
I saw a post on social media recently - on January 1, 2021, hindsight will truly be 2020.  There are many of us who will be very grateful to say goodbye to this year.  No matter where you stand on what is appropriate to mitigate COVID 19, your life has been impacted and hopefully by the end of 2021 there will be changes that bring us back together in person safely.  I will say that for me, personally, there has been much about 2020 to be cherished.  In March, I celebrated 5 years of back-to-back abstinence and was asked to serve on the Board of Trustees.  For a compulsive overeater like me who never hit goal weight on any diet I am not sure what could be more improbable - that I can do this one day at a time for five years or that I would be asked to do this service.  In August, my husband celebrated a year of back-to-back abstinence as well, and honestly our life is goofy these days. That's what our 19-year-old daughter calls something improbable.  
But now, looking to 2021 I am so excited to work with another board member to revive the North East Intergroup!  Working with other GreySheeters to spread the miracle of this recovery is a privilege and an honor. And, well, slimming so I have heard!  We meet the first Thursday of the month on Zoom at 7:30 pm, and all are welcomed to attend regardless of abstinence time.   I will speak for myself when I say my recovery is dependent upon working with others - be it as a sponsor or just another traveler on the journey. Please accept this invitation to join us! Our first event is on Valentine's Day at 3pm EST - When Greysheet is Your Valentine!  Be sure to check the events page in the coming weeks for the Zoom link, and join us to hear what others say when GreySheet and love are in the same sentence!
Thank you for allowing me to be of service which is one of the ways I stay abstinent one day at a time.
Happy New Year to you and those you love!


GSA Special Events - Zoom Style 

Groovy GreySheet Gatherings - Western States Intergroup FUNdraisers
Monthly workshops to gather in fellowship, creativity and connection
First Sunday of Each Month, 3:00 PM ET
Zoom ID: 968 3976 2598
GSAWS Communication Committee  Fundraiser: We Are One in 2021!
From Isolation to Connection - 3 Speakers, Shares & a Meeting after the Meeting
Saturday, January 16, 2021, 12 PM noon ET 
Zoom ID: 818 4756 677
When GreySheet is Your Valentine!  Northeast Intergroup Speaker Blast
Sunday, February 14, 2021, 3:00 PM ET
Meeting ID: 859 7998 2606

January 2021 - Monthly Board of Trustees Liaison Report Highlights 

Share the Vision!
December 12, 2020
Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think of GreySheet.

World Service has four core functions to achieve the vision:

1. Integrity of the Greysheet Program
The Literature Committee and the Board of Trustees are working together to protect our translated publications including the GreySheet.

2. Website
Check out the new website:
The Website Committee needs a new chair to facilitate its work. No technical expertise required. Contact for more information.

3. Literature
We submitted the new Living Abstinent book to the Board in December to vote on publication and printing.

4. Public Information
The Public Information Committee needs a new chair to facilitate improving our public social media presence. Contact for more information.

Q & A

Question: Now that our fellowship has embraced Zoom meetings, what are some of the gifts and blessings you have received by participating with GreySheeters you would not otherwise have met in our global community?

S: Sometimes, when I’m sitting in front of my computer and people introduce themselves with the mantra and where they are calling in from, my heart just swells with the miracle of it all.  We are such an amazing village in a world that seems not very friendly at the moment.
G: In my travels before COVID, I met GSers in Iceland, Eastern and Western Europe. But I would never have met GSers from Mexico, South Africa, Israel, Australia, and even Canada as I have on Zoom meetings. The truth is, even if I had traveled ten times more than I did, I wouldn’t have met as many of the GSers I have met around the United States. I wouldn’t have gotten to know them as well as I have through seeing them week after week. I have received two gifts. One has to do with my abstinence – the visible proof that GreySheet is entirely portable – there is nowhere I could go where I couldn’t be abstinent. But the other one has to do with my humanity – I am one of many human beings with strengths and weaknesses, challenges and successes, and an infinite variety of experiences and perspectives. It is one of the profound gifts of the Twelve Step program – humility, an appreciation of my place in the world. All from looking other GSers in the eye at GreySheet video meetings.
S: I have never been to a physical meeting of GreySheet. There were only two a week in my country anyway - and neither of them were nearby, so without Zoom I would never have gotten abstinent.
K: The GreySheeters in Europe created a Zoom Newmarket Retreat, so I was able to dance for the first time in the talent show. I learnt the moves to the French can-can and asked my sister if she had a skirt I could wear. When she did not, she offered to make one.
I have attended the Saturday GreySheet London zoom meeting ever since it started in March.
The first meeting was so crowded with new GreySheeters. I have made about 10 new person is a sponsee and 3 are people I speak to daily for 1 minute each. About 6 people I got to know have come and gone. But this year has gifted me with many people I did not know this time last year. 
L: I have learned how important the Israeli community is to our GSA world service, from sitting on the board to helping with Service Matters, from translating the GSA materials into Hebrew to serving as sponsors. Though far away, they are essential to the workings of GSA which gives me the place to find my solution to my compulsive eating.
D: To be able to share with another GreySheeter, and actually look into their eyes, is SO much more meaningful than being on a phone call, feels like a much deeper connection.
A: I love how being on a zoom meeting with people all over the world, hearing the stories of people in other countries and relating to their experiences, makes it clear this is a global addiction, and the connections feel intimate.  What a gift!
E: Every time I hear a GSer speak with an unfamiliar (to me) accent my world expands. I listen for challenges that people in other communities are experiencing, whether it’s different COVID restrictions, or similar conflicts with family members who don’t understand what it means for us trying to stay abstinent. Barriers break down, and my heart goes out to people, and there’s the joy in connecting with another GSer, even if they’re halfway around the world!

  1395 Hits

Service Matters • December 2020

Welcome to the December Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the December 2020 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

As compulsive eaters, we have a disease of perspective. For many during the holiday season, with family get-togethers and lavish spreads of indulgent glut, this can be a more commonly encountered reminder than other times of the year. Sometimes we need extra help to know what’s too much and what’s not enough. Miraculously, with the aid of our Higher Powers and our trusty scales, we find that in GreySheeters Anonymous we’re given exactly what we need--all that’s required is the simple act of surrender. But we don’t have to face these holidays alone. In the fellowship of GSA, we have the benefits of being both a widespread international community and the warmth of a tight knit communal village. As the thread of our common GreySheet abstinence binds us together, we can take time to learn about one another’s lives, our different traditions and customs, the rituals we are still able to observe and what we have had to adopt and avoid as we protect our abstinence and put it first in our lives, on holidays and every day. Whether we are in Reykjavik or Redondo Beach, Tel Aviv or Teluknaga, we all have a common solution to compulsive eating, and we all have more to share with one another to deepen our connection and strengthen our recovery one day at a time.

Upcoming Meetings

1. Committees Connecting meeting ID: 663 470 166
    Sunday, December 13, at 12:00 Noon ET
2. Concept 2 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    Sunday, December 20, at 1:00pm ET
3. Tradition 2 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    SundayDecember 27, at 1:00 pm ET.

Board of Trustees Column

Hi GreySheeters,

I am Ofer L, a member of the Board of Trustees from Israel. It is an honor for me to meet you all here and to serve the Israeli and world communities of GreySheeters.
I joined GSA at the beginning of 2002 and I’ve been abstinent since Jan 25, 2002. I joined the Board of Trustees at the end of 2016 to advance our main goal - helping our organization reach those compulsive eaters who still suffer. My involvement with the board isn’t surprising since the business world, organization development, and implementation of projects have always been easier for me than healing my eating addiction!
As a board member, I served as the board liaison to the GreySheet Committee from 2018 to 2020. It was my mission to improve our unity and represent the international community voice: different cultures, different languages, different foods, different weighing and measuring systems, etc. We worked for over 30 months on GreySheet abstinence clarifications and sponsor guidelines. I would like to thank and praise all the members of the committee for their ability to survive this Sisyphean, long mission. They reviewed every line on the GreySheet, they addressed every question of our community members, they reviewed each issue at least 3 rounds (sometimes even 5), and the most important thing for all GreySheet Committee members was our community UNITY.
Last year I joined a new committee of the Board of Trustees, the BOT Seventh Tradition Committee. Why? Because World Services needs resources to accomplish our primary purpose - to stay abstinent and carry the GreySheet message to the next compulsive eater! We can achieve this target through upgrading our web presence, publishing new literature, and building a presence on social media networks – which we cannot achieve without financial resources.
I invite you all, my fellow GreySheeters, to join us, each in his or her own way – through a Seventh Tradition contribution to World Services, through serving on a committee, and most importantly, through strengthening our unity.

Stay abstinent and carry the GreySheet message to the next compulsive eater.

GSA Special Events

Gifts Of The Season
European Intergroup Newmarket Retreat

  Sunday 13 December 4-6pm GMT, 11am-1pm EST- Meetings
  6-7pm GMT 1-3pm EST - Meal together
  7-8pm GMT 3-4EST - Entertainment
  Zoom ID: 747 5025 4803
  Password: universal
SAVE THE DATE! GSAWS Communication Committee: 
From Isolation to Connection 

  Saturday, January 16, 2021, 12 PM noon ET 
  Zoom ID: 818 4756 677

Q & A

Q: I have seen people from all over the world on Zoom meetings in the last several months. I know that we refer to GSA as a world-wide community, but how do we carry the message in different languages?

A: In the years of its existence, the GreySheet has been translated to different languages, and we are currently in the process of making sure that these translations are formally approved by a process headed by the Literature Committee. We want to ensure that no matter what language the GreySheet appears in, the copyright always belongs to GSA. There is an application process to follow if and when a new translation is done. Not only is accurate translation important, but also distribution of hard copies from one GSer to another, since the GreySheet always comes with a sponsor.

Currently, the GreySheet is translated in the following languages: Hebrew, Icelandic, Polish, Dutch, American Spanish, Castilian Spanish and French.  It is in the process of being translated to Bulgarian and German.

If you would like to get a GreySheet, please contact your Intergroup Representative who will see to it that one is mailed to you.

December 2020 - Monthly Board of Trustees Liaison Report Highlights

Share the Vision!

November 15, 2020

Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think of GreySheet.

Starting in November 2020, the Liaison Report has a new alternating format: One month we will continue our reports on the four core functions to achieve our vision, Integrity, Website, Literature, and Public Information. One month, we will report on general World Service news.

GreySheeters Anonymous World Services

  1. Service Opportunity
    GSAWS is looking for new chairs for two committees:
    1. Website
    2. Public Information

         Neither position requires technical expertise; your role is to facilitate the work of, and represent, the committee.
         Email if you are interested in learning more about this service opportunity.

  1. What in the World is World Service?
    In November, the Communications Committee restarted the annual cycle of Committees Connecting monthly meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to facilitate communication between committees and to update delegates about interim policies and procedures. Everyone is welcome to attend.
    The officers of the Board of Trustees presented What in the World is World Service? The presentation will be on the website under World Service Conference 2020.
  2. Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for GSRs and ISRs
    The Communications Committee also restarted the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts meetings for GSRs and ISRs to prepare for the conference meeting. Each GSR and ISR will choose at least one of each meeting at which to represent their intergroup and committee.
  3. Committee Chairs / Intergroup Service Representatives
    The chairs and ISRs meet monthly to review suggested policies, procedures, and materials from other committees and the board. Once approved by this group and the Board of Trustees, we implement these on an interim basis until the entire assembly of the conference ratifies them. Some of the most important interim policies include:
    1. GSA and A.A. Intellectual Property: Steps, Traditions, Concepts, Preamble, and Group Purpose
    2. GSA and A.A. Intellectual Property: Promises
    3. Distribution of GreySheets
    4. Translation of Copyright Material
    5. Personal Safety Guidance
    6. Responsibility Statement
    7. GSA Group Treasurer Pamphlet
    8. Registering GSA Groups
    9. Sustaining WSC Committees
    10. Communication with Trusted Servants
    11. Delegate Participation in Traditions and Concepts

These are all available on the website under World Service Conference 2020.

Board of Trustees

  1. Eunice M. from Ohio is the newest trustee elected to the Board of Trustees. She will serve as a backup liaison to the MidWest Intergroup with Joyce S. and as a backup liaison to the Communication Committee with Lee T. 
    We are still looking for a trustee from Europe. The requirement is five years of back to back GreySheet abstinence. You can nominate yourself or someone else on the website under Board of Trustees.
  2. Delegate Training - Rochelle K., Trustee, will coordinate delegate training workshops for World Service Conference 2021 in Spring and Fall
  3. Personal Safety - Laura L., Vice President, is assembling a committee to research and recommend personal  safety guidance to the fellowship. Interested? Email

Help Wanted! Service Opportunities

Exciting Opportunities!
Interested in carrying the GreySheet message?
To the public, to newcomers, and to members of GSA?
Want to make sure that our website and our public information are the best they can be?

Two committees need motivated, talented, knowledgeable members to act as chairs.
The Public Information and the Website Committees both have openings for a chair.

Your responsibility would be to chair a monthly meeting of your committee and represent your committee at World Service meetings. You do not need to be tech expert! The committees have those. You do need to be qualified to be a World Service delegate (one year of back to back GreySheet abstinence). For more information email or call 832 856 1058.
Note Takers
Three fascinating meetings happen every month and you could document one of them for GSA history! Are you a good listener? Do you take good notes? Would you like to attend one monthly meeting and capture for posterity the discussions that occur? Email if you have one hour or even one half hour per month.

Links to Notes of Meetings

If you missed attending these meetings, never fear. Click on these links to see notes from these meetings:

Notes from GSA Video Forum 2020, including Clarifications on GreySheet Abstinence and Guidelines for Sponsors presentation:

Notes from November Committees Connecting meeting:
  1171 Hits

Early Abstinence

Dear Group - Thank God for GreySheet.  I'm still abstinent - on day 86.  This is long-term abstinence for me.  A few months ago, I was unable to get more than a couple of days at a time.  For some periods I would call my sponsor every morning and binge every single day for weeks.  I was in that place they talk about in the Big Book - terror, bewilderment, frustration and despair.  As far as I was concerned the situation was hopeless. By mid-morning, I would say "What's the use?" and eat.  Not only was I fully in victim mode, but the food had me in a complete chokehold.  When we read How It Works in our meeting I often key in on the words cunning, baffling, powerful.  It's hard to find the words to fully describe how much control my eating addiction has when it's activated. As for the cunning aspect of it, I heard once at a meeting that the chains of my eating addiction were too soft to be felt until they were too hard to be broken.  It was completely baffling how I couldn't do something that I had been able to do in the past. Once at a meeting I told the group that I felt like I was in the ocean and everyone was tossing me life preservers, urging me to grab on and get on the boat.  I was utterly clueless as to my inability to grab on and save my life, despite my desperation.  Freeing myself took a lot of willingness, intervention-type help from people in the program and an act of God.

Some of the past few weeks I've felt like I was an abstinent robot.  I have done food part, turned off my head, and showed up for as much of life as I could, which wasn't much.  I'm still in hard core withdrawal, sleeping a lot, feeling achy, exhausted and overwhelmed. My body is under the stress of withdrawal, detox, losing weight, and carrying extra pounds.  It's also in shock because I'm only eating fresh fruit and vegetables and wholesome proteins.  I suppose I remember withdrawal before, but somehow going through it again is a rude awakening. Thank God I have not had many white knuckling incidents.  The worst was on day seven, when I was in my fourth grade classroom.  I had decided to binge and had the food heating in the microwave.  Someone from the program called me right at that moment, and I told her I was about to binge. Of course, she basically told me that wouldn't be a good idea, but somehow I feel she helped me tap into the part of me that was sick and tired of being sick and tired.  When I hung up the phone I felt all of the fight leave my body and surrender take its place.  That was a great moment.  You know what they say - it's always easy to find God - he's at the end of your rope. One thing I wanted to share was the mental retraining I've needed to stay away from that first bite.  There are many one-liners and slogans that surprise me every time they work!  They are so simple and are made up of such silly simple words, yet they are the most powerful weapons I have against relapse.  I believe they are gifts from my higher power and nothing short of miraculous. One slogan I've been using a lot is this too shall pass.  These four small words save my life.  When I have food thoughts, I say that.  Then a couple of hours later, I realize that I've had two hours of freedom from food and have forgotten the discomfort I'd had.  I treasure those two hours of freedom like they were gold. I'm very grateful for GreyNet. Thank you everyone for your sharing. 


  2794 Hits

Service Matters • November 2020

Welcome to the November Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the November 2020 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

Do you need a copy of the GreySheet Abstinence: Clarifications and Sponsor Guidelines?

Email your request to: and we’ll happily send a copy to you.

Upcoming Meetings all interested GreySheeters are Welcome!

1. Committees Connecting meeting ID: 663 470 166
Sunday, November 8, at 12:00 Noon ET
2. Concept 1 
meeting ID: 791 453 380 
Sunday, November 15, at 1:00pm ET
3. Tradition 1 
meeting ID: 791 453 380 
Sunday, November 22, at 1:00 pm ET.

Message from the Literature Committee

Dear GreySheeters,
For the past two years, six GSA members of the Literature Committee have worked tirelessly writing Living Abstinent.  They have given their free time to do this badly needed service for our community. 
In April, the first draft of the manuscript was made available to an on-line literature meeting in exchange for feedback and suggestions.  The manuscript is now in its 3rd draft.
It has come to the attention of the Literature Committee and World Service that people have downloaded the 1st draft even though it clearly and explicitly says, “not to distribute it and that ….it is not for publication".
We are asking you to please stop sharing how to get this unpublished copy with other members if you do not attend that Literature Meeting on Thursday.
Thank you for your understanding. The final version will soon be available but you do need to be patient.
Sara S, Chair of the Literature Committee

November 2020 - Monthly Board of Trustees Column

Hi! My name is Rochelle.  I am a compulsive eater.  I weigh and measure three meals a day from the Cambridge GreySheet, write it down, commit to my sponsor or another qualified GreySheet sponsor and I don’t eat between meals no matter what.  I am grateful to be abstinent with my food so I can I can be aware of my emotions and work on abstinence with my emotions.  I have been in GreySheet since October 1994 and have 18 years of back to back GreySheet abstinence.
A dear GreySheeter surprised me when she asked me if I’d be interested in becoming a member of the GreySheet Board of Trustees!  I’d never thought about it.  I thought all the meetings were on Saturdays and as I observe the Jewish Sabbath I thought there’s no way I can participate!  Well, I was wrong!  Meetings are on SUNDAYS!  So I sent a resume and what do you know?  They accepted me!  Now, as I am “retired” (though I say offer me a job and I may take it!) I have a new job: helping to keep the wheels of GreySheet oiled (measured and weighed a 1/2oz at a time) and working!
I did miss the Forum as it was on a Saturday but I’ve read over the great notes that Sandie transcribed for all of us and posted. Reading over the questions and comments was informative.  The comments relating to the officers and that we, the members of GreySheet, shouldn’t be “governed” from the top down struck me.  I definitely don’t feel that any decision discussed or made by the BOT is a law or directive.  I truly feel that I am a trusted servant making sure that the BOT listens to the members and is working to keep the GreySheet organization operating to help compulsive eaters who are suffering to find a way out to a better, more productive, happier and sane, serene life.
I believe the GreySheet Abstinence: Clarifications and Sponsor Guidelines report is a helpful tool for my own abstinence as well as setting criteria for me and those I sponsor to follow. As may be true for many of us, after reading the document I realized that there are a few things that I have been doing with my food that my sponsor has “sanctioned” that I should not be doing!  As with anything having to do with food, it’s not easy to make changes, especially when I’m comfortable and “like” something but if I want to stay abstinent according to Cambridge Abstinence, I have to make changes, and I am, One Day at a Time.  ‘Cause I don’t want to eat NO MATTER WHAT!

Monthly Board of Trustees Liaison Highlights

October 18th, 2020

Share the Vision
Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think of GreySheet!
World Service has four core functions to achieve the vision:

1.     Integrity of the GreySheet Program

GSAWS will ask all GSA groups listing their meetings to identify whether they are open or closed in the new online registration form. This will allow GSA members to choose which kind of meeting to attend based on their level of comfort with the presence of non-members.

        a. Closed: Attendance is limited to people who may have a problem with food.

        b. Open: Anyone interested in GSA is welcome.

2.     Website

The Website Committee has collected almost all the content needed from ISRs, Committees, and the Board of Trustees and is following up with the rest. We're also working on some great material for the newcomer pages.
Check out the new website:

3.     Literature

Having received excellent feedback from some of the Board of Trustees, the Living Abstinent committee is now editing a third draft of the book to be submitted to the Literature Committee in November and the Board in December.

4.     Public Information

The Public Information Committee continues to meet monthly to plan outreach to the public. Join us!
Help Wanted! Service Opportunities
Writers and contributions to the One Meal at a Time Daily Reflections

Only 90 days of B2B GS abstinence is required and the willingness to share your experience, strength and hope in this daily reflections for GSers book-in-progress.

If interested in participating, email for guidelines and submit any time.
Links to Notes of Meetings
If you missed attending these meetings, never fear. Click on these links to see notes from these meetings:
Notes from GSA Video Forum 2020, including Clarifications on GreySheet Abstinence and Guidelines for Sponsors presentation:

Notes from Concept 12 meeting:
Notes from September Committees Connecting meeting:
Notes from Tradition 12 meeting:

Notes from GSAWS Committee Chairs/ISRs Meeting Minutes:


  1092 Hits

Service Matters • October 2020

Welcome to the October Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the October 2020 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?”

regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

GSRs and ISRs - 
Please read and inform your group members of the following items as soon as possible: 
1 - From the Conference Committee - You are invited to the first GreySheeters Anonymous World Service Update Video Forum for the entire GreySheet fellowship. This is an informative session with no voting. We will dedicate the first hour to the World Service Conference committees’ updates and the second hour to the GreySheet Committee’s report, called, “GreySheet Abstinence: Clarifications and Sponsor Guidelines.”

When: Saturday, October 17, 2020

Time:  11am ET, 8am PT, 9am MT, 10am CT, 3pm Iceland, 4pm UK, 5pm France/Germany/Spain, 6pm Israel/Bulgaria (the forum is 2 hours).
Where: Zoom
            Meeting ID: 889 9312 3825
            Usual password.  Waiting Room is enabled. 

Zoom Guidelines
  1. Keep yourself muted unless you are sharing.  
  2. Keep your device still during the meeting.   
  3. Respect the anonymity of our members by ensuring that no one else can see or hear the  meeting.  
  4. No multi-tasking or food permitted during this meeting. Abstinent drinks and gum are  acceptable.  
  5. Remember that this is a video only meeting – if you can see us, we must be able to see  you.  
  6. If you are having trouble keeping to any of these guidelines, the Moderator may chat with you privately to help resolve the issue. Please acknowledge the Moderator’s  communication. Members who cannot turn on their video or reduce their movement  may, after two messages from the moderator, be moved to the waiting room.  
I. 11am-noon ET
Welcome and Introductions 
Committee Reports: Each committee will have 3 minutes to mention highlights of their work. Each committee has prepared an annual report. Click Here to read:

If you have any questions about the reports, please email them to prior to October 10, 2020. Please include the name of the committee on the top of your questions.

Each committee will respond to 2 minutes worth of questions at the Video Forum.
II. Noon-1pm ET 
The GreySheet Committee Report, “GreySheet Abstinence: Clarifications and Sponsor Guidelines:” If you would like a copy please email

If you have questions, you can email them as stated above or, for this committee ONLY, the ‘chat’ feature will be enabled during this hour.

2 - From the Board - This month, instead of the usual Board Liaison Report, we ask all ISRs, GSRs, and committee chairs to:
A. encourage everyone to download and review the compiled annual reports available on the website here: 

B.  submit questions for the committees and Board of Trustees in writing to by October 10 and..

C. come prepared to the GSAWS Video Forum Saturday October 17th 11-1 ET;
Meeting ID: 889 9312 3825. Usual passcode.

First hour is the reports and the second is the Clarifications discussion. Questions about the Clarifications Report do not need to be submitted in advance.

Please note: Information posted on Facebook that the fellowship will be voting on the Clarifications Report on October 17 is inaccurate. This report has already been approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees. It is now a GreySheeters Anonymous World Services document. There will be no voting at the Forum.

3 - From the Finance Committee - The Group Treasurer Pamphlet has been updated!

The pamphlet explaining the role of the Group Treasurer has been updated with new information about digital donations, prudent reserves, and supporting intergroups and World Service. Does your group’s treasurer have a copy? Has your group decided how much to save as a prudent reserve and how much to donate to your intergroup and World Service? You can download the pamphlet from the website to circulate to your members by using this direct link:
Q: What will happen now that the GreySheet Committee Report, “GreySheet Abstinence: Clarifications and Sponsor Guidelines” is out?

A: It’s probably easier to start with what won’t happen. There will be no changes made to the foods currently listed on the GreySheet.  Nothing will interfere with the sacred relationship between a GS sponsor and a GS sponsee. What will happen is that at the October 17th Delegate Video Forum, one hour will be devoted to discussion of the report and answering questions that GreySheeters like you may have of the committee. From that point on, it will be up to committees, groups and intergroups what use will be made of this report.

The report, based on meetings held twice a month for 2-1/2 years of GreySheeters with 20+ years of back-to-back abstinence, is a rendering of their consensus of how the GreySheet was explained and interpreted in the beginning. Since our tradition is an oral tradition, those early GreySheeters have compiled a report based on their memory of early abstinence.

What the fellowship decides to do with the suggestions in the report is up to all of us, and your voice counts. As is mentioned in the Concepts, participation is the key to harmony.

If you are curious about this, ask your GSR or any trusted servant who is in possession of the document to send you a copy of the report. If you have questions that you would like to be discussed, email them  to the to have your question(s) be included in the Video Forum meeting on October 17th. And by all means, come to the video forum where the chat function will enable those present to ask questions during the hour devoted to the GreySheet Committee’s report.The first hour will be devoted to Annual Reports presented by the WS Committees, which will inform us on all the committee work being done on our behalf. All GSers are welcome!!!
Upcoming Meetings
1. Committees Connecting meeting will NOT meet in October. 
2. Concept 12 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    Sunday, October 11, at 1:00pm ET
3. Tradition 12 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
    SundayOctober 4, at 1:00 pm ET.
October 2020 - Monthly Board of Trustees Column
Laura L., Vice President

Protecting Members Personal Safety

Hi GreySheet Community!

You may have noticed recently that a new statement regarding personal safety has been added to the format of meetings you are attending.  Perhaps you are wondering why.

The GreySheet community is a microcosm of the world and as such, it is vulnerable to the same challenges as any group of people.  What do we do if we are faced with a member whose conduct may be inappropriate or threatening?  This concern has arisen in a few groups recently, highlighting the need for our fellowship to consider the issue of safety for our members and to develop policies and procedures to address inappropriate behavior, both in and outside of GSA meetings and events.

Thankfully, we do not have to “reinvent the wheel” when addressing group issues. The 12 Traditions of GreySheeters Anonymous, adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous, were created as a guide to help groups function healthfully and harmoniously.  We can turn to the First Tradition which reminds us that “Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon GSA unity.”  We can also turn to the experience of Alcoholics Anonymous in addressing issues of safety, violence, and personal conduct. 

The first step we have taken as the GreySheeters Anonymous World Services Board of Trustees is to recommend that all GreySheeters Anonymous intergroups and groups consider how they can promote appropriate behavior and safety for their members, both in and outside of meetings and events. We have suggested that all GSA groups include in their meeting formats a statement regarding appropriate behavior and safety and offer options for members who have questions or feel uncomfortable. 

We have presented groups with a sample Safety Statement:
Your personal safety is of utmost importance in our GreySheet community. If you feel threatened or uncomfortable with the behavior of another member in or outside of a meeting (including bullying, harassment or inappropriate conduct), please speak with your sponsor, an officer of the meeting or contact our Intergroup Service Representative at   Your safety is our first priority.

To explore possible next steps, the Board of Trustees has commissioned an ad hoc Personal Safety Committee. The Vice President of GreySheeters Anonymous World Services is chairing this committee and is currently recruiting board members and members of the fellowship who are interested in participating. The committee will explore approaches taken by A.A. and possibly other Twelve Step fellowships to protect members’ personal safety. They will write a report presenting their findings and recommending steps that GreySheeters Anonymous World Services and its member intergroups, groups, and event committees might adopt.

For more information, please contact 

Wishing you peace, health, safety and yummy abstinent meals,

Laura L.

30th Annual NYC GreySheet Round-Up on Zoom this year!! Instead of a two-day roundup, we will meet on Zoom on Sunday, October 25th for three hours. Please join us!!

Three Decades of Round Ups, Fellowship and Love!

Sunday, October 25, 2020, from 1:00 – 4:00pm ET

Read more about it at

PLACE: ZOOM Meeting ID: 819 3529 1621 Passcode: Universal Password
Direct Zoom Meeting
Help Wanted! Service Opportunities
Writers and contributions to the One Meal at a Time Daily Reflections

Only 90 days of B2B GS abstinence is required and the willingness to share your experience, strength and hope in this daily reflections for GSers book-in-progress.

If interested in participating, email for guidelines and submit any time.
Links to Notes of Meetings
If you missed attending these meetings, never fear. Click on these links to see notes from these meetings:
Notes from Concept 11 meeting:
Notes from September Committees Connecting meeting:
Notes from Tradition 11 meeting:
Notes from Board of Trustees Town Hall July 26, 2020:

In the September issue of Service Matters, the responsibility statement was printed incorrectly. The Literature Committee has approved it as follows: 

When anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food,
I want them to think of the GreySheet solution,
for that I am responsible.
  1074 Hits

Service Matters • September 2020

Welcome to the September Issue of Service Matters!

Welcome to the September 2020 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question, “What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

For many of us, it’s Harvest Time, a time of bounty and gratitude. We begin this issue of Service Matters by inviting our GreySheet brothers and sisters to reflect on the spiritual harvest of GreySheet abstinence. 
As we chop and shop, make our calls, and bounce from Zoom meeting to phone meeting, ever questioning the access codes, we experience the joy of living this way of life, One Day at a Time.  Not only do we find ourselves being provided for by our Higher Powers, but we find our spiritual sustenance overflowing to those around us. For us, abstinence and gratitude make what we have enough.

Save the Date!

Saturday, October 17, 2020, 11:00 am ET- GSA World Service Update Video Forum!

All are welcome!

Q & A

Q: In this time of COVID-19, how has your practice of the 7th tradition changed?

1. I used to drop $1 or $2 in the basket at every meeting; now I automatically go to PayPal and do the same thing. I do it at the end of the meeting so I don’t forget.

2. I donate a certain amount every month to my home group – usually $20 – and trust they will distribute the funds they collect to GSAWS and the Intergroup.

3. Since the pandemic, I keep forgetting to make a donation on Zoom meetings, so I decided to send a certain amount every month to GSAWS with the new Text to Donate app. Once I set it up with money taken from my bank account, I know it’s going where it will do the most good – to the website and the new literature and all the other things World Services does for us.

4. I feel guilty every time they read the 7th tradition part of the format in meetings I go to. Since the pandemic, I’m not working, my money situation is tighter than ever, and I have been doing everything I can do just to buy abstinent produce! So I’m sending a check to my home group when I can, and look forward to being able to give more when I’m able.

5. The more I learn about what GSAWS does to carry the message, the prouder I am to be a part of this fellowship. I do service when I can, volunteering to be spiritual timekeeper and sharing when I’m asked, but I prefer Venmo to PayPal and so I give to the meetings that use Venmo.

Upcoming Meetings - all interested GreySheeters are Welcome!

1.  Committees Connecting meeting link:
Sunday, September 13 at 12:00 Noon ET 
-- The Structure and Website Committees will be presenting, and while all delegates are encouraged to attend, all interested GreySheeters are welcome!!
2. Concept 11 meeting ID: 
791 453 380 
Sunday, September 20 at 1:00 PM ET
3. Tradition 11 meeting ID: 
791 453 380 
Sunday, September 27 at 1:00 PM ET.

September 2020 - Monthly Board of Trustees Columns

Anne G., Board Member

My name is Anne G. and I am a grateful recovering compulsive overeater weighing and measuring my food three times a day without exception off the Greysheet. I have been for sixty percent of my life and celebrated my thirty-fifth GreySheet anniversary on August 11.
Back in 1985 the NYC GreySheet community was very small. There were only three meetings a week with attendees either counting days or ‘old timers; having no more than three to five years of back-to-back abstinence. It took me a couple of weeks to get my day count together because I wasn’t entirely ready to surrender and struggled with fully understanding how the program worked.
Having suffered from anorexia and then being a binge/purger, the disease had me by the throat. When entering ‘the rooms’ I was fortunate to connect with a sponsor who was a Big Book and Twelve and Twelve ‘thumper.’ Her  story was similar to mine and I admired her recovery, so I hung on to her coattails for dear life.
I did everything she told me. I went daily to AA to supplement my GreySheet meetings, sat in the front row and identified myself as an addict. I read the Big Book cover to cover and identified with Bill’s story and how the disease led to his demise.  When I wasn’t in meetings I made phone calls and established relationships with other people in the rooms. I had to let go of people; places and things that made me want to eat. I needed meetings.  When I reached ninety days, I started sponsoring because my sponsor told me, “Service matters!” I sponsored, chaired and started meetings and did what I could to maintain my abstinence.
Last spring I was surprised when the Nominating Committee approached and asked me if I would be interested in serving on the Board of Trustees. I heard the voice of my first sponsor in the back of my head telling me never say no to service.
Fast-forwarding to today I feel honored to be serving on the Board and strengthening my commitment to our international community. Service definitely matters! As my service role in our fellowship expands I am grateful to be getting to know others around the world that are as grateful as I to be a member of GreySheeters Anonymous.
Monthly Board of Trustees Liaison Report Highlights
August 16, 2020
Vision for World Service:
“Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think of GreySheet.”
World Service has four core functions to achieve the vision. Here is our progress to date:
  1. Integrity of the Greysheet 
    • The Board of Trustees published guidance to the fellowship on promoting personal safety in the program to protect Tradition One: Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon GSA unity. The Board of Trustees also commissioned an ad hoc committee to research, report, and recommend to the board any other approaches to promote personal safety.
  1. Website
    • a. The Website Committee and Board of Trustees published a plan to obtain new content for the new website The Website Committee are now copying and pasting the current content into the new site.
      b. The Website and Structure Committees and the Board of Trustees designed the new group registration form and it is being tested on the current site. Existing groups will be asked to re-register within 90 days of publication.
      c. The Website Committee is entering all the current video meeting information into an easier-to-use display.
  1. Literature
    • a. A subcommittee of the Literature Committee sent the manuscript for Living Abstinent to a preview subcommittee of the Board of Trustees to determine if it is ready to submit to the entire Board of Trustees.
    • b. The Responsibility Statement was published on, GreyNet, and in Service Matters to be used freely by the fellowship.
    • c. Mexican and Caribbean GreySheeters reviewed the Latin American Spanish translation of the GreySheet. The Literature Committee sent the Translation Agreement to the translators to sign.
  2. Public Information
    • The Public Information Committee is reviewing current Member Stories on the website to determine if they should transfer to the new website. They will then solicit new written stories to reflect the diversity of GreySheet experience.

Spotlight in Western States Intergroup (WSI)

WSI was first organized at the Malibu Retreat in April 2016, and has been meeting monthly on Zoom since that time, on the first Wednesday of each month. The WSI region includes the following states in the USA: AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY and two provinces in Canada: British Columbia and Alberta.

Our intergroup includes members attending 15 meetings: 9 Zoom meetings, 6 Face to Face meetings (most of which are currently on Zoom due to COVID-19). We have 10 active GSR’s, most of whom are on one or more World Service Committees, including the Chairperson of the Website Committee. Our ISR also chairs the Structure Committee.
Help Wanted! Service Opportunities
Reflections Zoom Writing Workshop: Next meeting is September 26 at 11:00 AM ET. 
Zoom meeting ID: 203 332 604

Only 90 days of B2B GS abstinence is required and the willingness to share your experience, strength and hope in this daily reflections for GSers  book-in-progress! The title will be One Meal at a Time.

If you cannot come to the writing workshop, email for guidelines and submit any time.
Audio Links
If you missed one of these meetings, or prefer listening to reading Service Matters,  you can listen to the audio or read the notes here:
Notes from Board of Trustees Town Hall July 26, 2020:
Notes from Concept 10 meeting:
Notes from August Committees Connecting meeting:
  1035 Hits

Service Matters • August 2020

Welcome to the August 2020 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question,

“What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole

to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

As we welcome you to the August issue of Service Matters, we are aware that the COVID-19 pandemic NMW continues to stretch from days to weeks to months. The long view can be a distraction, but the literature tells us we have a daily reprieve and we do this 3-0-1!  Even though this is a long-term No Matter What, we still have to do it One Day at a Time. We don’t live in a future knowing when COVID might end. We have a program that helps us live in the present, staying abstinent just for today.  And abstinence requires our commitment to focus on the preparation of that next meal and to set up protections against that first compulsive bite. As Summer approaches Fall, we wish our dear readers days of delicious meals, peace in our hearts and continued devotion to our life-saving abstinence, One Day at a Time.

Save the Date!

Saturday October 17, 2020, 11:00 am ET- GSA World Service Update Video Forum

ISRs & GSRs - Please read/distribute in your meetings
The GSA Responsibility Statement

When anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, I want them to think of the GreySheet solution. For that I am responsible.

At the June 21st Literature Committee meeting, this ’new’ Responsibility
Statement was unanimously voted in.  It then went to the ISRs/Chairs committee meeting on July 11 where it was again voted in unanimously.
How did we come to have our own responsibility statement?  Our current Board has been very sensitive to the requests of Alcoholics Anonymous not to reprint any of their literature without permission and, even with permission, to cite AA as the source.
When the Board wrote up its Four Core Functions, they wrote their own version of responsibility that they hoped would trickle down to every member of our wonderful organization.  The Chair of the Literature Committee suggested that we should have our own GSA Responsibility statement that we all need to “Pass It On.’
For two or three months, suggestions went back and forth between the Literature Committee and ISRs/Committee Chairs. The final version is as simple and as direct as we could make it, focusing on the membership as a collective—that each one of us is responsible to make sure that we as a whole have done everything possible to make information easily available to the newcomer, the long-timer and everyone else in between.
This statement is available to all of you. Use in your business meetings, as a prayer, etc.
Please make sure all your meetings get this information.

Upcoming Meetings - all interested GreySheeters are Welcome!

1.  Committees Connecting meeting link:
Sunday, August 9 at 12:00 Noon ET 
-- The Nominating and Public Information Committees will be presenting, and while all delegates are encouraged to attend, all interested GreySheeters are welcome!!
2. Concept 10 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
Sunday, August 16 at 1:00 PM ET

3. Tradition 10 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
Sunday, August 23 at 1:00 PM ET.

Next One Meal at a Time Reflections Writing Workshop: 
Saturday, August 29, at 11:00 AM ET


Q: I recently heard about a new way to donate to GSAWS that does not involve PayPal and charges less in fees. How does one do that?

A: It’s called Text to Donate and it’s really simple if you live in the US. I just texted the letters,  NMW to 44-321. I was then sent a link immediately that allows access to a website that manages the donations. Beside each level of giving were ideas for what could be accomplished with that level of support. Each description indicated the various tasks we’ve asked the BOT to do over the next year. I found it  informative and inspiring. I thought the whole Text to Donate idea was BRILLIANT! It created in me a belief that even my small donation would make a difference! I had 18 months at the time, so I donated $18. Thank you, GSA. I desperately want this program to be available to the person who still suffers as it was available to me.

August 2020 - Monthly Board of Trustees Column

Tara T., Board Member
Hello all!  I am a compulsive overeater, weighing and measuring three meals a day from the GreySheet, committing them to my sponsor and not eating in between meals no matter what.  Abstinence gives me a kick a$$ life today, and my abstinence date is 3/14/2015.
My journey to the Board has been anything but straight.  I attended my first GreySheet meeting in 2002, and went out in 2003.  In 2008 I found my way back via the Greynet, but was now living in an outpost, attending meetings on the Phone Bridge and occasional trips to Cambridge, Massachusetts. Eventually the only meetings I did were my live AA meetings. 
The Facebook GSers NMW group opened my life up to something I honestly never could have anticipated.  I started doing service as an administrator on the GS Recipe Group page, then the GSers NMW page.  Zoom meetings were advertised on that page, and I found myself struggling to stay awake for the 9pm ET Sunday and Tuesday night meetings.  Eventually another east coaster and I started the Why Not?  Group on Monday nights at 7:30 pm EST, which led me to service within the fellowship.  That group has been going for 2 years now and is up to 30 people in attendance, even prior to the pandemic.  And I am writing a Board of Trustees column for Service Matters….who would have thought?
If you listened to the Valentine’s Day SWIG Couples speaker blast, you heard my husband and I share our journey in GSA.  One day at a time, he will celebrate 1 year of back to back abstinence on August 7th.  I feel I have ‘my’ Joe back, and for that I will forever be indebted to GSA.  
My special project upon taking the seat on the BOT deals with the North East Intergroup.  Despite living in Maine, our group is a member of the Western States Intergroup. At the beginning we had our own Zoom account, but then we were led to approach WSI and see if we could become part of their intergroup and take advantage of their Zoom membership.  Should the NEIG become active, a community Zoom membership may be just one thing made available to groups in the region. I also noticed at World Service last October, only one GSR from the North East was present.
In order to facilitate activating the NEIG,  I am hosting Zoom informational meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Perhaps we can help groups in that area be better represented at the World Service level, either by reorganizing the NEIG, or helping groups find their way to existing intergroups. Members who live in Delaware, Maine , Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York State (not City), Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, D.C. may be interested in joining us!  The Zoom Meeting ID is 828 4636 6544,  and we will be meeting the third Tuesday of the month in August and September with the hopes of having a proposal for the Structure Committee in advance of their November meeting.  I can be reached at or by calling 207-590-8631.

Monthly Board of Trustees Liaison Report Highlights

July 19, 2020
Vision for World Service:
“Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think of GreySheet.”
World Service has four core functions to achieve the vision. Here is our progress to date:
  1. Integrity of the Greysheet 
    • The GreySheet Committee will present its report, Clarifications of GreySheet Abstinence and Sponsor Guidelines, to the Board of Trustees on August 16th.
  1. Website
    • The Website Committee will publish a Group Registration form on so that all GreySheeters Anonymous groups can re-register within 90 days. This will improve the meeting information on the website.
  1. Literature
    • A subcommittee of the Literature Committee is editing the final chapters of Living Abstinent. They will send the manuscript to the entire Literature Committee by August 16th and the Board of Trustees by September 20th.
    • The ISRs and Chairs approved the Responsibility Statement and the Literature Committee will publish it to the fellowship by the October Video Forum
    • The Board of Trustees has conditionally approved French and Slovakian translations of the GreySheet.
  2. Public Information

Help Wanted! Service Opportunities

Reflections Zoom Writing Workshop: Next meeting is August 29 at 11:00 AM ET
Zoom meeting ID: 203 332 604

Only 90 days of B2B GS abstinence is required and the willingness to share your experience, strength and hope in this daily reflections for GSers  book-in-progress! The title will be One Meal at a Time.

If you cannot come to the writing workshop, email for guidelines and submit any time.

Audio Links

If you missed one of these meetings, or prefer listening to reading Service Matters,  you can listen to the audio or read the notes here:
Notes from Board of Trustees Town Hall July 26, 2020:
Notes from Concept 9 meeting:

Notes from Tradition 9 meeting:

Notes from Committees Connecting meeting:
  982 Hits

Service Matters • July 2020

Welcome to the July Issue of SERVICE MATTERS!

Welcome to the July 2020 issue of Service Matters, your answer to the question,

“What’s Up in GreySheet?” regarding all the work done for GSA as a whole

to carry the message to compulsive eaters who still suffer.

July Theme - Unity


As the world cries out in suffering and for justice, many of us find ourselves asking just what is an outside issue during these times? We can reach out with compassion and act as individuals, and in our fellowship, we are reminded of our fifth and tenth traditions, that GSA has one primary purpose and no opinion on outside issues.

Our first tradition gives us our theme this month: UNITY. We are told our personal recovery depends upon it, and any GreySheeter with not too many days abstinent will know just how true that is. The national and international events of the last few months may seem polarizing at times, but who better than GreySheeters can see that the best way through that fear of the unknown is by coming together, all of us, to support those of us who are still sick and suffering. We can hold close in our hearts and take solace in our slogan: I can't; we can.

Save the Date!

Saturday October 17, 2020. 11:00 am ET- GSA World Service Update Video Forum
Please note that this is a New Date.
Why a Video Forum?
The Conference Committee (ConC) is responsible for all aspects of the annual GreySheeters Anonymous World Service Conference (WSC). The ConC organizes the next WSC and if needed, a bi-annual zoom meeting to discuss the WSC committee updates. In consultation with the ConC and the other WSC committees, the Board of Trustees (BOT) has decided to postpone the WSC until October 15-17, 2021.

Therefore, the ConC will host the ‘The First GreySheeters Anonymous World Service Update Video Forum’. This video forum will be held Saturday, October 17, 2020 at 11:00 am ET for the entire GreySheet fellowship. This is your opportunity to learn about what our committees work on throughout the year. We will distribute and post the agenda and materials sometime before the end of September 2020. This is an informative session with no voting. We will dedicate the first hour to committee updates and the second hour to the GreySheet Committee’s update.
The WSC committees work tirelessly year-round to accomplish projects and challenges brought forth by the WSC and the BOT. Our overall goal is to organize our fellowship and bring the GSA fellowship into the next century with an accurate, up-to-date website, new Conference Approved Literature, financial decisions, a much needed structure for our fellowship and so forth. The committees that are part of the WSC are: Archives Committee, Communications Committee, Conference Committee, Finance Committee, GreySheet Committee (BOT), Literature Committee, Nominating Committee, Public Information Committee, Structure Committee and the Website Committee.
What is the WSC? Why not 2020?
The WSC (World Service Conference) is the ‘business meeting’ of our worldwide fellowship. It is where we send our group (GSR) and intergroup (ISR) representatives to make decisions on motions brought forth by the ten committees and Board of Trustees (BOT). Typically, over the course of about 16 hours of meetings, the delegates discuss and decide on approximately 20 committee motions related to matters affecting GreySheeters Anonymous as a whole. Most committees are fully engaged in implementing the decisions of the last conference and will not be proposing any new projects this year. Therefore, there simply is not enough business to conduct to merit the time, effort, and cost of assembling our delegates in Chicago in October. (And then there was COVID). We now bring you our first annual video forum update!

Upcoming Meetings - all Interested GreySheeters are Welcome!

1.  Committees Connecting meeting link:
Sunday, July 12 at 12:00 Noon ET 
-- The Finance Committee will be presenting, and while all delegates are encouraged to attend, all interested GreySheeters are welcome!!
2. Concept 9 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
Sunday, July 19 at 1:00 PM ET
3. Board of Trustees Town Hall meeting link:
Sunday, July 26, at 11:00 AM ET
4. Tradition 9 meeting ID: 791 453 380 
SundayJuly 26 at 1:00 PM ET

Q & A

Q: What is your biggest NMW during this time?”

A: Here are some of their answer:

  1.  I am new to GreySheet; I've only been coming since October 2019. However I have found that the NMW of no matter what other people are eating or when they are eating has been hard for me. I hate feeling like I am missing out. So instead I've been working on my gratitude, focusing on what I have – not what I do not have. What I get to eat and how I get to eat are amazing, huge meals, and I get to live my life in between my meals.
  2. My dog being hospitalized. 
  3. I am getting older, putting on weight, being on less food and not losing the weight.  Praying for self-acceptance, patience and faith that all is well. 
  4. I’m pregnant and staying abstinent is a huge NMW. I know that abstinence is the biggest gift I can give to myself and my baby. I want to be present during my pregnancy and beyond,  so I stay abstinent one day at a time. Biggest NMW of my abstinence - my father-in-law passed away during the corona virus. He was the backbone and light of our family. My husband, his mother and siblings were together for a week of mourning, and I was in the beginning of my pregnancy. There was so much grief, loss, pain and feelings all around, as well of tons of food from well-meaning friends and family. I was keeping late hours, and one night I really feared I would pick up. I didn't, thank God, and put myself to bed. Those were the two hardest weeks of my abstinence. My role at that point was taking care of all the immediate family members, and for the first few days I forgot to take care of myself. There was no one to take care of me at that point. I very quickly remembered the important principle,’if I don’t come first, no one else can come second.’ I made sure to buy myself delicious food so I would not be tempted by all the food around and remembered to give myself space from the people and emotions around me. I am abstinent by the sheer grace of God.
  5. The tools I have gotten and all the meetings I’ve attended are like cash in the bank. During a NMW, I cash in all my tools and experience so far, and keep working the program to have emotional backup for the next rainy day.
  6. My biggest no matter what at any time is my thinking.  It is rarely dependent upon outside situations, unless I choose to use them as an excuse to get my knickers in a twist. 
  7. I live in France and eating with French people is a real challenge.  Not only do they not get the possibility of food addiction but they also consider certain foods and a certain beverage right up there with oxygen.  Right now I am on vacation and a guest in a French family's home.  My friend has tried extremely hard to understand, but I am very vigilant. I don’t want to forget for one minute who I am and what I do. Each day, I feel a little more comfortable going in the refrigerator and getting what I need if it’s not on the table. And I think of all the rest of you going through NMWs and I’m not going to be the one to rock this lifeboat we are in!!!   
  8. I need some exercise - walking in Arizona is never a pleasant thing in the summer, and gyms are too scary.... 
  9. The challenge of not eating my heaviest comfort GS foods during this time - my choices could be better.
  10. My biggest NMW is when I'm very emotionally and physically drained after a 6-8 hour day of tele-health video sessions and I need to prepare my abstinent dinner.   
  11.  This week, I go to the cemetery for the one year anniversary of my father's death. 
  12. Staying abstinent through two knee replacements with support of GS sponsor.
  13. Trusting my HP with the big picture, staying grounded, and praying for guidance for what, beyond my 3 weighed and measured meals, is mine to do.
    From the Literature Committee

Are you interested in getting a sneak peak at the book Living Abstinent that will come

out next fall? The Thursday evening Zoom meeting "It Works if You Work It” is reading the first draft of the book and discussing it.  They are also sending the Literature Committee feedback and comments to make the book better.

To join the meeting, click this link: Zoom meeting link:

The meeting is at 6:55-8:00pm PST

Meeting ID# 384 901 911

Same password as all our meetings

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments

Nominating Committee Working Hard to Fill Out the Board of Trustees

We have been meeting monthly since the World Service Conference. Two people did resign from the Board (Sara S and Hrafnhildur/Habby B) because of work commitments, and our Class B trustee stepped down.
But we have three new trustees (Tara T from Saco, Maine, Anne G from Astoria, New York, and Ingibjörg/Inga S from Iceland) who have been elected by the BOT as well as a new Class B (non-compulsive-eater) trustee, Dan Durbin from Vero Beach, Florida.  Please join me in welcoming them at our next Town Hall. Sunday July 26th 11 am ET,
On July 2 we will be discussing a GreySheet nominee who comes well-recommended, so by the time you read this we may have 4 new trustees and a Class B trustee.  Since our goal is to fill the board of 13, we are right on track.

If you have someone you would like to nominate (especially from the Western half of the USA) please let us know at

July 2020 - Monthly Board of Trustees Column

Grainne M., President

Who are those trustees and what do they do?

The trustees you nominated at WSC2019 are delighted to welcome four new members!


Our job is to manage the affairs of your World Services organization to accomplish what you asked us to do at the World Service Conferences. We are committed to involving you as much as possible in decisions about how we do that.

One of the ways that we try to involve you is to have at least one board member in each of GSA's ten approved intergroups. With Tara and Inga, we are now able to attend nine of the ten intergroup meetings. We still need a trustee from Europe to connect us to the approximately 125 GreySheeters in Europe.

Another way to make sure we hear your voice is to have at least one board member participating on each of the ten current committees. As new trustees come on board,  your GSRs and ISRs working on committees have a direct connection to the Board of Trustees.

Below is the Update on our progress.

Get in touch:,,, or

Monthly Board of Trustees Liaison Reports

Vision for World Service:
“Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think of GreySheet.”

World Service has four core functions to achieve the vision. Here is our progress to date:

  1. Integrity of the Greysheet 
    • We received permission from A.A.W.S. to reprint the section of their book, Alcoholics Anonymous commonly referred to as the promises. We rolled out an addendum to the GSA and A.A. Intellectual Property policy to all the Intergroup Service Representatives for them to notify all their member groups.
  1. Website
    • A new member of the Website Committee has set up a project tracking tool for all the material that committees, boards, and intergroups are providing to Website Committee for our new site. The Board of Trustees and the Website Committee have agreed on a review and approval process for incoming material. Intergroup Service Representatives and Committee Chairs are invited to meet with the Website Committee to clarify their responsibilities for the new site.
  1. Literature
    • We have finished writing Living Abstinent. We are editing ten chapters. We will send the next set of chapters to the It Works if You Work It group by the end of June to read. We plan to send the manuscript to xLibris for publishing by the end of July.
  2. Public Information

Help Wanted! Service Opportunities

Reflections Zoom Writing Workshop: Next meeting is July 25 at 11:00 AM ET
Zoom meeting ID: 203 332 604

Only 90 days of B2B GS abstinence is required and the willingness to share your experience, strength and hope in this daily reflections for GSers  book-in-progress! The title will be One Meal at a Time.

If you cannot come to the writing workshop, email for guidelines and submit any time.
Next Board of Trustees Town Hall is Sunday, July 26 at 11:00 AM ET.
Come one, come all!! 
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 717 731 799

Audio Links

If you missed one of these meetings, or prefer listening to reading Service Matters,  you can listen to the audio or read the notes here:

June Service Matters:
BOT Town Hall meeting: April 26, 2020
Notes from Concept 8 meeting:

Notes from Committees Connecting meeting:

  1010 Hits

Service Matters • June 2020

Welcome to the June Issue of SERVICE MATTERS!

GSRs - please read at your meetings

1. GreySheeters Anonymous World Services wants to strengthen our community support networks. We need your help to identify the digital platforms our community uses such as: Instagram, Facebook, Marco Polo, WhatsApp, etc.  

Please email with:

  • Platform Name:
  • Link:
  • Responsible Name (Owner, Administrator, Coordinator, Moderator, etc.):
  • Email:
  • Phone: 

2. has upgraded its application to Zoom 5.0 which went into effect on 5.30.20. If you have not yet upgraded to your mobile device or laptop, you will be required to do so before attending a meeting after that time. Here are directions:

3. Next Committees Connecting Meeting will be Sunday, June 14 at 12:00 Noon ET at this link:
Meeting ID: 663 470 166

The Conference Committee will be presenting, and while all delegates are encouraged to attend, all interested GreySheeters are welcome!!

Q & A

Q: GSA is in the process of writing a statement of responsibility inspired by AA’s responsibility statement. We asked some GreySheeters the question, “How do you carry out your responsibility to carry the message to someone who is still suffering?”
A: Here are some of their answer:
1.  By weighing and measuring from the GreySheet and being joyful with my life.
2.  I have three sponsees, I speak at meetings when I'm asked to, and I try to carry the message of the Cambridge GreySheet:  The food, the food, the food.
3.  By sharing my Experience, Strength and Hope on our Facebook pages, at live meetings and on the phone bridge.
4.  I'm about to lead a meeting, where I will share what it was like and what it's like now.
5.  By sharing it all -- the pain and the joy -- at meetings, showing that we can get through anything without eating.
6.  By asking for help during my No Matter Whats, I demonstrate that we don't have to -- and can't -- do this alone!
7.  By making my food beautiful and answering questions when suffering compulsive eaters ask me about it.
8.  By inviting suffering compulsive eaters in my life to meetings.
9.  I carry the message every time someone says, "But you don't LOOK like you ever had a weight problem!" and I reply, "That's because I got help.  Want details?"
10.  I carry the message by keeping my food and my program first in my life, so I have a message to carry.
11. I answer the phone when a GreySheeter calls.

June 2020 - Monthly Board of Trustees Column

Sandie M., Secretary
Hello fellow GreySheeters!
My name is Sandie and I am Secretary to your elected Board of Trustees. I am also a compulsive overeater. I have been abstinent as we define it since August 27, 2009. In the past ten years, I have found a peace and serenity that I never dreamed possible thanks to you and the fellowship of GreySheeters Anonymous. I have experienced a multitude of life’s no matter whats in the past decade, but thanks to the program of GreySheeters Anonymous, I have been able to walk through them with integrity, clarity, and have not eaten over any of them. 
The GSAWS bylaws state: 
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the annual meeting in books provided for that purpose. He or she shall be responsible for the giving and serving of all notices of GSAWS and shall perform all the duties customarily incident to the office of the Secretary, subject to the control of the Board of Trustees, and shall perform such other duties as shall from time to time be assigned by the Board of Trustees, including retaining the records and legal documents of GSAWS and the corporate seal, if any.
I am still learning and clarifying what “all the duties subject to the control of the Board of Trustees” means in practical terms. The Secretary is responsible for the record keeping of the fellowship. I attend all GSAWS meetings and record the minutes and notes, which are placed in the archival record and on our website. The BOT has also decided that the Secretary is responsible for maintaining the membership records, which includes keeping a database of Groups, Intergroups, and Committees – membership, service positions, contact information, etc.  I am responsible, in conjunction with the BOT President, for setting  the agenda of the World Service Conference and gathering annual reports.
These responsibilities can sound dry and utilitarian, but they are not to me. For most of my abstinence, I did service by attending meetings regularly, holding service positions at meetings, beginning meetings back when we still used Skype, and sponsoring. As someone who lives in what we used to call an outpost (Can there really be outposts anymore with the multitude of video meeting options available to us?), I often felt that this was the limit to the service I could do. How could I even think of doing service at an Intergroup or World Service level? In addition to the geographical limitations, I had the big, busy life that I had been given by GreySheet. I felt that I didn’t have time.
About a year ago, I was approached by a fellow on the Nominating Committee who asked me to consider being on the Board of Trustees. With a bit of nervousness, I agreed. At the last World Service Conference in October, 2019, you elected your new BOT, and I embarked on what has been an amazing journey. In the past 7 months, I have learned so much about our fellowship and how it works. I have met people that I never would have met before and count them as friends. I have gained a new appreciation for all that the “old timers” have done to get our fellowship to this point in our history and I am honored to be a part of helping to shape its future. On a personal level, my program has been enriched beyond measure. By reaching beyond my comfort zone and taking the plunge into more service, I have renewed my vows to myself and my abstinence. I am grateful beyond measure.
I encourage you to think of ways in which you can use your unique talents to enrich a fellowship that has given you a life free from the bondage of compulsive eating.

Thank you for letting me be of service and WDENMW.

Getting GS Abstinent During This Pandemic

We have noticed many newcomers who have found us during this COVID-19 pandemic. Here are three from London:
Before I came to GreySheet, I was dying of compulsive overeating and bulimia. Miraculously, I found out about GreySheet on the day we were declared on lockdown here in the UK. I don’t know if I would have survived this crisis without it.
 My first impression of GreySheeters Anonymous can be summed by the tragic and miraculous catch-22: it was because everything else had failed that I knew GSA was going to work. I knew it immediately when my loving sponsor told me the boundaries of GS abstinence, and it was the structure I had been praying for. I knew it because in the GreySheet community, I found not only the blessed refrain of the phrase “me too”, but also unwavering support, guidance, love and so much laughter! And that was only 52 days ago. It is all possible with GreySheet!
When lockdown hit the UK in March I was in the food and had been on and off for the best part of 2.5 years after leaving another food fellowship in 2017. I was terrified that I was going to slip further into relapse and not only put myself at risk, but also my family, as I knew that I would need to leave the house to get my binge foods, and in doing so, would not be able to keep myself safe. I really did stand at the turning point. I knew I had two choices: either go further into the food and the slow death that awaited me, or find a programme that could offer me a way out.
My prayers of desperation were answered, and out of the blue, someone told me about GreySheeters Anonymous.  In all my years of 12 step recovery - at different times trying out six other food fellowships - I had not come across GreySheet. That day, I joined an online meeting, got a sponsor and got going with the food plan immediately. 
I have not looked back since. Who knew that what I'd been seeking all along was a community in which I could feel held, loved and safe. I was scooped up, met with warmth and given everything I needed to begin my recovery. It's just over a month since I came in and already I have made so many friends, and feel like I am living a life beyond my wildest dreams.  My hope was given back to me and the shame I'd been carrying around with me for so long, taken away. This fellowship has given me back my life and for that I am truly grateful.
I am overwhelmed by the love and kindness shown to me in this fellowship. I am able to be honest without shame or fear and encouraged to be myself...whoever that might be.
I believe if I stay close to this programme and follow the suggestions I never have to pick up food again.
Free at last, a grateful newcomer.

Help Wanted! Service Opportunities

Reflections Zoom Writing Workshop: Next meeting is June 27 at 11:00 AM ET
Zoom meeting ID: 203 332 604
Only 90 days of B2B GS abstinence is required and the willingness to share your experience, strength and hope in this daily reflections for GSers book-in-progress!
Next Board of Trustees Town Hall is Sunday, July 26 at 11:00 AM ET.
Come one, come all!! 
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 717 731 799

Audio Links

If you missed one of these meetings, or prefer listening to reading Service Matters,  you can listen to the audio or read the notes here:

May Service Matters audio version:
Concept 7 Meeting: May 17, 2020 
Tradition 7 meeting: May 24, 2020  audio link:
BOT Town Hall meeting audio: April 26, 2020
Committees Connecting Meeting May 10 , 2020:
Document Links to Notes of Meetings:
Notes from Tradition 7 meeting:
Notes from Concept 7 meeting:
  1094 Hits

Service Matters • May 2020

Welcome to the May Issue of SERVICE MATTERS!

Welcome, GreySheet brothers and sisters! We dedicate the May issue of Service Matters to the theme of Awakenings/New Growth.  We fellows of GreySheeters Anonymous know what it's like to endure seemingly fallow times, only to be joyfully surprised by clear signs of growth.  We are well-acquainted with the process of growing roots first, before the lovely blossoms peak through the earth.  In these days of the COVID-19 pandemic, rooted in the radical self-care of GreySheet abstinence, we can get to the other side of whatever comes along!  Simply to attain and maintain GreySheet abstinence, we have learned to ask for help and extend it, and to approach our challenges not with an attitude of "if", but, rather, "how"; we will overcome them!

As we witness ourselves and each other blossoming in GreySheet recovery, we are also reminded that we GreySheeters, when joined together, form a bouquet whose scent is sweeter and stronger than that of any single stem.  May we all continue to bloom and grow, with the help of our GreySheet toolbox, the Sunlight of the Spirit and each other.  Together, we can!

GSRs, Please Read at Your Business Meeting:

GSR’s Please read at your business meeting:

Seventh Tradition: As spring flowers awaken and grow through sunlight, water and essential nutrients, so GreySheeters Anonymous grows through the active participation of our fellowship (Concept 4), and Tradition 7 contributions. When we donate what we are able, our GSA member contributions nurture our meetings, website, literature, communication with both our members and professional communities, and those still suffering. We understand this is a challenging time, so ‘Giving Back’ can mean contributing through service as well. Service matters...and so do you! 

Website Contacts Lists Have Doubled!! Thanks to your generous response to phone calls from our committee members, the website now has 70 contacts in 24 states and 12 countries. Thank you to those who volunteered to respond to the still-suffering compulsive eaters who reach out!! If you have one year of back-to-back abstinence, can respond to emails within 48 hours, and wish to add your names to the list, please contact

Q&A - What are Some Gifts from This Coronavirus Situation?

Spring awakens our thoughts and feelings with the joy of accomplishment and self-awareness as we celebrate our abstinence each day. The influence of Covid19 has opened up new pathways of challenges we each overcome with our sponsors, fellow GreySheeters and loved ones. We look at the silver lining lessons from this period of time: FaceTime, Zoom, WhatsApp and new connections in the program with new ways to have outreach. Let’s hear it for technology supporting our abstinence.

Here are a few heartfelt shares of joy, reflection, love and habits from members of the Communications Committee and to quote one of our members: Fewer cars, less traffic and more Zoom!


  • I have gained a renewed appreciation for people I have often taken for granted: the grocery store clerks, stockers, and cart managers who make sure I get my abstinent food when I need it and are exposed to all of our germs and ill humor and neglect most of the time.
  • I have gained an appreciation for all the ways being an abstinent GSer in an outpost has acquainted me with ways to connect via social media, especially Zoom before the pandemic ever happened, placing me in a position to help other meetings get on line, both in GSA and Al-Anon and AA in my home town.
  • I know how to live a day at a time, have been practicing for decades. What a gift in hard times!!
  • The introvert in me is delighted! I have gained a stretch of time without needing to decline invitations or feel guilty about saying no!
  • I value more than ever the precious gift of life and time. We never know when this will end, both the pandemic and the life we live.
  • I am meditating more, with a group of people so I am accountable!


  • Get to spend lots of time with my family. Togetherness!
  • Self-house cleaning is mandatory! What pleasure to see the kids work at home….
  • More GSA meetings! As we all became “outposts” I am now more used to meeting via Zoom, and finding it almost as efficient as a “regular” meeting in the rooms. 
  • Getting to meet and see faces of more GSRs on Zoom meetings! We are in lock-down but GSA
  • world is bigger and more open than ever!
  • Less traffic - less car accidents.
  • Cleaner air...


What comes to me are two things (of many) that I have learned being on the GreySheet:

  • I only have to take one day at a time (sometimes one minute at a time). For example, I don´t know if I am going to be able to go to work tomorrow. But I am preparing as if I would go to work tomorrow. And if it so happens that I can´t, then I will just have to accept that tomorrow. I can´t do anything about it today.
  • Serenity: This has helped in ‘taking on’ the days as they come. The only thing I can do is Plan, Prepare and Protect and then let go of everything else. This virus is far beyond my control.


  • At home, in the quiet, sometimes it easier to hear the voices that are no longer true -- the ones who are so afraid of any error, who learned that error loses you love.  I’m getting a sense that only a loving, accepting relationship with myself will allow me to develop my abilities and relationships “out there”. 
  • Friends far and wide are checking in just to see that I’m OK (I live alone).  I am touched by their efforts.  They are teaching me to exert my own energy to let more people know that I care and appreciate them!


  • As we witness the seasons change and the re-awakening to spring time (in the Northern Hemisphere) there is a promise of better days ahead. One day at a time, I too, am awake, ask God for help, and do my best to go about my day with a perspective of love, generosity and acceptance.
  • My digital scale and my cups are my trusted friends. They don’t lie, they keep me ‘right sized’ and balanced 3x a day.
  • The new rituals surrounding going to the store, getting food, bringing it home, cleaning food and packaging before it comes into the house have ‘upped my game’ in the way I relate to food, before it even enters the front door and makes its way to my scale.

May 2020 - Monthly Board of Trustees Column

Joyce S., Treasurer

At the end of last year, GreySheeters Anonymous World Services, Inc. (GSAWS) had a review of our financial statements by an independent certified public accountant.  We received the results of her financial review in early January. I’m writing to provide the fellowship with a summary of her findings.  

You may wonder why we had a review of our financial records by an independent CPA.  After all, this is a costly endeavor for a relatively small organization like ours; in fact, GSAWS paid $2500 for a review of fiscal years 2016-2019.  If you break this down by year, it cost us approximately $800/year for an outside review.  

A financial review:

  • Shows that GSAWS is dedicated to financial transparency.
  • Provides reassurance that our financial statements are reliable.  
  • Helps GSAWS evaluate internal control systems.
  • Fulfills the requirement set forth in GSAWS by-laws to “present at the annual meeting of the Board a financial report, certified by an independent public accountant or certified public accountant or a firm of such accountants selected by the Board.”

Although it is good policy to have a review or audit by an independent accountant every year, it is not feasible for our fellowship due to the cost.  In the years when we do not have a conference and/or we are not transitioning to a new Board, a review will be performed by members of our fellowship.   

After conducting her financial review, the accountant concluded that “based on my review, with the exception of the matters described in the following section, I am not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the general ledgers and accompanying financial statements in order for them to be in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.”  Here is a summary of the accountant’s recommendations:

  1. The Company (GSAWS) should formulate in a written document accounting policies and procedures.  A well-designed and properly maintained system of documenting accounting policies and procedures will clarify roles, responsibilities, access and authorizations as well as timetables in order to improve the quality, consistency and efficiency of the Company’s internal control system and overall financial reporting function.  As a best practice written accounting policies and procedures should be evaluated annually and updated for any changes in policies and procedures that occur between evaluations.
  2. Overall, there should be more consistent policies and practices in place with respect to the accounting of accruals, prepaid expenses and in-kind donations.
  3. timetable should be established to outline key dates for the closing of month-ends, inclusive of the timely submission of supporting evidence to account for transactions relevant to each month-end and transfers between PayPal and operating accounts of the Company.
  4. Physical or electronic bank statements, inclusive of check images, and other forms of supporting evidence should be adequately archived and transitioned amongst Treasurers of the Company.
  5. Increase technical knowledge of QuickBooks’ functionalities surrounding the booking of entries from statement feeds as well as the closing process.
  6. Formal written agreements or contracts should be created and maintained between the Company and fellowship members performing services in exchange for monetary compensation on behalf of the Company.
  7. For better transparency, the coding of general ledger expense accounts should represent the underlying nature of expenses incurred – e.g. monthly administration fee of GSA literature should be bifurcated from GSA literature expense.
  8. Schedule the pickup and the deposit of checks in month-end close timeline to better account for donations in the months received in the P. O. Box.
  9. Clearer direction or awareness of members of which PayPal account to send payments to based on the underlying nature of the submission.

Let me assure you, that as treasurer, I am doing my best to comply with all the recommendations.  A draft has been written for GSAWS accounting policies and procedures and for GSAWS internal control procedures.  I’ve spent a good amount of time becoming familiar with QuickBooks functionalities. Formal written agreements are in process between GSAWS and fellowship members performing services for GSAWS.  We changed the date of pickup and deposit of checks from our P. O. Box. We have changed some of the coding for certain general ledger expense accounts to better represent the underlying nature of the expense.

If you would like additional information or a copy of her results, please contact me at  


Joyce S.

 Help Wanted!!  Service Opportunities!

Committees Connecting meeting for anyone interested in world service committee work – next meeting is Sunday, May 10, at 12:00 noon ET. The Communications Committee is presenting.

Zoom meeting ID: 663 470 166


Reflections Zoom Writing Workshop: Next meeting is May 30 at 11:00 AM ET

Zoom meeting ID: 203 332 604

Only 90 days of B2B GS abstinence is required and the willingness to share your experience, strength and hope!


Finance Committee is looking for members willing to conduct a review of our financial records in the months preceding the next World Service Conference in 2021, probably in May or June.  Please consider providing this important service for our fellowship. You do not need to have an accounting background, just a willingness to look at a few bank reports, trace transactions through to our financial statements, become familiar with our written accounting policy timetables and see if tasks were performed in a timely manner.  An audit plan will be provided for you to follow. The good thing about this service is that it is a short commitment, but the impact is great in reassuring the fellowship that our records are accurate and reliable and that we are practicing good internal controls. Contact if interested.

Board of Trustees Town Hall April 26, 2020

The Board of Trustees held the second quarterly Town Hall of 2020 on 4/26/20.

65 Total Attendees from: CTIG, EIG, ICEIG, MWIG, NEIG Area, NYMIG, PBIG, SEIG Area, SWIG, WSIG; including:

  • 7/8 Board of Trustees;
  • 31/40 Committee Members (All Committees were represented);
  • 21/193 GSRs.

The meeting was full of important and interesting updates on what work is being done at the World Services level. An update on the how GSA is responding to COVID-19, including a presentation on the Board of Trustees COVID-19 letter and the movement of Face to Face meetings to Zoom. Additional presentations were given on GSA’s Four Core Functions: GreySheet abstinence,, Literature, and Public Information. 

For more in depth information on the GSAWS Vision and Four Core Functions, click here:

To see a copy of the Board of Trustees COVID-19 letter to the fellowship, click here: 

There were also presentations from representatives from the Midwest Intergroup and the New York Metro Intergroup and from four of the Committees. All presenters put out a call for members to get involved in service at the Intergroup and/or Committee level.

Q&A from attendees:

Q: Interested in the process of defining the GreySheet and would love to know how it parallels process of AA. Changing the Steps or Traditions, i.e., their foundational documents. 

A: At this point, there are no plans to change the GreySheet as it stands as a document. Committee is working on clarifications, which is a separate report. The GreySheet as it stands as a document will not be changed.

Q: Will GreySheet be changed to reflect current practice?

A: No, the GreySheet pamphlet will not be edited. I think your question is part of the oral tradition that is passed down from sponsor to sponsee.

Q: $13,500 seems very low for a Conference. What does the $13,500 provide?

A: The $13,500 does not cover all the expenses of the World Conference. It pays for what the Board responsible for in terms of the Conference, i.e., funding the Board of Trustees participation in the Conference and paying the Parliamentarian’s fees and expenses. All other costs of the conference such as the retreat center, transcriptionist, etc. are covered by the registration fees of delegates representing groups or Intergroups.

Q: Why can’t we have some ideas of what GreySheet committee is working on or answer questions prior to the document coming out?

A: The reason the Committee is not releasing information in incremental steps is that we believe it needs to be approved in full in all of its context. We want to look at everything we do at the end of our work and ask, “Have we been consistent throughout and does it make a sense as a whole,” rather than releasing it in increments over an 18 month period.

Q: What did we call the Responsibility Statement before. I’d love to bring it to the Phone Bridge. The Phone Bridge Intergroup is currently using a modified version of the A.A. Responsibility Statement.

A: We do not have permission from AA to adopt and adapt their Responsibility Statement. Literature Committee was inspired by Board’s Vision for World Service. We took what they wrote, expanded on it, and came up with something to serve as our Responsibility Statement that the Literature Committee approved and sent on to the BOT for approval. It will go to ISRs and Chairs for discussion after Board approval.

Q: Does our literature include that we are not physicians or experts?

A: Pamphlet, If You Are a Healthcare Professional is on the website for you to review.

To listen to the recording of the Town Hall meeting, click here:

Audio links

April Service Matters audio version:

Concept 6 Meeting: April 19 2020

Tradition 6 meeting: April 26, 2020

BOT Town Hall meeting; April 26, 2020

Committees Connecting Meeting April 5, 2020:

  951 Hits

Service Matters • April 2020

Happy 22nd Anniversary to GSA!!

Welcome to the April 2020 issue of Service Matters, your newsletter providing information about service work, current projects to help carry the message, and opportunities to participate in GSA.

April 2020 - Monthly Board of Trustees Column

Letter to the GreySheeters Anonymous Fellowship from the Board of Trustees of GreySheeters Anonymous World Services:

March 19, 2020
Dear Fellow GreySheeters,
As your Board of Trustees, we want to reach out to you during this stressful and uncertain time of the spreading coronavirus. We are all facing numerous new challenges now, and the long- term impact of this pandemic on our lives remains uncertain. However, there is one thing which is entirely certain: eating compulsively never solves any problem and only serves to make every problem worse. We love that GreySheet is a No Matter What program, allowing us to stay safe around food under any and all conditions.

Compulsive eating is a disease of isolation. Being connected with other GreySheeters helps us to stay in the light of recovery. It appears that in the days ahead we will be asked to further intensify our social distance. Many of us may be required to shelter in place and not leave our homes at all. We want to remind you that ours is a “We” program and that you are never alone. With just a bit of outreach, you can get all the support you need to stay abstinent through this trying time.

Although many face-to-face GSA meetings are suspended during this time, we are so fortunate to have other ways to connect with each other. In addition to speaking with our sponsors and sponsees and calling other GreySheeters, we have daily video and phone meetings.

The GSA Phone List is available to all GreySheeters so members can reach another GreySheeter at any time. The GreyNet is an online meeting available 24 hours a day.

Abundant GreySheet connection is also available on FaceBook, WhatsApp, and MarcoPolo. Ask your sponsor, sponsees, and GreySheet friends if they are members and they can help you join these private groups.

We understand that countries around the world are managing the virus differently and we urge you to follow the recommendations of your local authorities and trusted health agencies like the World Health Organization and, in the United States, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

At this time, let us remember our precious Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.

We cannot change what is happening in our world right now, but we certainly can take charge of how we respond to it.

  • Plan, Prepare and Protect: We suggest having plenty of GreySheet food on hand for the days ahead – canned proteins, fruits and vegetables make for excellent back-up. Talk to your sponsor and GreySheet friends for many more abstinent ideas.
  • Stay Connected: We suggest making phone calls and attending video or phone meetings.
  • Remember our Tools help keep us Abstinent: Sponsorship, Twelve Step Literature, Writing, Prayer, Meditation, Service, Gratitude.

For additional support, please listen to audio recordings of the Communication Committee for two special Zoom meetings:

GSA Meets Coronavirus, NMW  held on Saturday March 28th, 8am EDT and 2pm EDT 
Note: If you missed these meetings, audio recordings are available on Southwest Intergroup YouTube Channel:
8:00 AM ET audio recording:
2:00 PM ET audio recording:

Our GreySheet Community remains unified in our primary purpose: To Stay Abstinent and Help Another Compulsive Eater to Achieve Abstinence. One meal at a time, one day at a time, we can weigh and measure and Not Eat No Matter What (and this is clearly a big one!)

Wishing you yummy abstinent meals and much peace in the days ahead,
                                                    Your Board of Trustees,
                                                    Grainne, Laura, Sandie, Joyce, Lee, Joey, and Ofer


Request: Please copy/send this letter to your GreySheet friends who may not receive it. We want everyone to receive information about our resources to stay connected. We do not have any centralized list of all GreySheeters (of course).

7th Tradition
GSR's and ISR's - please read at your meetings 

This month, consider making an extra donation to GSAWS of $22 in honor of GSAWS 22nd Anniversary April 6!!  Last year, some meetings donated an extra $21 on behalf of their groups. In some cases, individuals donated $21. Donations are much needed and always appreciated.

Q: I know that face to face meetings have rent to pay, but why is there so much talk these days about GSAWS needing money? Zoom meetings are almost free, aren’t they?  My experience in the program is that of going to meetings, calling my sponsor, taking sponsee calls, and now with the coronavirus, attending Zoom meetings. None of that costs money. I don’t get it.
A: It’s true that there has been more of an effort to get the word out about the need for increased donations to GSAWS in order to do the work of our primary purpose: to stay abstinent and carry the message to other compulsive eaters to help them achieve abstinence.
Perhaps it is helpful to think of it this way. When you’re invited to a wedding, and you show up for the ceremony and the reception, you benefit from a lot of hard work that is done to prepare for this event. Guests to the wedding may not know how much the caterer cost, or renting the space, or decorations, or getting the room set up and food prepared and served, or invitations made and sent out, or plans made to accommodate all the people who responded to those invitations. Still, they know a lot went into the day ahead of time, on the day, and afterwards. The wedding celebration did not just happen. We know that it is expected for us to give the couple a gift, in part to show our love, but also because we know weddings are expensive.
Truly, the work of our fellowship is done by a relatively small group of volunteers who work tirelessly on our behalf. When we show up for a meeting,  trusted servants have reserved the space. If there is literature, it’s because someone has written it and gotten it published. If GreySheets are available, it’s because the copyright has been protected (with the help of a copyright attorney who costs money). When decisions need to be made about how our fellowship will move into the future and remain viable, we have a world service conference that brings trusted servants together to make sure the decisions made reflect the will of our entire membership. The Conference costs a lot of money, even when we stay in a former convent rather than a hotel to minimize expenses to our delegates.
People who are directed to our website get some answers to their questions at, as well as the opportunity to subscribe to Service Matters and join the phone list.  Our website has been in operation for several years and it needs a serious updating. Trusted servants such as Board of Trustee members, website committee and intergroup members have been working on those revisions. The website committee meets monthly and works hard in-between meetings to make those changes. And still, website renovations cost money. Most of the work done is voluntary, but we do have an industry expert who is paid hourly for her services.
We have several subcommittees working on new GreySheet Literature projects, again all done by volunteers. But if we are to have books that GreySheeters can hold in their hands, that will cost money.
In summary, the more contact you have with the work of our world-wide fellowship, the easier it is to understand the need to double our seventh tradition donations. Once you are part of that service engine, you know first-hand what things cost and how much is done pro bono out of love for our fellowship and the solution we offer.
So please, consider increasing the amount of money you give. If you only donate at your home group meeting, consider putting something in the basket (or PayPal) at every meeting you go to. If you are giving $1, consider giving $2. If you’ve never contributed at your anniversary, in the amount of $1 or $5 for every year of abstinence, consider doing that. And there’s always the GreySheet Anniversary every April. This year we celebrate 22 years of the existence of GSA. Some people have a certain amount deducted from their bank accounts every month to GSAWS. It is amazing how much a regular donation of $5 or $10 a month adds up.
Obviously, not everyone can give more than they currently give. But some of us can, and that can make a huge difference to the possibilities of carrying the message to the compulsive eater who still suffers. AA’s Big Book states, “It is not the matter of giving that is at stake, but when and how to give.” Ask yourself and your Higher Power if it is time for you to step up and give more. Are you giving what you can, when you can?
Thanks to all of us doing our part to fulfill the vision of GSA: That when anyone has a problem with food, they think of GreySheeters Anonymous.
Upcoming GSA Meetings for World Services
Consult Service Matters on line to get links to these meetings:
Committees Connecting Meets on Sunday, April 5, at 12:00 noon ET at this Zoom link: are welcome! The Archives Committee will be presenting. This is a great time to tune in to the latest projects and concerns of committees and offer your input or ask questions.

Tradition 6 meeting – Sunday, April 26, from 1:00 – 1:30 PM ET, at this link:

Concept 6 meeting:  Sunday, April 19 from 1:00 – 1:30 PM ET, at this link:

Audio Recording Links

March 8 Committees Connecting meeting
March 22 Tradition 5 meeting
March 15 Concept 5 meeting 
March 28: GSA Meets Coronavirus NMW Meetings: 8:00 AM ET:

March 28: GSA Meets Coronavirus NMW Meeting: 12 noon ET:

YouTube Audio recording of Service Matters March issue:

Call for Writings

Help us create the first GSA Daily Reflections Book! 

If you are interested in contributing to the GSA Daily Reflections Book and have 90 days of GS abstinence, please come to our next workshops on Zoom where you’ll learn what the specifications are for each reflection and have time to write one or two while at the workshop!! The next one will be held on Saturday, April 25 at 11:00 AM ET at this Zoom Link: .

Upcoming workshops are always on the last Saturday of the month: May 30 and June 27, at 11:00 ET.

For more information please contact:

International and US Contacts Wanted!

Our current contact list is not representative of all the wonderful GreySheeters who live and thrive in many countries all over the world. If you live in a country not currently listed on the website’s International Contacts List, or if you live in an “outpost,” that is, a location that does not have GS meetings, please consider doing this service. You need to have one year of B2B GS Abstinence, be able and willing to respond to email requests within 48 hours about GreySheet (from newcomers)  and your location (for visitors who are GS abstinent). If interested, please contact with your name, email, home group (can be phone, video or face-to- face meeting)  and abstinence date.

We need this list updated by April 15th!!!

Note for GSRs and ISRs

Has your group or intergroup voted in new officers?

Please make sure you notify the Structure Committee with any new changes at or notify your ISR to update the spreadsheet on google drive. Every ISR has access to this spreadsheet on Google Drive.

Upcoming Events

*** Please check our website at information about GSA events, and to check for cancellations due to COVID-19 restrictions.

  • Connecticut Retreat in Ivoryton, CT - "Came to Believe":  Friday, May 15th thru Sunday, May 17th, 2020
  • GreySheet in County Dublin, Ireland - Saturday, August 15th, 2020, 10:00-16:00
  • Delegate Video Forum (SAVE THE DATE!) - Saturday, October 31, 2020, 11:00 AM ET
  • World Service Conference 2021 - October 15 – 17, 2021, Cenacle Retreat Center, Chicago, IL
  978 Hits

Service Matters • March 2020

Welcome to the March Issue of SERVICE MATTERS!

Your newsletter providing information about service in GSA!

March 2020 - Monthly Board of Trustees Column

Grainne M., President, GreySheeters Anonymous World Services

World Service Conference
In consultation with the Conference Committee and the other World Service Conference committees, the Board of Trustees has decided to postpone the conference to 2021. Stay tuned for the new date.

The World Service Conference is the business meeting of the worldwide fellowship. It is where we send our group and intergroup representatives to make decisions on motions brought by the ten committees and board. Typically, over the course of about 16 hours of meetings, the delegates discuss and decide on approximately 20 motions related to matters affecting GreySheeters Anonymous as a whole. Currently the committees report that they will only have between five and ten motions – mostly from one committee. Most committees are fully engaged implementing the decisions of the last conference and will not be proposing any new projects this year. Therefore, there simply isn’t enough business to conduct to merit the time, effort, and cost of assembling our delegates in Chicago in October.

Instead the board will plan a two-hour video forum to be held on Saturday October 31st at 11 am ET for registered delegates. We will distribute the agenda and materials for groups and intergroups to discuss in advance. Keep reading Service Matters for the details.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please email or speak to the board liaison for your intergroup or committee. We are all confident that, with more time, the committees will have plenty of significant decisions for the fellowship to make in 2021.

Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think of GreySheet.”

This is the vision for World Services. We accomplish this in four ways:

  1. Protect the integrity of the GreySheet solution
  2. Make the primary destination for online searches
  3. Publish and make easily available great literature that shares our experience, strength, and hope
  4. Reach out to the public, the media, and the healthcare profession

Everything else we do supports these four functions. To accomplish these four core functions as directed by the WSC2019 will cost approximately $40K. In 2019, our donations were $21K. We need to double our donations to World Service in 2020 to accomplish our primary purpose. There is a slideshow that provides more information in the online Service Matters.

Who Participated in the January Town Hall?
At least 37 GreySheeters attended including: 

  • 10 Group Service Representatives from the Connecticut, European, Icelandic, Israeli, New York Metro, SouthWest, and Western States Intergroups
  • Six of our nine intergroup service representatives (Europe, Iceland, Midwest, New York Metro, Southwest, and Western States)
  • Seven of our eight trustees
  • Members of all ten committees
  • Six countries – Canada, England, France, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Spain, and the United States
  • 13 US states – California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, South Carolina, and Texas

Was your group or state represented? Will someone be reporting back to you about how we are accomplishing our primary purpose?

Board of Trustees Update
Unfortunately, since our October Town Hall the board has lost two valuable trustees – one to other commitments and one to chair the Literature Committee. We now need to fill five open positions on the Board of Trustees. If you are interested and have at least five years of GreySheet abstinence, please consider submitting an application to The application form and more information is on the website:

Get to Know Your Intergroup
The Intergroup Service Representatives for two of our nine intergroups introduced their intergroups at this Town Hall.

The Western States Intergroup includes AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY as well as British Columbia and Manitoba. According to the 2018 census, there are 134 GreySheeters in the area with 19 groups including nine Zoom groups. Eleven groups regularly send GSRs to monthly IG meetings. We sent seven GSRs and our ISR to WSC2019. Our GSRs are involved in a variety of committees. The IG has a healthy treasury and donates to GSAWS.

Note from President: The WSIG has approximately 16% of the worldwide fellowship. 

The SouthWest Intergroup contains five states AR, CO, NM, OK, and TX. We have applied to the Structure Committee to merge with the SouthEast Intergroup Area and Maryland to form the Southern States Intergroup. We would then include AL, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV, the Caribbean, and MD and the six GreySheet groups in that Area. Currently we represent two NM groups, four TX groups, and two Zoom groups. According to the 2018 Census, approximately 164 GreySheet members live in the SSIG Area. In addition to our ISR, ISR-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and BOT Liaison we have a YouTube Coordinator and a Zoom Coordinator. Our ISR attended WSC2019 and four of our officers serve on committees. 

In 2014, we started the SWIG YouTube Channel. YouTube is the biggest search engine on the planet. Initially, we featured shares only from members living in the SWIG Area but we have now expanded to include shares from the entire fellowship. Initially, there were 700 views per month. It has grown to 3,000 views per month. There are 80 qualifications on the channel. In 2019, we started Pre-Holiday Speaker Blasts on Zoom. These are approximately monthly and are always listed under Events on

Note from President: The SWIG has approximately 8% of the worldwide fellowship. The SEIG Area has approximately 11% of the worldwide fellowship.

New York Metro and MidWest Intergroups will introduce themselves at our April 26th Town Hall.

Consider Participating in a Committee!

Archives Committee 
Come join Archives and help build our information base. Giving service makes me feel so connected to GreySheet. You may say “But, I’m technology-phobic.” No, you’re not. If you’re at a Zoom meeting or reading this e-newsletter, you’re not. You’re GreySheet clear. You’re aware that you’re uncomfortable doing something new and to get rid of that is to practice. Come join the Archives. Contact me at

Communication Committee
If you want to be inspired by all the work being done to carry the message of GSA to the compulsive eater who still suffers, join the Communication Committee. We receive the news and transmit it via Service Matters and Committees Connecting Zoom meetings, so you’ll always know what is happening! We do our best to keep contact lists and the phone list up to date so our members and newcomers don’t fall through the cracks! And we thrive on good ideas and positive energy. Sound like something you’d like more of? Join us! Contact me at 

Conference Committee
Come join the Conference Committee to create the 2021 and future World Service Conferences. You can make an impact on the future of GreySheet and how we communicate with each other and how we come together as a fellowship. Join us and email me

Finance Committee
If you want to “Show us the money,” love (or want to learn about) spreadsheets, have an interest in financial transparency, like working with budgets or creating fiscally sound financial policies, or simply love the 7th Tradition, please consider joining the Finance Committee. We meet the first Sunday of the month at noon EST. If you want to know more, contact us at

Literature Committee
This year, 2020, the Literature Committee is focused on writing new literature and updating and reprinting existing pamphlets and the GreySheet 12x12. If you enjoy writing, are organized, can meet deadlines and love GSA as much as we do, we would love to have you join the Literature Committee. Email

The Nominating, Public Information, Structure, and Website Committees will make a recruiting pitch at the April 26th Town Hall.  

Please get in touch: 

Future Town Halls 11 am ET on the same Zoom link on the last Sunday of April and July 2020. We hope to see you there.

Committee Announcement

From the Literature Committee:  After the GSA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions book was published, the community was asked to give feedback about what they liked and didn’t like about the book. We have lost that feedback and would like those who have strong feelings about the book to resend their thoughts or contribute new thoughts to the Literature Committee which is working on a re-publishing of the book which will include the Twelve Concepts. Please send all feedback to

7th Tradition
GSR's and ISR's - please read at your meetings

GSAWS needs to double its donations to World Services if we are to accomplish our goals of publishing new literature and revamping the website.
Upcoming GSA Meetings for World Services

Consult Service Matters on line to get links to these meetings:
Committees Connecting Meet next on Sunday, March 8, at 12:00 noon ET at this Zoom link: are welcome! The Public Information and Structure Committees will be presenting. This is a great time to tune in to the latest projects and concerns of committees and offer your input or ask questions.

Tradition 5 meeting – Sunday, March 22  from 1:00 – 1:30 PM ET, at this link:

Concept 5 meeting:  Sunday, March 15 from 1:00 – 1:30 PM ET, at this link:

Audio Recording Links

February 9 Committees Connecting meeting
February 16 Tradition 4 meeting
February 23rd Concept 4 meeting
YouTube Audio recording of Service Matters February issue

YouTube Audio recording of Service Matters March issue

Call for Writings

Help us create the first GSA Daily Reflections Book! 

If you are interested in contributing to the GSA Daily Reflections Book and have 90 days of GS abstinence, please come to our next workshops on Zoom where you’ll learn what the specifications are for each reflection and have time to write one or two while at the workshop!! The first one was  held on February 29. The second will be held on Saturday, March 28 at 11:00 ET. Come join us!

For more information please contact:

Note for GSRs and ISRs

Has your group or intergroup voted in new officers?

Please make sure you notify the Structure Committee with any new changes at or notify your ISR to update the spreadsheet on google drive. Every ISR has access to this spreadsheet on Google Drive.

Upcoming Events

*** Please check for details and contact information.

  • Midwest Recovery Day, Kansas City, MO: March 7th, noon to 3:00 p.m.
  • Southwest Intergroup Speaker Blast - My Last Day One: How I Stopped Relapsing and Started Living”: March 14, 1:00 PM EST  on Zoom
  • London Roundup: March 28-29, 2020
  • Malibu Retreat - "Easy Does It!": April 3-5, 2020
  • Connecticut Retreat in Ivoryton, CT - "Came to Believe":  Friday, May 15th thru Sunday, May 17th, 2020
  • GreySheet in County Dublin, Ireland - Saturday, August 15th, 2020, 10:00-16:00
  960 Hits

Service Matters • February 2020

Welcome to the February Issue of SERVICE MATTERS!

Welcome to the February issue of Service Matters, your newsletter providing information about service in GSA. This month, to celebrate Valentine’s Day, our question and answer section is about loving ourselves in abstinence, or what some GreySheeters refer to as “radical self-care.” We also  highlight a new “Help Wanted” section for GreySheeters with special skills to help us in the coming months. If you are qualified and interested in serving in these ways, please step forward. We need you!!

February 2020 - Monthly Board of Trustees Column

Laura L., Vice President/Vice Chair

Hello fellow GreySheeters!  
I am a compulsive overeater, my name is Laura and I am your newly elected Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees.   Some of you may know me as I have lived in a number of GreySheet communities since getting abstinent in Cambridge, MA in April, 1982.   

I have had a lot of life in these almost 38 years - including college and graduate school, marriage, divorce, deaths of friends and family members, marrying again, two abstinent pregnancies, travel abroad, painful family dynamics, medical issues, and, perhaps most challenging, living with my brain on a daily basis! Through it all, I have weighed and measured my food without exception from that GreySheet, have committed it to a sponsor and have approached every life situation, not with the question of “Will I be abstinent?” but rather, “HOW will I be abstinent?” There is a mountain of experience, strength and hope available to all of us in this program. 

Over the years, I have been privileged to serve our community in many different capacities.  Joining the Board is my newest level of service. I am acutely aware that my life is limited but that food addiction is not! It will live on long after I am gone. While I am still here, I want to do what I can to preserve our precious GreySheet message for others who suffer so that recovery will always be available to those who seek it.  

My role as Vice-Chair of the Board is somewhat less well-defined than other positions on the Board.  At the moment I see myself as a multi-purpose person. One of the projects I am currently working on is the republishing of the Shades of Grey compilation.  If you are not familiar with Shades, it was the first piece of GreySheet literature our community had following the printed GreySheet Food Plan.  Shades was a GreySheet newsletter, created by members of the NYC community in early 1988.  It was published quarterly through the spring of 2001. This was back in the “olden days” before GSA, before the internet, cell phones, the Phone Bridge and Zoom meetings.  GreySheeters from all over submitted articles on various topics related to GreySheet abstinence and recovery. The newsletters were compiled, edited and printed by volunteer service-givers and mailed to people and communities throughout the world.  GreySheeters in outposts would eagerly await the arrival of each edition, hungry for the experience, strength and hope contained in those pages. A compilation of all the issues of Shades of Grey was published years ago and the last copies were sold in the fall of 2019.  

The wisdom and recovery shared in Shades by our early members (many are still abstinent to this day) remains just as relevant today as it was back then.  The Board is eager to republish the compilation, a treasure trove of GreySheet recovery, for the benefit of our growing fellowship!  What will this take? Only two things: a good deal on printing (if you know someone, please let us know at and money!  The current budget does not allow for this reprinting at the moment. However, with additional donations and a bit of ingenuity, I have no doubt that we can return this amazing piece of literature to active duty!  

I look forward to continuing to carry the GreySheet message through my new service position on the Board.  And I encourage us all to remember that our primary purpose is to stay abstinent and to help another compulsive overeater to achieve abstinence.  All forms of service help us fulfill this life-saving mission.  

With so much gratitude,
Laura L.

Question and Answer

LQ: What do we do to love ourselves in GSA? What does radical self-care mean to us?

BW, IL: Radical self love:  Learning to say NO and that No Thank You doesn't need an explanation of Why?
LT, NY: Radical self-care and self-love is as crucial to my emotional  and spiritual sobriety as the GS food plan is to my physical recovery.

EW, NM: Believing that I am worthy of joy and acting on my own behalf first became possible with abstinence, when I learned how to take responsibility for having what I need at every meal by bringing back-up, my scale and my commitment. It has spread, over the years to include speaking up with integrity, the most loving thing I can do for myself and everyone else.

LT, NY: I've learned in recovery that when my most persistent character defects (such as irritability, impatience and intolerance) crop up, it almost always means that I need to be practicing more self-care/self-love.

GM, TX: I love myself and my abstinence by spending time with people I love, doing fun activities not solely focused on food.

MO, WA: I force myself to go marketing on my ‘needing rest days off’ telling myself I’d take a new GSr shopping any day of the week and I’d rather not be one!!

SL, CA: I define self love as putting my own oxygen mask on first. I set boundaries for myself in relation to others so that I can focus on being present for my life and for my fellows.

MC, CA: I practice meditation every morning & yoga after each day’s work. I keep my house stocked with abstinent food, and set aside time on Sundays to shop & chop & bag all my w & m lunches for the week.

Committee Announcements

From the Conference Committee:
Registration packet is available now for the October 30-November 1 WSC in Chicago, IL. Use this link to access for information and to register on line: .Deadline for registration is March 15!!

Seventh Tradition Suggestions:
Here are some ideas for Intergroups and Groups to financially prepare for the WSC! Please keep this collection in the forefront of your mind at your meetings.

Shared room including meals and registration fee - $355 per person ($35 supplement for single room or $390) - due by registration. There are 7 weeks to collect from your members to meet the March 15 registration deadline. If your GSR plans to attend WSC 2020, please consider passing an additional basket dedicated for your GSR or ISR to attend. Request $3-5 + per week per member to meet your goal! Airfare can be collected during or after the registration fee. In order to keep costs down, airfare should be booked by August 30th. We estimate approximately $350. This means your group would collect $70 per month between April and August. Ground transportation to and from airports is $100 maximum. That would be another $30 per month from September to November. 

Please let us know if you have any questions via

From the Public Information Committee:
The Public Information Committee has been brainstorming and implementing ideas to spread the message of GS recovery to compulsive eaters. Our starting point was reviewing the Public Information Manual that was published on our website in 2014 for any changes or edits.  Simply go to and type in Public Information in the search bar and you will find the Manual. In the course of our meetings, the committee agreed that GSA will continue to reach out to hospitals, doctors and counselors. Many in the medical and psychological communities are unaware of our common solution for recovery.  Many of these doctors refer patients for extreme measures such as bariatric surgery. It was discussed that AA is a great ally of the medical and hospital community. The committee discussed making a specific subcommittee to explore this area and reach out to the medical and psychiatric community. 

The Manual and related publications contain a great deal of useful information and templates for business cards, trifold flyers, and brochures which can easily be printed out and shared with others. The Committee is making a concerted effort to print and disseminate the material. However, we need you.  Each GSA member is encouraged to share this information with their treating doctors and/or counselors. We would also encourage individuals, face to face meetings and intergroups to print brochures for their members to disseminate. If each GSA member printed out the tri-fold for medical professionals and gave it to their doctor at their annual physical or shared with their therapist, just think how many seeds would be planted.  

Members are strongly encouraged and reminded of our twelfth step which is to carry this message of recovery to those who still suffer. If you have any suggestions or comments please reach out to the

Board of Trustees Town Hall Meeting, Jan. 26, 2020

The Board of Trustees held the first quarterly Town Hall of 2020 on 1/26/20. There were 37 total attendees including: 37 Attendees from: CTIG, EIG, ICEIG, ISRIG, MWIG, NEIG Area, NYMIG, PBIG, SEIG Area, SWIG, WSIG; 7/8 Board of Trustees; 6/9 ISRs from EIG, ICEIG, MWIG, NYMIG, SWIG, WSIG; 22/40 Committee Members (All Committees were represented); 10/193 GSRs. The meeting was full of important and interesting updates on what has been implemented as a result of the goals of WSC2019 and also what plans there are for future. Special attention was given to the budget and the Board of Trustees financial goal to double donations in 2020. For more in depth information, click here to see a copy of Grainne’s excellent presentation:

There were also presentations from representatives from the Southwest Intergroup and the Western States Intergroup and from five of the Committees. All presenters put out a call for members to get involved in service at the Intergroup and/or Committee level: Joey spoke of how being a Board of Trustees member has had a positive impact on his abstinence and encouraged others to consider being of service in this fashion.
 Q & A from the attendees:

  • Q:  C.: Is there any way that non-GSRs can attend WSC? Is there opportunity for input? 

A:  Grainne: The only people eligible to attend WSC are elected delegates. There are, however, several ways to have input: a) provide input via your Group/GSR; attend IG meetings and speak to your ISR, join a committee as a volunteer, attend monthly Committees Connecting meetings, and email input to any committee. Also, draft motions from committees will be published on 3/15/20 on website. One can give input on these motions as well.

  • Q: C.: If ISR is going to WSC, does that prohibit GSRs from same IG attending? 

A:  Grainne: NoAll GSRs are welcome in addition to the ISR.

  • Q: Laura: What is abstinence requirement to volunteer on a committee?

A: S., Chair Structure Committee:  Volunteers need 90 days of back-to-back GreySheet abstinence. 

  • Q: D.: When is the SWIG GreySheet Couples Speaker Blast? 

A: E.: Saturday 2/8/10 at 12:00 PM EST. 

To see the complete notes from the meeting, click here:

Weren’t able to attend? Want more information? Click on the link below for the audio recording of the entire meeting!

Upcoming GSA Meetings and World Services

Committees Connecting Meet next on  Sunday, February 9, at 12:00 noon ET at this Zoom link: All are welcome! The Literature and Nominating Committees will be presenting. This is a great time to tune in to the latest projects and concerns of committees and offer your input or ask questions.

Tradition 4 meeting – Sunday, February 16  from 1:00 – 1:30 PM ET, at this link:

Concept 4 meeting:  Sunday, February 23 from 1:00 – 1:30 PM ET, at this link:
Audio  Recording Links:
January 12 Committees Connecting meeting
January 26 Tradition 3 meeting:
January 19th Concept 3 meeting:
YouTube Audio recording of Service Matters January issue:
Board of Trustees Town Hall Jan. 26:

Help Wanted

You Tube coordinator for Southwest Intergroup YouTube channel

1. Long association with the 12 Traditions in order to understand when the Traditions are being followed properly or being violated. Understanding of our desire to avoid outside issues. There needs to be a sensitivity as to when a speaker is bashing other 12 Step food programs, or when they are simply mentioning them in passing.
2. Long enough abstinent in GSA so that the volunteer is not bouncing in and out of abstinence, which would create chaos.
3. Ability to edit video, preferably on iMovie but other software programs can be worked with. 
4. Enough bandwidth to download large files from the Internet and to upload large files to YouTube.

World Service Conference Training coordinator
The President is responsible to help the conference committee chairs prepare their annual reports and conference motions. All the conference delegates also need to know how to function as a delegate before, during, and after the conference. We plan four training sessions:

Date of Training Who Needs to Attend Subject of Training
 March or April 2020  Committee Chairs Drafting your motions for March 15th and April 15th deadlines
 May or June 2020  All delegates Consulting your groups and intergroups
 August 2020  Committee Chairs Writing your annual report for Sept 30th deadline
 September 2020  All delegates Debating, amending, and voting on motions and following Rules of Order at the conference (and Chairs: Presenting your motions)

We need a GSA member who will work with the President to arrange this training. This would involve working with the board and the committee chairs, updating 2019 materials, and communicating with all delegates. It could also involve delivering the training depending on your interest. It would require comfort with Zoom, MS Office, and daily email communication.

“This position would be best for a WSC2019 delegate who attended last year’s training or has other Twelve Step fellowship conference or parliamentary experience.

Estimated time commitment:  several hours of work every week between now and the WSC.

Call for Writings

Help us create the first GSA Daily Reflections Book! 

For more information please contact: or +359 896 33 26 97 (What's App).

Note to GSRs and ISRs

Has your group or intergroup voted in new officers?

Please make sure you notify the Structure Committee with any new changes at or notify your ISR to update the spreadsheet on google drive. Every ISR has access to this spreadsheet on Google Drive.

  960 Hits

Service Matters • January 2020

Welcome to the First Issue of SERVICE MATTERS in 2020!

Welcome to the first issue of Service Matters in 2020 – May our vision benefit not only from hindsight, which they say is 20-20, but also from clear, abstinent and grateful eyes! We don’t need to celebrate the new year with re-solutions, because we already have a solution that works!!

The Structure Committee

Purpose: to make recommendations for GSA service structure and to document current board policies, procedures, job descriptions and standard practices and to present them for approval at the World Service Conference.

The Structure Committee is hard at work preparing for the next GreySheet World Service Conference by drafting procedures to be included in our Service Manual and Conference Charter. To be assigned to a committee, please contact your ISR or e-mail

Town Hall Meeting

The next Board of Trustees Town Hall meeting will be on Sunday, January 26 at 11:00 AM ET, on the following link: All are welcome!!The phone link for this meeting is: +1 669 900 6833, and when prompted please use the meeting ID, 717 731 799 # to join. Any questions for the board may be sent through the Communications Committee at or submitted directly to the Board at
The next Committees Connecting Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 12, at 12:00 noon ET at the following link:  The Finance Committee and the Conference Committee are presenting the work of their committees and opportunities for new people to volunteer. You may also use the phone link: +14086380968, 663470166# US (San Jose) and then when prompted use the meeting ID: 663 470 166. All are welcome!

Concept 3 meeting:  Sunday, January 19 from 1:00 – 1:30 PM ET, at this link:
Tradition 3 meeting – Sunday, January 26 from 1:00 – 1:30 PM ET, at this link:

January 2020 - Monthly Board of Trustees Column

Joyce S. - Treasurer

Hello!  I’m honored to write this column to introduce myself as the newly elected Treasurer of our fellowship.  First, I am a grateful member of GSA and I have enjoyed 22 years of back-to-back abstinence, one day at a time, since March 24, 1997.  I live in Overland Park, KS, the wife of a retired CPA, the mother of three adult sons, the grandmother of 5 grandchildren and one on the way.  I’m a retired accountant having spent time in my career as a tax auditor for the IRS, as an auditor with the inspector general’s office of the USDA, as the accountant for our parish, and bookkeeper for a small non-profit organization for 11 years.  I’ve been the treasurer of our local Kansas City GreySheet community for many years. I like to live a quiet life of simple pleasures. I enjoy bookkeeping and find it very relaxing, somewhat like the order and peace I find in weighing and measuring my food.  These days, I find myself very busy in my role as GSAWS Treasurer.

  876 Hits

Service Matters • December 2019

December Theme: Committees Work for All of Us!

In the next two issues, we are going to highlight the World Service Committees that work for us all throughout the year. These are GreySheeters who, for the most part, are GSR’s in their groups, ISR’s for their intergroups, and/or Board of Trustees members, but there are also non-delegate volunteers who work on committees. We will hear about their projects and plans for the coming year, all the work of which is done without compensation of any kind. Committee members usually meet monthly for an hour at a time, often on the Zoom platform. It is the work of committees that generates motions at the WSC, which are voted on by delegates.
This month, we have the Archives, Communications, Conference, Finance and Literature Committees presenting what they are currently working on.
If you have questions, concerns, or wish to find out more, please come to the next Committees Connecting meeting which will be held on December 8, 12:00 noon ET. Zoom link for this meeting is:

The next Board of Trustees Town Hall Zoom meeting will be held on Sunday, January 26, at 11:00 AM ET. All are welcome. Send questions or concerns you’d like the Board to address to before January 17th. Use Zoom link: to attend.

December 2019 - Monthly Board of Trustees Column

Joey M. - Assistant Treasurer

My name is Joey, and I am a compulsive eater. Today I take responsibility for my actions- meaning I weigh and measure three meals from the GreySheet, I write them down,  call and commit to my sponsor on time, and I don’t eat no matter what. Abstinence is my primary purpose, so I can help the next compulsive eater.
The last World Service Conference in Chicago was a magical experience for me. I met GreySheeters from all walks of life with a primary purpose of helping the still-suffering compulsive eater. I learned to do service in early abstinence starting with arranging chairs, booking speakers, handling 7th tradition contributions, and then as a GSR for my intergroup, World Service Conference Committee member, and now as a Board of Trustees member.  In my intergroup area in New York, we enhanced 7th Tradition contributions by including speaker jams, anniversary gift-giving, and contributions for the World Service Conference delegate fund. 
I asked myself, How can I make a difference? Does it serve my primary purpose? Would it help the still-suffering compulsive eater? Today, I am privileged to be a Board member for GreySheeters Anonymous World Services. We are currently looking for passionate members of the GreySheet community to join the Board of Trustees. There are three open spots open and if you are willing to join us in this amazing and exciting journey, the Nominating Committee is currently accepting applications. Service is vital for my recovery. If I want to keep what was freely given to me, then I have to freely give it away. If interested, find out more at:
Lastly, I was asked by a fellow GreySheeter why I do service. I explained that when I do service, I get so much more than I bargained for. I am able to live life on life’s terms. I have a full life only because I am GreySheet abstinent.
I am Joey, Abstinent and Grateful. Just another bozo on the bus.

Question and Answer

Q: How can I get involved in a committee? 
A: Committee members can be Group Service Representatives, Intergroup Service Representatives or volunteers. GSR's and ISR's are voting members on committees. Volunteers are welcome to participate in the work of committees. 
Q: Whom should I contact? 
A: Staci L. serves as chair of the Structure Committee. You can contact her at She'll be happy to answer questions and assist  in finding a  committee that's a good fit for you.

 The Archive Committee

The Archive Committee is building a structure for information.

 Purpose:  to collect, organize, categorize, copy, preserve and electronically store historically valued documents, digital materials, printed materials, and historical items of GreySheeters Anonymous World Services, Inc.

Ongoing Projects:

  • Indexing the electronic documents, the Archives collects.
  • Scanning and indexing paper documents.
  • Oral interviews of GreySheeters’ histories with the food plan, the GreySheeters Anonymous World Services organization, and/or their service for the organization.
  • Providing basic technology videos for membership on the GSA Archives YouTube channel.  
 Qualifications for voting and non-voting members:
  • 90 days of GreySheet abstinence
  • The ability to be a self-starter.  Do you prefer to work alone? Can you schedule and complete a task? There are videos on the GSA Archives YouTube channel that demonstrate how a particular task may be completed.
  • The Archives Committee doesn’t create policy, there are no controversies, nor do strong personalities compete for dominance.   We may encounter past controversies as we archive, and we do not gossip.
  • When recording an oral interview, the individual is entitled to his or her memory.  The interviewee does not have to be a current GreySheeter. The interviewer doesn’t ask leading questions or attempt to correct the interviewee’s memory or perspective.

The Conference Committee

Purpose:  to organize and run the World Service Conference.

The conference committee is hard at work preparing for the next GreySheet World Service Conference which will be held at the Cenacle Retreat Center in Chicago on October 30-November 1, 2020. [Please note: this date is two weeks later than the date previously mentioned in all correspondence.] All ISRs and GSRs should start raising money now so that they can attend. All GSRs and ISRs should be serving on at least one World Service Conference Committee. To be assigned to a committee, please contact your ISR or e-mail

Registration materials for the World Service Conference will be available in early January. When they are ready it will be announced in Service Matters as well as posted on the website, so stay tuned.

 The Finance Committee


If you enjoy spreadsheets, love reading financial reports, or just want to have a clearer understanding of where our fellowship’s money is going, please consider joining the Finance Committee. Our aim is to keep the fellowship informed about how our money is being spent, but also to get input about the needs and priorities of the fellowship, financially. Financial experience is helpful, but not a requirement for joining. Familiarity with 12-Step principles for financial matters (e.g., what it means to be “fully self-supporting,” or operating on a “zero budget,” rather than saving “in case…”) is also a plus. Please contact for more information.
The work of the Finance Committee happens all year round; not just before WS Conferences

Purpose: to provide financial oversight for GreySheeters Anonymous, Inc. Typical task areas include budgeting and financial planning, financial reporting, and the creation and monitoring of internal controls and accountability policies.

Ongoing projects include: 
  • Develop or help develop an annual operating budget.
  • Approve the budget within the finance committee.
  • Monitor adherence to the budget.
  • Cooperate with the accountant to produce the financial review.
  • Set long-range financial goals along with funding strategies to achieve them.
  • Develop multi-year operating budgets that integrate strategic plan objectives and initiatives.
  • Present all financial goals and proposals to the board for approval.
  Qualifications for voting and non-voting members:
  • Over 90 days of GreySheet Abstinence.
  • Ability to work with kindness and consideration for others.
  • Willingness to review documents during meetings or via e-mail between meetings.
  • Willingness to attend and participate in monthly Zoom meetings (usually on the first Sunday of the month at 12:00pm EST) and to follow through on commitments made in committee meetings.

 The Literature Committee

The work of the Literature Committee happens between World Service Conferences.

Purpose: to create clear and concise pieces of literature that are helpful to both compulsive eaters and food addicts who still suffer and those who are maintaining their GreySheet abstinence. 

Literature's Committee role: 

  • Developing new GSA literature.
  • Contributing to the development of literature by other GSA committees.
  • Soliciting feedback from the GSA community regarding how existing GSA literature is being used.
  • Determining when and how to revise existing GSA literature.
  • Recommending to the Board how each document might best be distributed to accomplish its purpose.
  • Suggesting to the Board and Finance Committee which literature should be sold (as opposed to being available as free web downloads), how, and for how much.
  • Supporting the translation of GSA literature into other languages

  Qualifications for voting and non-voting members:

  • One year of abstinence.
  • Experience doing service in GSA or other 12 Step Programs, and ability to be a supportive member of a team.
  • Preferred: Experience serving on committees for 12 Step, civic or professional groups.
  • Preferred: Familiarity with Robert’s Rules of Order.


  • Attend monthly Literature Committee Zoom meetings, generally the third Sunday of each month from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm eastern standard time. Please consider carefully whether your schedule allows you to attend committee meetings before joining. Thank you!
  • Review internet correspondence in between committee meetings and respond as appropriate.
  • Must participate in a subcommittee or project that helps to develop literature, and/or otherwise contribute to the varied work of the committee, between monthly meetings.

Length of Service:

  • Ideally, participants’ committee memberships will encompass two World Service Conferences. This enables members to be present when a concept is approved, and follow it through to the next WSC.
  • Committee Chair serves for up to two three-year terms before rotation of service.
  • Voting members serve for up to two three-year terms before rotation of service.


  • In the spirit of Tradition One, Our Common Welfare Should Come First: We welcome new members to the committee. Each new member, however, is voted in by group conscience of the existing Literature Committee members to maintain a respectful, productive and functional committee dynamic. 
  • Any member who misses more than two committee meetings in a row without informing the Chair beforehand will no longer be a member “in good standing” (that is, with the ability to vote) and must attend two consecutive meetings to return to being a voting member. 
  • GSA members who are not GSRs or ISRs and wish to serve on the Committee are volunteers who participate in literature creation. They report on their work to a voting member of the Committee, but are not required to attend the monthly committee meetings. If they do attend, their contribution is sharing anything relevant to the project they’re working on, but they do not contribute their opinions to discussions on motions, nor have a vote.

 The Communications Committee

Do you have desire to reach out to others in the GSA community? Are you someone who needs to expand your network of abstinent GSers or who wants to foster effective ways for the newcomer and those trying to achieve abstinence to build a defense against the next bite? Are you a creative soul who happens to enjoy waking up early on Saturday mornings to work on projects like writing for Service Matters, moderating the Phone List and making sure that the Contacts list on is accurate and up-to-date? Then the Communications Committee may be just the right way for you to participate in GSAWS.

Purpose: The Communication Committee facilitates communication and promotes collaboration among the compulsive eater who still suffers, GreySheeters Anonymous members, the World Service Conference committees and caucuses and the General Service Board.

Ongoing projects include: 

  • Maintaining the Contacts List on website.
  • Hosting Committees Connecting zoom meetings monthly to provide a forum for delegates and members of GSA to know the work of the committees as well as upcoming motions for the next conference and to solicit questions, concerns and suggestions where appropriate.
  • Maintaining the GSA Phone List beginning January 1, 2020.
  • Compiling and producing Service Matters newsletter on a monthly basis.
  • Receiving questions and concerns from GreySheeters and forwarding them to the Board of Trustees in advance of quarterly Town Hall meetings.

  Qualifications for voting and non-voting members:

  • Over 90 days of GreySheet Abstinence.
  • A working knowledge of English grammar and spelling.
  • A willingness and desire to communicate with individuals in the fellowship by phone or email to ensure GSA is available to those who seek our solution.
  • Ability to work with kindness and consideration for others.
  • Willingness to attend and participate in monthly Zoom meetings (usually on the second Saturday of the month at 8:00 AM EST) and to follow through on commitments made in committee meetings.

For more information, contact

Traditions and Concepts Meeting

Notes from Concept 1 meeting held on November 17, 2019
Concept 1: The final responsibility and the ultimate authority for GSA World Services should always reside in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship.
Questions and responses from the meeting:
What are the responsibilities of a GSR? Can a GSR attend the IG meeting but not the World Service Conference and not serve on a committee? 

  • Chair of the Structure Committee answered that a GSR is required to serve on a committee even if she does not attend the conference whether not attending the conference is a choice or a financial necessity. We want all groups to have a voice in the decisions made by the committees who are creating our world service. We need the participation of as many elected representatives as possible. 
  • Any member of the fellowship can also serve as a non-voting volunteer to a committee so a Group could encourage its members who are interested in participating in the work of the world-wide fellowship to serve on a committee without being a GSR.
  • Any member of the fellowship can attend an IG meeting although only GSRs and officers can vote. To find out what’s going on at the IG and the World Service level, any one can attend the IG meeting to hear reports form the ISR who serves on a committee and attends the conference.
  • This is a new policy formulated by the Structure Committee and approved by the Chairs of the World Service Conference Committees, the ISRs of the Intergroups, and the Board of Trustees. It is designed to increase the involvement of the entire fellowship in the essential and exciting work of the organization.
  • All Groups are encouraged to elect as their representative someone who is willing to participate in World Service so that the Group has a voice and influence in the decisions being made on their behalf. Each Group is autonomous but GSAWS strongly encourages each Group to consider if they can contribute to the essential work of carrying the message to the next compulsive eater by electing someone willing to serve on a committee.

Audio link for Tradition 1 meeting:

Zoom meeting ID for these meetings is: 791 453 380
zoom meeting link:
Here is the December schedule:
The Traditions 2 meeting will be on December 15 at 1:00PM ET
The Concept 2 meeting will be held on December 22 at 1:00 PM ET.

 Upcoming Events

*** Please check details and contact information.

  • Holiday Speaker Jams: Zoom meetings sponsored by Southwest Intergroup (Zoom link:
                  Dec 22 at 12:00 – 1:00  PM ET and
                  Dec 29 at 12:00 – 1:00  PM ET
  • Iceland Roundup: February 15-16, 2019
  • London Roundup: March 28-29, 2020
  • Malibu Retreat: April 3-5, 2020
  959 Hits

Service Matters • November 2019

November Theme: Thank You, GreySheet!!

Focus on Giving Back to this Life-Giving Solution

When was the last time you thought about what it means to tell someone you’re abstinent and grateful? It is often the replacement response for “Fine, Thank you!” when  a fellow GreySheeter asks, “How are you?” on a phone call or at a meeting.

‘Abstinent and grateful’ can be true regardless of the kind of day we’re having, or the news we’ve just listened to, or the report from the doctor on test results we just received. No matter what is going on in our world, we know we can honestly say, “Abstinent and Grateful.”
In this issue, we are going to highlight some of the ways we can say ‘Thank You’ for the blessings of this program in order to carry the message and support our own abstinence. We dedicate the November 2019 issue of Service Matters to the two main ways we can Give back: with our time and with our money.
Here are some bullet points to help us zero in on the ways we may already be giving back, and also some new ways we haven’t considered yet.
How Can I Give Back to GreySheeters Anonymous? Let me count the ways!!
Take a look at this chart and see which of these you already do or have done, which you’d like to do, and which you’d like more information about. Contact us at

Levels of Service Giving of Time Giving of Money
Individual Sponsoring
Phone Calls
Subscribe to and read Service Matters
Include listing on Phone List
Include name as Contact on website
Start a new F2F or Zoom mtg
Offer to take a newcomer food shopping
Post on GreyNet weekly or monthly
Contribute to 7th Tradition at meetings
Anniversary donation ($1 per year of abstinence) to World Services
Group Moderator on Phone bridge or zoom meeting
Treasurer for my group
Serve as GSR
Speaker seeker/booker
Read Service Matters at business meetings
Qualify at meeting
Lead step groups (AWOL, etc)
Order literature for group
Secretary (Open room, set up, cleaning, etc)
Keep phone/contact list
Liaison to facility for annual room reservation
Keep track of GS anniversaries, order medallions/chips
Be contact for your group, answer emails and calls to GSers traveling in your area to help them find a meeting or connect them with GSers if no meeting (for coffee, etc.)
Support GSR to attend World Service Conference and represent our group
Donate annually $1 for the number of years that GSA has been in existence.
Support Intergroup so ISR can attend World Service Conference
Support World Services so literature can be published, website revamped, nonprofit status can be continued, conference held regularly, and legal fees paid.
Intergroup Attend meetings of Intergroup
Send out email/FB invitations to monthly IG meetings
Consider ways to support local groups
Have name as contact on website
Help organize retreats, roundups and gatherings in your area
Coordinate IG Zoom meetings
Start an IG FB Secret Group
Serve as IG Service Representative (ISR)
IG Secretary
IG Treasurer
Support ISR’s expenses at World Service Conference
Contribute to WSC regularly to support operations of GSAWS and the needs of Committees
GSA World Services Serve on one of the Committees that meet monthly: Literature, Finance, Conference, Communications, Public Information, Structure, Nominating, Archives or Website
Serve as a trustee or officer on the Board of Trustees
Serve as a liaison to an Intergroup
Attend World Service Conference
Pay annual fees to keep 501c3 nonprofit status current
Pay for publishing of literature and brochures
Pay expenses of BOT members and parliamentarian to attend WSC
Pay costs associated with Website
Pay legal expenses re copyright infringements 

November 2019 - Monthly Board of Trustees Column

Lee T., Assistant Secretary, Board of Trustees

First Town Hall with the new Board of Trustees
The new Board of Trustees of GreySheeters Anonymous World Service held their first Town Hall on Sunday October 27th at 10 ET on Zoom. We were all delighted to celebrate Rose’s seven-year GreySheet anniversary and recognize five people counting days at the meeting. Audio recording of the Town Hall: 

Worldwide Participation
At least 44 GreySheeters attended including six trustees, four Intergroup Service Representatives (CT, MW, SW, NYM), and 13 Group Service Representatives from the Connecticut, European, New York Metro, Phone Bridge, SouthWest, and Western States Intergroups. Participants included members of the GreySheet Committee, the Communications, Conference, Finance, Literature, Nominating, Public Information, Structure, and Website Committees. GreySheeters represented six countries – Canada, England, Ireland, Israel, Spain, and the United States – and 11 states – California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, and Texas. GreySheeters Anonymous really is a worldwide fellowship of very committed people! 

The primary purpose of the first Town Hall was to introduce the new Board of Trustees and their new responsibilities, report on the 2019 World Service Conference, and answer questions. We had hoped to report on what we have accomplished since the conference and some of the projects we plan for 2020, but we ran out of time and will discuss those at the January 26th Town Hall. 

We need to fill three open positions on the Board of Trustees. If you are interested and have at least five years of GreySheet abstinence, please consider submitting an application to The application form and more information is here:

World Service Conference 2019
We reported on the successful World Service Conference held in Chicago in September. The conference is the business meeting of the worldwide fellowship. Here is the link:

A member of the GreySheet Committee spoke about the work of the committee to capture in writing the oral tradition of GreySheet abstinence, provide some guidelines for sponsors, and make recommendations for the fellowship on how they might consider using the clarifications and guidelines. The conference approved the committee’s proposal to provide the report of the GreySheet Committee to the fellowship once it is complete.  The fellowship can then consider and discuss the findings and recommendations. If the fellowship believes that there is value to any of the recommendations or that the findings may be used in other ways to protect the integrity of the GreySheet solution, they could work through the conference committees to bring those ideas to the World Service Conference. 

Questions and Answers
Question: Will the report of the GreySheet Committee be brought to a future World Service Conference?
Answer: The report of the GreySheet Committee will be provided to members of the fellowship who may themselves bring it to the conference as specific motions to implement recommendations or otherwise use the findings of the committee. The primary way to provide the report to members is via the Intergroup Service Representatives and Group Service Representatives. This is one reason that it is important that members have a Home Group and that Groups have GSRs. It will be challenging to provide the report to members who are not represented. Delegates at the WSC2019 did not want to see the report published on the website.

Question: Will the GreySheet Committee consider the input of people from different oral traditions, different interpretations?
Answer: The GreySheet Committee has been working since February 2018 and has published regular reports with requests to provide input via The committee has received many questions, concerns, and suggestions and welcomes additional input.

Question: Can you post the donation information for World Service?
Please get in touch: 

Future Town Halls will be one hour later at 11 am ET on the same Zoom link on the last Sunday (always the 26th!) of January, April, and July 2020. We hope to see you there.

The next World Service Conference will be held October 16-18, 2020, so we have one year to get ready. Please, if your group was not able to attend this year due to lack of funds for the GSR’s expenses, start saving money from your 7th tradition to send your GSR to next year’s conference.

Traditions and Concepts Meeting

Beginning in November, there will be a 30 minute zoom meeting focusing on one tradition and/or concept each month until the October WSC 2020. This will give everyone (but especially delegates) the chance to study them over the next year.
Zoom meeting ID for these meetings is: 791453380
zoom meeting link:
Here is the schedule:

Concept 1 November 17 Tradition 1 November 24
Concept 2 December 22 Tradition 2 December 15
Concept 3 January 19 Tradition 3 January 26
Concept 4 February 23 Tradition 4 February 16
Concept 5 March 15 Tradition 5 March 22
Concept 6 April 19 Tradition 6 April 26
Concept 7 May 17 Tradition 7 May 24
Concept 8 June 21 Tradition 8 June 28
Concept 9 July 19 Tradition 9 July 26
Concept 10 August 16 Tradition 10 August 23
Concept 11 September 20 Tradition 11 September 27
Concept 12 October 11 Tradition 12 October 18

Time: Sundays at 1:00 PM EDT (30 minutes only)
No pre-registration is necessary. If you want to attend please just click on the zoom meeting link or type in the meeting ID to join.

Newmarket UK Retreat, Oct 18-20, 2019

I have been in this program for 7 months and from my experience at the Newmarket Retreat, I am finally in a place where I can say that mantra and mean it. From going to the retreat I feel a deep connection to this program and its members.

I arrived apprehensive and a little nervous being part of a big group. As an addict, structure and discipline are things I resist naturally but without it, my life is unmanageable and difficult. I loved the stress-free flow of the retreat made possible from the hard work GreySheeters put into the organisation. I could just relax and take in the spiritual energies.

I learned tips on practical measures to mind my abstinence and returned with delicious recipes and contacts that I have kept in touch with since the retreat. I returned with memories to last a lifetime. Laughing like a bunch of lunatics during Laughing Yoga is a memory that will never leave me!
There was a mix of program and other activities. I feel the retreat gave the space for me to decide whether I wanted to be involved or not.  I loved how the retreat had both, an 11th step mini-workshop, numerous meetings on the 12 steps and also a variety of outside meditation practices to find out what suits each individual. I do my step work and now I have learned a breathing technique to use along side my program that I am already benefiting from.

I left the retreat sad it was over but a heart full of spiritual growth and connection to this program. I feel excited to be a GreySheeter. I feel today I want it, not only that I need it.

I look forward to reaching my 90 days to give back to a community that is changing my life for the better through weighing and measuring three abundant meals from the God-given GreySheet.

Spoken, WA - A weigh of Life, Oct 5, 2019

All were welcomed to a room cozy with fireplaces burning.   Our first speaker had 11 years of back to back GSA abstinence.   Prizes were drawn at the break, lunch and closing. Everyone received a special sackcloth hand towel with A Weigh of Life 2019 Spokane GSA Retreat embroidered on them. As the retreat’s purpose was to introduce people to the phone bridge, we experienced a meeting on Relapse and Recovery. People learned how to connect and participate.  On our lunch break we enjoyed our homemade abstinent lunches and fun fellowship. Our second speaker shared largely on her spiritual journey in GSA, how she came to believe. We read “The Doctors Experience” from the GSA 12X12 and shared our experience, strength and hope as we read.   We had fourteen participants and left feeling refreshed and nourished by fellowship in recovery.

Upcoming Events

*** Please check for details and contact information.

  • 29th Annual NYC GreySheet Roundup:  November 9-10, 2019, New York, NY
  • Iceland Roundup: February 15-16, 2019
  917 Hits
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